出願にあたっては必ず「入試ガイド」(2023 年5 月下旬公開予定)および「入試要項」(2023 年7 月公開予定)で詳細をご確認ください。
1. 募集人員
2. 入試日程
出願期間 2023年9月7日~9月13日
合格発表 2023年11月1日
出願期間 2023年10月10日~10月20日
合格発表 2023年12月12日
3. 選考方法
4. 出願要件
(1) A基準において英語外部試験の最低スコア基準を撤廃
(2) S基準においてSATの最低スコア基準を撤廃
In order to further diversify our student body, GIS will be changing its self-recommendation entrance examination for students entering from April 2024.
The main changes are detailed below. Please refer to the "入試ガイド" (‘Admission Guide’, scheduled to be released in late May 2023) and the "入学試験要項"(‘Application Guidelines’, scheduled to be released in July 2023) for detailed information when applying.
We will provide a detailed explanation about the entrance examination system for GIS, including the changes made this time, at the GIS Open Campus event, scheduled to be held on June 18, 2023. We will inform you of the details on the GIS website and other sources as soon as they are decided.
1. Number of places to be offered
The number of places to be offered will increase from 28 to 40 (7 S-standard and 33 A-standard).
2. Entrance examination schedule
Application period: September 7-13, 2023
Announcement of successful applicants: November 1, 2023
Application period: October 10-20, 2023
Announcement of successful applicants: December 12, 2023
It will be possible for students to apply through both S-standard and A-standard, but separate applications are required.
3. Selection method
The selection for both S-standard and A-standard will mainly be conducted through document screening. However, online interviews may be conducted as necessary. Please refer to the application guidelines for the schedule, etc.
4. Application requirements
(1) The minimum score requirements for external English tests have been abolished for A-standard.
(2) The minimum score requirements for SAT have been abolished for S-standard.
※ Even though the minimum score requirements for external English tests and SAT have been abolished, a score certificate must still be submitted. Please refer to the application guidelines for details.