
言語・文化センター主催講演会 「The Language of Online Reviews & Businesses’ Responses to Them インターネット上の消費者レビューの言語、および企業側の対応」

  • 2019年06月07日


Over the last decade, online consumer reviews found on sites such as TripAdvisor, Yelp, and Amazon have impacted consumer decision-making in unprecedented ways. Because of online reviews, expertise today is highly distributed, and consumers have instant access to thousands of user-generated opinions about a variety of goods and services. In this talk, I discuss how reviewers construct an evaluative stance and how they engage their audience through their writing. In addition, I share the findings of a study that investigated a range of practices observed in businesses’ reactions to negative online reviews. Specifically, the study focused on 50 successful restaurants in a metropolitan area of the southeastern U.S. and examined the various ways in which those restaurants responded to negative reviews on two popular reviewing platforms, TripAdvisor and Yelp.


日 時6月27日(木)15時30分~16時30分
場 所経営学部会議室(市ヶ谷キャンパス ボアソナード・タワー16階)

The Language of Online Reviews & Businesses’ Responses to Them
南フロリダ大学 カミラ・バスケス教授 (Camilla Vásquez, Ph.D.) による講演

主催法政大学 言語・文化センター

法政大学 言語・文化センター TEL:03-3264-4742