【入試ニュース】2025 法政大学 GIS(グローバル教養学部)一般選抜について
Faculty of Global and Interdisciplinary Studies
Connection beyond borders
学部紹介動画 / Introductory Video(日英)2024年2月公開
This is a collaborative project with Toshin High School! In this video, we present valuable interview footage featuring current GIS students and the dean. Packed with tips for learning, the content offers a real sense of life at GIS. This video is a must-see for anyone interested in GIS.
学部紹介動画 / Introductory Video(英)2020年1月公開
A special video focused on students who are actually studying at GIS has been released! This video is packed with the great qualities of GIS which cannot be fully conveyed through words alone. You can enjoy the atmosphere of small classes and moments of active learning, all presented as if you were right there in the classroom.
学部パンフレット / Department Brochure(英)2024年5月公開
The official departmental brochure has been updated! It is packed with information about GIS, including details about career paths, explanations about the curriculum, the unique learning opportunities and systems at GIS, and introductions to the faculty members. As a first step in exploring the world of GIS, be sure to take a look.
在学生による学部紹介冊子 / Open Campus Booklet(日英)2024年9月公開
An open campus brochure created by GIS students! It introduces what is great about GIS comprehensively from the unique perspective of students. The real opinions of current GIS students are captured in this brochure.
大学案内 / Hosei University Guidebook(英)2024年5月公開
The official university brochure, "University Guide," is now in your hands! It offers comprehensive content about not only GIS, but also about all 15 departments at Hosei, providing you with all the information you need about the university. This is your chance to gain knowledge about future studies and campus life all in one go.
We provide detailed information in Japanese on important aspects of GIS, including the admissions system, the goals of human resource development, career support, and study abroad programs. We highly recommend that parents also take the time to read this information.
【入試ニュース】2025 自己推薦入試(総合型選抜)に出願した皆さんへ
【入試ニュース】2025 法政大学 GIS(グローバル教養学部)一般選抜について
【入試ニュース】総合型選抜 自己推薦入試 今後の流れについてのご案内
Information about 2024 Fall semester
【学部ニュース】SusHi Tech Tokyo 2025 Global Startup Program アンバサダー就任
【学部ニュース】学部長より新年の挨拶 / New Year’s Greetings from the Dean of GIS
【学部ニュース】ダイアナ・コー教授 インタビュー記事が朝日新聞に掲載されました
【学部ニュース】未来を切り拓く学び:福岡ゼミでAIとロボティクスの最前線に触れる / Shaping the Future: Exploring the Frontiers of AI and Robotics in the Fukuoka Seminar
【入試ニュース】2025年度GIS(グローバル教養学部)自己推薦入学試験 春入学A基準 追加合格実施の有無について