




ダイアナ・コー ダイバーシティ推進・男女共同参画推進担当常務理事(2024年4月)


Diana Khor  Vice-President for the Promotion of Diversity (Apr, 2024)

A researcher interviewed 30 middle-class white women in San Francisco back to explore how they experienced “being white.…

ダイアナ・コー ダイバーシティ推進・男女共同参画推進担当常務理事(2024年6月)


Diana Khor  Vice-President for the Promotion of Diversity (Jun, 2024)

A common reaction to the use of affirmative action in hiring or admission of minority groups is that “well, basically, it is not about gender (or race/ethnicity, or class background, or what not), but about ability and competence.”…

ダイアナ・コー ダイバーシティ推進・男女共同参画推進担当常務理事(2024年2月)


Diana Khor  Vice-President for the Promotion of Diversity (Feb, 2024)

A successful career woman has told me proudly that people around her “have never treated her as a woman” and that she has been told by male colleagues that “they have never thought of her as a woman.…

ダイアナ・コー ダイバーシティ推進・男女共同参画推進担当常務理事(2024年1月)


Diana Khor  Vice-President for the Promotion of Diversity (Jan, 2024)

At the celebration of Hosei University graduates or current students who passed the Bar exam this year, it was hard not to notice the high number of women. Indeed, according to the dean, among those from the Hosei Law School, more than half were women. …

ダイアナ・コー ダイバーシティ推進・男女共同参画推進担当常務理事(2023年12月)


Diana Khor  Vice-President for the Promotion of Diversity (Dec, 2023)

I have lived in Japan for more than 30 years, and in these 30 years, I have seen many disasters and their aftermath. Every time I see coverage of shelters on TV after a major disaster, I feel for the people evacuated there, and at the same time, I worry if I would be able to make it if I were to take refuge there. …

ダイアナ・コー ダイバーシティ推進・男女共同参画推進担当常務理事(2023年10月)


Diana Khor  Vice-President for the Promotion of Diversity (Oct, 2023)

I always feel that promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion is a human rights issue and that itself is a sufficient reason to commit to it. However, we can also look at the effects of diversity on the organization itself. …

ダイアナ・コー ダイバーシティ推進・男女共同参画推進担当常務理事(2023年9月)


Diana Khor  Vice-President for the Promotion of Diversity (Sep, 2023)

A recent comment by a politician on the “unique sensitivity and empathy” that women apparently possess and which they can bring to the job has gone viral.Critics pointed out the stereotyped and biased thinking behind the comment…

ダイアナ・コー ダイバーシティ推進・男女共同参画推進担当常務理事(2023年8月)


Diana Khor  Vice-President for the Promotion of Diversity (Aug, 2023)

The US Supreme Court recently ruled two universities’ race-conscious admissions practices to be unconstitutional. The university where I did my PhD research instantaneously issued a statement in support of race-conscious practices in admissions.…

ダイアナ・コー ダイバーシティ推進・男女共同参画推進担当常務理事(2023年7月)


ダイアナ・コー ダイバーシティ推進担当理事(2023年6月)

昨年11月のDIVERSITY WEEKsでは、風間孝教授をお招きし、「特権」について講演していただきました。 風間先生もおっしゃっていましたが、「特権」というと、私たちは、権力や物質的な資源を多く持っている人たちだけを思い浮かべがちですが、それは間違いです。…

Diana Khor  Vice-President for the Promotion of Diversity (Jun, 2023)

Last year in November, during Diversity Weeks, we invited Professor Takeshi Kazama to give a talk on “privilege”.  As Professor Kazama noted, when we think about “privilege”, we mistakenly tend to think only of people with power or material resources. …

ダイアナ・コー ダイバーシティ推進担当理事(2023年6月)


Diana Khor  Vice-President for the Promotion of Diversity (Jun, 2023)

I grew up in the British colony of Hong Kong, where English was the official language despite that 98% of the population spoke Cantonese as their first language.…

ダイアナ・コー ダイバーシティ推進担当理事(2023年3月)


Diana Khor  Vice-President for the Promotion of Diversity (Mar, 2023)

The term “role model” is a sociological concept coined by Robert Merton in his study of the socialization of medical students. In Merton’s thinking, there are both positive and negative role models. …

ダイアナ・コー ダイバーシティ推進担当理事(2023年1月)


ダイアナ・コー ダイバーシティ推進担当理事(2023年1月)

「ご出身は?」 は、私が大学院進学のために渡米した当初、最も多く聞かれた質問でした。数年経つと、自分の出身をいつも説明しなければならないことが、だんだんと面倒に感じるようになりました。…

Diana Khor  Vice-President for the Promotion of Diversity (Jan, 2023)

 “Where are you from?” was the question I was asked the most when I first arrived in the U.S. for graduate school decades ago. After a few years, I began to feel it a bit cumbersome to always explain where I was from. …

ダイアナ・コー ダイバーシティ推進担当理事(2022年11月)


Diana Khor  Vice-President for the Promotion of Diversity (Nov, 2022)

When you walk into a meeting room or a lecture hall, where do you sit?  Do you have a seat?  Have you been surprised by what you can see and what you cannot see when seated at an unfamiliar corner?  …