
Comparative thinking(グローバル教養学部 曽村充利ゼミ)

  • 2010年07月19日


A study of British culture and society

GIS offers low student-to-teacher ratio courses in English. GIS students start seminar courses in their junior year. In Prof. Somura’s seminar, students learn about British culture and social problems. “Great Britain is the first country to globalize in the world. It has undergone dynamic changes in its social and economic structure and in dealing with the immigration matter. We compare it to Japanese culture by looking at the essence of Britain.” he said. The seminar course has 3rd year students of GIS and 4th year students of IGIS (Institute for Global and Interdisciplinary Studies).

Study topics are not only about English literature and social conditions (racial, religious, or economic) but also include rock music, fashion, design, and so on. In the spring term, students watch British films, research topics relating to film scenes that impressed them, and then make presentations. The presentations often lead to energetic discussions. Prof. Somura and the presenters are often deluged with a rush of questions from curious and enthusiastic students, which make for profound discussions.
During this fall term, students will study the relationships among globalized economies and social- cultural conditions, mainly reading through many research papers.

Third year student, Marina Shimizu, said “Professor Somura is a person of knowledge. He is a gentle and a very reliable person. We can learn about British culture - deeper and wider - in his seminar course, which is even smaller than other GIS courses.” She recently presented on marriage and family issues in Britain.
Yuka Kato, a third year students and seminar leader, made a presentation on “Jewish issues in Britain at the beginning of the 20th century”. She said of the course: “We can study not only British culture. We can consider more things by comparing with other countries. Prof. Somura always replies in depth to any kind of question.”

These motivated students in Prof. Somura’s seminar are seeking jobs that allow them to put their global minds and English skills to good use. Many will join internship programs during the summer break, using their skills and knowledge while getting real world experience.




「先生は本当に知識豊か。そのうえ優しく、頼もしい存在です。普通の授業よりさらに少人数のゼミ授業では“深く 広く”イギリス文化を学ぶことができています」と話すのは清水麻理奈さん(3年)。これまで、イギリスの結婚・家族状況などをレジュメにまとめてプレゼン発表したのだそうです。ゼミ長の加藤裕佳さん(3年)は20世紀初頭のユダヤ人問題について発表しましたが、「ブリティッシュ・カルチャーに限らず、他国との比較、相対評価などで考察を膨らませることができます。また、先生は、どんな質問にも必ずきちんとしたコメントを返してくださいます」と話します。
