
【ゼミ合宿報告(1)福岡ゼミ】イノベーションとアカデミアの探求@会津 / Exploring Innovation and Academia in Aizu

  • 2023年09月26日




2日目の午前中は、地域のイノベーションを推進するために設立されたAiCTの見学が行われました。アクセンチュアのManaging Director兼一般社団法人AiCTコンソーシアムの代表理事から、地域イノベーションに関する課題や取り組みについての情報が提供され、会津若松市のスマートシティの事例についても紹介されました。


その後、主に地元を拠点とするベンチャー企業2社(CEO 2名)から、AIやブロックチェーンなどの最新技術やそれらを用いたソリューションビジネスに関するプレゼンテーションが行われました。






ゼミ合宿は、わずか3日間でしたが、私の視野を広げる素晴らしい経験でした。普段あまり機会がないCEOや業界の専門家の話を聞けたことは、目を見張るものでした。学び以外においても、BBQ、バレーボール、川に行くなど、様々な事を通して、仲間とつながる機会を大切にしました。その結果、ゼミ合宿の枠を超えて、仲間と絆を築くことができたと思います。知的成長と真の仲間意識は、私たちのスローガンである “Work hard, play hard”を反映しています。これまでで最も忘れられないイベントの一つになりました。(Jinryu)


The Fukuoka Seminar recently embarked on a 2-night, 3-day seminar trip in Aizu, Fukushima Prefecture, from September 11th to 13th. On the first day of the trip, as evening fell, the seminar participants gathered at a local venue and wasted no time in presenting their progress reports on their final research paper to Professor Fukuoka. Various feedback was offered, with some students receiving praise and others encouraged to address delays in their plans. The most important phrase of the evening was, “Go for it, seniors!”

During the morning of the second day, the group had the opportunity to visit AiCT, an organization dedicated to promoting regional innovation. They received insights from the Managing Director of Accenture, who also serves as the representative director of the AiCT Consortium. The representative director talked about the challenges and initiatives related to regional innovation, with a focus on examples from smart city initiatives in Aizuwakamatsu.

The group headed to Aizu University in the afternoon, where they were briefed about the university by one of its directors. Although Aizu University specializes in computer science and engineering, which is seemingly unrelated to the Fukuoka Seminar's fields and GIS, the director highlighted that both institutions share common values, such as a global perspective and an emphasis on interdisciplinary domains.

Subsequently, the CEOs of two local venture companies delivered presentations on cutting-edge technologies, including AI and blockchain, as well as solution-oriented businesses utilizing these technologies. In the evening, the group enjoyed BBQ and fireworks and fostered camaraderie that transcends grade levels, a hallmark of the Fukuoka Seminar.

There was an unexpected event on the last morning—a volleyball match in the gymnasium. This was followed by a free afternoon of activities, and then we said our farewells to Aizu. During their free time, some participants opted to visit Tsurugajo (Aizuwakamatsu Castle) to further their knowledge of the Boshin War (1868-1869).

Professor Fukuoka also had this to say on the trip, "The primary goals of this seminar trip were to evaluate the progress of our seminar students' final research papers and to explore cutting-edge technologies such as AI and blockchain, with a focus on management perspectives. I hope our students will enhance their expertise through their final research papers. Additionally, it's crucial for students to build a foundational understanding of AI and blockchain as these technologies will be indispensable for success in the future job market. Ultimately, I aspire for our students to develop into individuals who can harmonize both analytical and creative thinking."

〈Opinions of seminar students〉

I gained insights into the close connection between AI/blockchain technology and our daily lives from the talks by the guest speakers from AiCT and Aizu University, and how it can be a solution to various challenges. The experience of enjoying activities like BBQ, sparklers, and volleyball enriched our time both within and outside the lodge. Even during our free moments and car rides, we had a blast playing games, singing, and engaging in lively discussions. This summer will be etched in my memory forever!(Karen)

The seminar camp was an incredible experience that managed to broaden my horizons in just three days. Listening to CEOs and industry experts, whose insights I rarely have access to, was eye-opening. Beyond the educational aspect, I cherished the opportunity to connect with my peers. We did all sorts of things like BBQ, volleyball, exploring local nature, and formed bonds that went beyond the confines of the camp. The combination of intellectual growth and genuine camaraderie perfectly reflected our slogan "work hard, play hard," making it one of the most unforgettable events for me at university.(Jinryu)