DEIセンターの設立は、法政大学のダイバーシティに宣言に沿った当然の流れであり、現在そしてこれからの法政大学のすべての構成員にとって安全で歓迎されていると感じられる環境を作る、という私たちのコミットメントを具体的な形にしたものです。 DEIは多様性(Diversity)、公平性(Equity)、包摂性(Inclusion)の頭文字を取ったものです。この頭字語は日本国外で広く使用され、日本でも知られつつあります。しかし、私たちは流行り言葉だからそれを使ったり、流行を追いかけたりしているわけではありません。この先も、やるべきことはたくさんありますが、私たちのDEIへの取り組みは真摯であり、法政大学憲章にも本学の建学の精神にも完全に合致するものです。
法政大学ダイバーシティ推進・男女共同参画推進担当常務理事 副学長
ダイアナ コー
The establishment of the Center for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion follows naturally from the Hosei University Statement on Diversity and gives a tangible form to our commitment to creating a safe and welcoming environment for all the current and prospective members of the Hosei community. DEI stands for diversity, equity, and inclusion. The acronym is used widely outside of Japan and is also becoming known in Japan. However, we are not just tagging on to a popular buzzword or following the trend. Even though there is much to be done, our commitment to DEI is sincere and consistent with the Hosei University Charter and the spirit embedded in the University’s founding principles.
At the same time, despite the best intentions and our efforts to date, it is a fact that by not belonging to the “majority group,” the needs of some members of our community are being neglected. Our goal is simple – we want to create an environment in which all members of our diverse community can live a “regular” daily life and realize their full potential. To meet this goal, we must treat everyone fairly, which would consist of removing barriers and providing necessary accommodations to those whose needs have not (yet) been met, as well as raising the consciousness of everyone in our community to be sensitive to and to embrace the differences among us. As a result, we can create an inclusive community where nobody is left out in the cold.
Everyone in the community benefits from the promotion of diversity, equity, and inclusion. A diverse community is a vibrant community constituted by multiple perspectives and talents. When a university is equitable and inclusive, it treats all its members fairly and excludes none.
It is, of course, the core mission of the DEI center to realize a diverse, equitable, and inclusive university. However, the work cannot be confined to the DEI center alone. Not only is this a core commitment of the whole university, but all individual members of the community are also called upon to do their part to make this a reality. Whether we see ourselves as having privileges, disadvantages, or both, all of us have a stake in this. We call upon everyone to be proactive in educating themselves about diversity, equity, and inclusion, to raise their voices when they see or experience injustice and exclusion, and to be constructively critical. Together, with the DEI center, we can make the commitment we stated in the Hosei University Statement on Diversity a reality.
Diana Khor
Executive Trustee,Vice President
武石 恵美子