
GISオープンデイの開催(6/18) / Open day event (6/18)

  • 2023年04月27日



【開催日時 / 場所】
2023年6月18日(日)13:00~16:00 / 市ヶ谷キャンパス 外濠校舎3階(S305)



13:00~13:05 学部長による挨拶   
13:05~13:55 学部概要及び自己推薦入試を中心とした入試説明:日本語で行います。
14:10~14:25 模擬授業(英語で行います。)
14:25~14:40 GIS生へのインタビュー:GIS生が学部の魅力について語ります。
14:40~16:00 個別ブースでの相談会(GISの教員、事務スタッフやGIS生が個別の質問・相談にお応えします)









法政大学 GIS(グローバル教養学部)
学部長 福岡賢昌

Email: gis@hosei.ac.jp

On June 18, 2023 (Sunday), GIS will hold its own open campus event targeting prospective students, their parents, teachers in charge of career counseling at high schools and individuals related to cram schools and preparatory schools. At the event, GIS faculty members will provide detailed explanations about the admission system, including changes to the comprehensive selection process (self-recommendation entrance examination) that have made it easier to apply (targeting students who will enter in April 2024). Please come and join us!

[Date and Location]
June 18th, 2023 (Sunday) 13:00-16:00 / Ichigaya Campus (S305)

[Target Audience]
・Prospective students planning to enter in April 2024 (including students from affiliated schools; current 1st and 2nd-year high school students are also welcome to participate)
・Parents of prospective students
・Teachers in charge of career counseling at high schools
・Individuals related to cram schools and preparatory schools

[Event Content]
At GIS, we have planned the following program:

13:00-13:05 Greeting by the Dean (in Japanese)
13:05-13:55 Explanation of the department overview and admission process with a focus on the self-recommendation entrance examination (in Japanese).
 *At the Summer Open Campus events (8/19, 20, 21), the full program will be conducted in English.
14:00-14:15 Mock lecture (in English)
14:15-14:30 Dialogue between faculty members and GIS students: Faculty members and GIS students will have a dialogue on stage.
14:30-16:00 Consultation sessions at individual booths (GIS faculty members, administrative staff, and GIS students will answer individual questions and concerns).

From the 2024 entrance examination, GIS will change to a comprehensive selection method that enables a more multifaceted evaluation of the qualifications and abilities of applicants. By taking into account their current English proficiency and potential for improvement in English proficiency after enrollment, we will be able to make a more comprehensive judgment on each applicant. With this change, we aim to further enhance our mission of providing a learning environment rich in diversity since our establishment, and to fulfill our responsibility as a higher education institution that contributes to society by nurturing individuals who can play active roles in the forefront of the global arena, including Japanese global companies, foreign companies, overseas graduate schools, and entrepreneurship.

Since our establishment in 2008, GIS has 15 years of experience and expertise in cultivating focused leaders who can confidently compete with people from all over the world using English as a lingua franca. Through our program, we facilitate students’ development and ensure that they possess global standards of knowledge and culture, practical skills, and an ambitious mindset in order to contribute to the development of global society. We hope that even more prospective students who aspire to study in GIS will challenge themselves by taking the newly revamped self-recommendation entrance examination.

Takamasa Fukuoka
Dean of GIS

Hosei University GIS Office
Email: gis@hosei.ac.jp