











小秋元 段 センター長(常務理事・副学長)


小秋元  段   常務理事・副学長

ダイアナ・コー  常務理事・副学長・グローバル教育センター長
平山   喜雄  常務理事
伊藤   マモル 法学部教授・市ヶ谷リベラルアーツセンター長
岩佐   明彦  デザイン工学部教授
金井   明人  社会学部教授
金子   智行  生命科学部教授・小金井リベラルアーツセンター長
芝田   幸一郎 経済学部教授
副島   健作  国際文化学部教授
藤田   悟   情報科学部教授
村田   晶子  日本語教育センター教授
菊池   克仁  教育支援統括本部長








  • 2024年4月1日 日本語教育センターウェブサイトを公開しました

Overview of Center for Japanese Language Education (JLE)

JLE is being established as a new base to develop university-wide Japanese language education and strengthen coordination with the purpose of improving the Japanese language skills of non-native students, such as international students and students studying on degree programs in English.

The Japanese language proficiency of international students, etc., studying at Hosei University ranges from beginner level to advanced level as they are accepted onto a variety of programs in different faculties and departments, and their needs in regard to Japanese language education are diversifying. 

Accordingly, JLE will offer not only skill-based Japanese subjects, but also business Japanese subjects, fieldwork Japanese subjects, and Japanese subjects orientated toward science and engineering students, with courses being set up with consideration for the diversification of Japanese language learning needs.

In the spirit of the Hosei University Charter, “Practical Wisdom for Freedom”, Hosei University will proactively support students who are interested in learning Japanese language and culture while at our university through JLE and our educational programs.

Welcome speech from Head of JLE

At the current time, approximately 1,500 international students from over 30 countries and regions are studying at Hosei University. Moreover, there is 1 faculty and 5 programs that students can join to study and graduated in English. As university campuses become more internationalized over time, there has been an increasingly varied demand for Japanese language education. With this in mind, Hosei University established JLE in September 2023.

In addition to international students studying at undergraduate and graduate schools (Japanese degree programs) on the Ichigaya and Koganei campuses, JLE provides Japanese language courses for students on English degree programs, exchange students, privately financed international students, and more. Simultaneously, we will be engaging in FD, quality assurance, and teaching material development for Japanese language education at the three campuses of Ichigaya, Tama, and Koganei.

In recent years, there has been an increasing desire amongst international students in Japan to stay after graduating, and to live and work here. Consequently, we emphasize that “mutual understanding” is needed for “living in harmony”, and we recognize that “co-learning" between native Japanese students and non-native students is an important theme. Therefore, we would like to proactively create a place for students with diverse backgrounds to learn and develop, with the starting point of Japanese language education, at JLE.

Dan Koakimoto

Management Committee

Head of JLE:
Dan Koakimoto

JLE Member:
Diana Khor
Yoshio Hirayama
Mamoru Ito
Akihiko Iwasa
Akihito Kanai
Tomoyuki Kaneko
Koichiro Shibata
Kensaku Soejima
Satoru Fujita
Akiko Murata
Katsuhito Kikuchi

Education related

Introduction to our education programs

We offer Japanese language courses orientated toward international students, and we provide systematic education and learning opportunities according the language background and needs of students.

Our courses are organized by level, for example, at the beginner level students learn Japanese which is essential for daily life, and at the intermediate level students learn Japanese that can be used in a wide range of situations. At the advanced level students learn Japanese that is necessary for university study as well as working in the future in Japan, while our society and culture courses will allow students to deepen their understanding of Japanese society and culture.

With the aim of building an effective Japanese language learning environment, in the future we will review how our university's distinctive Japanese language education is provided, including the learning style of co-learning between native Japanese speakers and non-native speakers, and further develop it.

You can find out more about JLE courses from the web syllabus.


  • JLE website was released on April 1st,2024.