
FUKUOKA, Takamasa


福岡 賢昌

Email Address/メールアドレス
Expert field/専攻 Business Management
Seminar or Research theme/ゼミナールまたは研究テーマ Global Business Management (Brand Strategy; Transcultural Communication)
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Education and Experience/教育・経験 Takamasa Fukuoka earned his PhD at the Tokyo Institute of Technology in Japan. In addition to his academic achievements, he is well experienced both in business and as a business mentor. Beginning his career in the information, communication and technology industry (NTT East and later for NTT Communications), he was engaged in international strategic planning and management, and served more than ten years as a planner and coordinator for a Japanese government body concerned with stimulating investment by foreign countries in the economy of local communities. In 2016, he was invited to give a lecture on brand management at Shih Chien University in Taiwan.
Research Interests/研究関心 Professor Fukuoka’s current research interests fall into three areas. Firstly, he is exploring effective strategies to revitalize local economies, and has a particular interest in how local governments might enhance the attractiveness of their communities through regional branding. As well, he is working to identify the wants and needs of foreign-affiliated companies that might be enticed to invest in such regions. The theoretical and practical implications of this, with conclusions drawn from his own field-work, have been published in area relevant journals. Secondly, he has looked into the possibility of an effective business alliance between Taiwanese and Japanese companies. In the past few years, he has interviewed company presidents in the both countries, and highlighted the similarities and differences in management styles. Articles based on those interviews have been published in the Japan-Taiwan Exchange Association’s journal. Last but not least, he has recently begun researching team building and leadership in the diverse workplace, a topic which is of growing significance in both business and society today.




東京工業大学大学院 社会理工学研究科 価値システム専攻 博士後期課程 単位取得満期退学。博士(東京工業大学/学術)。大学を卒業後、NTT東日本 東京支店 法人営業本部(外資系企業〈主にアメリカ・ドイツの製造業〉に対するシステム・ネットワークコンサルティング等)、同社本社 経営企画部(海外マーケティング等)、NTTコミュニケーションズ グローバル事業本部(ロンドン、パリ、フランクフルト、デュッセルドルフ、ミュンヘン、ソウル、香港等を担当)、十文字学園女子大学准教授、法政大学グローバル教養学部(GIS)准教授、 Shih Chien University (Taiwan) Visiting Lecturer (2016年7月/summer program)を経て、2020年4月より法政大学グローバル教養学部(GIS)教授。カリフォルニア大学バークレー校客員研究員(2021年9月~2022年8月)。2023年4月より法政大学グローバル教養学部(GIS)学部長、法政大学評議員、法政大学グローバル教養学部(GIS)産学連携組織 GGLI(GIS Global Leadership Initiative) Chair 。2023年6月より一般財団法人対日貿易投資交流促進協会評議員。MIT VF会員、交渉アナリスト、ビジネスメンター、ビジネスコンテスト審査員等。専門は国際経営(戦略的提携、異文化交渉、チームビルディング等)と地域活性化(地域ブランド等)。
