
GISのGregory Khezrnejat 准教授が「京都文学賞」を受賞!

  • 2021年04月26日

GISのグレゴリー・ケズナジャット(Gregory Khezrnejat)准教授が京都文学賞を受賞しました。おめでとうございます。全編日本語で書かれた「鴨川ランナー」は、一般部門・海外部門において最優秀賞を受賞しました。今秋には日本の出版社から小説として出版される予定です。




GIS Professor Gregory Khezrnejat Wins First Place for Kyoto Literature Award

Congratulations to GIS Professor Gregory Khezrnejat for winning first place in the Kyoto Literature Award! Written entirely in Japanese, his story “Kamo River Runner” won in both the general and international categories, and will be published in the fall of this year as a novel. 

One of only a handful of second-language Japanese fiction writers to be published through Japanese publishing presses without translation, this is a momentous achievement for Professor Khezrnejat. 

It is this experience and understanding of both learning and utilizing a second language at an advanced level that Professor Khezrnejat brings to his research and classes at GIS in English.

For more information and to read an excerpt from the story, please see the link below:
