Curriculum / カリキュラム

GIS Liberal Arts Program

Curriculum / カリキュラム


A Humanities education is interdisciplinary in its approach. Through courses in such areas as history, literature, philosophy, arts, photography, creative nonfiction, and music, it guides students to a clearer understanding of culture and society. Studies in the Humanities are not experimental, but critical, historical, comparative and contemplative. It defines a liberal arts education. Students with a background in humanities can innovate and accelerate the developments in their specific occupations.

Social Sciences

The ability to understand how social and cultural forces influence our behavior and shape our reality is critical to understanding ourselves and others, as well as the social world itself. The wide range of disciplines in the social sciences — cultural and social anthropology, sociology, psychology, sociolinguistics, and political science, to name a few — cultivate in students the ability to understand human behavior at the individual, organizational, societal, national and global levels.

Management Sciences

To succeed in today’s globalized world, organizations require individuals who are able to analyze complex situations and make effective decisions based on their understanding of both classic and contemporary economic and business principles. Such individuals would be invaluable in helping organizations achieve both competitive advantage and sustainable economic growth. Courses provide students with knowledge of business and management, and illustrate some of the branding, negotiation, investment, management, and innovation challenges of today.