
【利用案内】(電子ブック)LU募金による「Emerald Publishing SDGs select 」電子ブック購入(50タイトル)

  • 2025年02月04日

【御礼】LU 募金(研究・文化活動サポート/図書館)にご協力いただいた皆様へ

法政大学図書館では、2024年度の事業として、電子ブック「Emerald Publishing SDGs select」50タイトルを購入いたしました。
今回購入した電子ブックは、Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs/持続可能な開発目標)のテーマに沿ったタイトルを精選したコレクションです。




No. Title    
1 Youth Development in South Africa: Harnessing the Demographic Dividend 26 The Online Healthcare Community
2 The New Era of Global Services: A Framework for Successful Enterprises in Business Services and IT 27 Building Strong Communities: Ethical Approaches to Inclusive Development
3 Inclusive Leadership: Equity and Belonging in Our Communities 28 Current Trends in Female Entrepreneurship: Innovation and Immigration 
4 Defining Rape Culture: Gender, Race and the Move Toward International Social Change 29 Special Education
5 Technology and Talent Strategies for Sustainable Smart Cities 30 Symbolic Interaction and Inequality
6 Impact of Industry 4.0 on Sustainable Tourism 31 Racism and Anti-Racism Today
7 Learning Allowed 32 The Emerald Handbook of Ethical Finance and Corporate Social Responsibility
8 Digitalization, Sustainable Development, and Industry 5.0 33 International Trade and Inclusive Economic Growth
9 Migrations and Diasporas  34 Communication in Uncertain Times
10 Radical Environmental Resistance 35 Refugees in Higher Education
11 Organization and Governance Using Algorithms 36 Sustainable Automated and Connected Transport, Volume 19
12 Financial Inclusion Across Asia 37 Understanding Products as Services: How the Internet and AI are Transforming Product Companies
13 Ethical AI Surveillance in the Workplace 38 Deter, Detain, Dehumanise: The Politics of Seeking Asylum
14 The Global Smart City 39 People, Spaces and Places in Gendered Environments
15 World Healthcare Cooperatives 40 From Local to Global: Eco-entrepreneurship and Global Engagement with the Environment
16 A Digital Path to Sustainable Infrastructure Management 41 Breaking Ground 
17 Artificial Intelligence, Engineering Systems and Sustainable Development 42 The Vulnerable Consumer
18 Understanding Intercultural Interaction: An Analysis of Key Concepts, 2nd Edition 43 Entrepreneurship and Development for a Green Resilient Economy
19 Knowledge Translation 44 The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Regenerative Tourism and Green Destinations
20 Communicating Climate  45 Identity, Territories, and Sustainability: Challenges and Opportunities for Achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals
21 A Neoliberal Framework for Urban Housing Development in the Global South 46 Policy Capacity, Design and the Sustainable Development Goals
22 Technology vs. Government: The Irresistible Force Meets the Immovable Object 47 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Management
23 Children and the Climate Migration Crisis: A Casebook for Global Climate Action in Practice and Policy 48 Genderwashing in Leadership
24 The Framework for Resilient Industry: A Holistic Approach for Developing Economies 49 Artificial Intelligence
25 The Impact of ChatGPT on Higher Education 50 Intelligence and State Surveillance in Modern Societies


