効果的なロールモデルとなるためには、その人が「十分に似ている」と認識される必要があります。そのため、管理職の女性がいない、あるいは少ないことは、組織の中のポジティブなロールモデルを女性から奪い、女性のキャリア開発に阻害を与えることになります。さらに、研究によれば、指導的地位に就いているのがほとんど男性である中に、女性が1、2人いても、若手や中堅の女性構成員にとって、これらの女性が良いロールモデルになるとは限りません。これらの管理職の女性は、正当な権限を持つとは見なされず(「彼女たちは単なるトークンだ!」)、限られた(女性用)ポストを巡る競争相手と見なされる可能性もあるからです。※ 同じことが、外国籍の人、エスニック・マイノリティ、性的マイノリティ、障がいをもつ人など、組織内での数が少ない構成員についても言えるかもしれません。
The term “role model” is a sociological concept coined by Robert Merton in his study of the socialization of medical students. In Merton’s thinking, there are both positive and negative role models. However, the term took on a primarily positive meaning as it made its way into the popular lexicon to refer to an individual who occupies a desirable/desired social role (position) and whose attributes and characteristics one seeks to emulate. Recent studies on career development and leadership also invoke the concept of “role model” to analyze its impact on career aspirations of individuals in organizations.
To be an effective role model, the person must be perceived to be “sufficiently similar”. For this reason, the low number or the absence of women in decision-making positions can effectively deprive women of positive role models in an organization, hampering their career development. Further, one or two women in the company of mostly men in leadership positions would not necessarily make good role models for early or mid-career women employees, according to extant research, as these senior women are less likely to be seen as people with legitimate authority (“They are mere tokens!”). Or, they can be seen as competitors for the limited number of positions for women. ※ The same can be said of employees who are underrepresented, such as people with foreign nationality, ethnic minorities, sexual and gender minorities, and people with disability.
It is obvious that we need a more inclusive senior management that can provide role models for aspiring employees of diverse backgrounds. However, a role model is not only about somebody to whom one can look up and whose behavior one copies to achieve the same position. It is about getting a glimpse of what is “possible”, what is “imaginable”. It is about being able to imagine oneself in that position. It is about feeling included and being part of the organization. When I was a teaching assistant for Introduction to Feminist Studies decades ago at Stanford University, I met an Asian American student who told me how much it meant to her that I was an Asian. Diverse as the student body was, the faculty were quite overwhelmingly white (and male) at that time. The presence of somebody one can relate to, or identify with, in a position of authority makes one feel safe and included. That might ultimately be the significance of “role models”.
Kanter, R. (1977). Men and women of the corporation. New York: Basic Books.
Ely, R. J. (1994). The effects of organizational demographics and social identity on relationships among professional women. Administrative Science Quarterly, 39(2), 203–238. https://doi.org/10.2307/2393234
Ely, R. J. (1995). The power in demography: Women’s social constructions of gender identity at work. The Academy of Management Journal, 38(3), 589–634. https://doi.org/10.2307/256740