ご出身は?/Where are you from?


「ご出身は?」 は、私が大学院進学のために渡米した当初、最も多く聞かれた質問でした。数年経つと、自分の出身をいつも説明しなければならないことが、だんだんと面倒に感じるようになりました。大学院の寮で最初にルームメイトになったのは、中国系4世のアメリカ人でしたが、彼女もよくこの質問をされたそうです。カリフォルニア州のサンノゼ市出身だと答えると、「そうじゃなくて、本当はどこから来たのかって聞いているのよ」と、さらに迫られたそうです。




“Where are you from?” 

“Where are you from?” was the question I was asked the most when I first arrived in the U.S. for graduate school decades ago. After a few years, I began to feel it a bit cumbersome to always explain where I was from. My first roommate in the graduate dorm was a fourth generation Chinese American. She told me that she was asked that question too, and when she told people that she was from San Jose, she was pressed further, “No, I mean where are you REALLY from?”

As I read more about Asian American history, I learned the significance of this apparently innocuous question. "Where are you REALLY from" or "where are you ORIGINALLY from" suggests that one is not a native/local here. For a foreigner like me—even though I do have siblings who are American citizens—the question came as a constant reminder that I was from outside the United States. For a fourth generation Chinese American like my friend, this question constructs her as a foreigner and does not recognize her as the “native” that she is. In either case, it is a question that draws boundaries and prescribes belongingness. In times of crisis, this constant marking of boundary between foreigners and natives/locals can lead to dire consequences, as witnessed in the number of hate crimes directed against Asians and Asian Americans during the pandemic.  

In Japan, Asian students, including those with Japanese nationality, who are more comfortable speaking English or a different language, have reported being rudely asked to “shut up” or told that they should speak Japanese as they are in Japan, when they chatted with friends while waiting for a train or riding on one. Their youth (in combination with their being female) might have made them more vulnerable to such microaggressions; I am only being stared at when I speak English or Cantonese. At times I am even complimented for being “more Japanese than Japanese”. Such a “compliment”, however, leaves me feeling uneasy.

The British author and feminist, Virginia Woolf, writing during WWII, once said, “As a woman I have no country…as a woman my country is the whole world.” Woolf did not intend her words to be a vision for a diverse world, but it does give us food for thought for it.    

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