法政大学グローバル教養学部では、2024年度のカリキュラム変更に伴い、2024年度入学者から新カリキュラムが適用されます。今回のカリキュラム変更では、英語必修科目(Academic Skills Courses)の科目数や内容を大幅にアップデートしました。GISでの学修に必要なスキルを修得することを目的に、徹底的な英語力を磨く機会を提供しています。
Due to changes to the curriculum in AY2024, the School of Global and Interdisciplinary Studies at Hosei University will be implementing a new curriculum for students who enroll from AY2024. The curriculum changes will mean that there will be significant updates to the number and content of Academic Skills Courses. We are implementing opportunities for students to thoroughly brush up their English language skills in line with our objective of enabling students to acquire the skills needed for studying at GIS.
We have updated our webpage that gives a detailed explanation about the features of Academic Skills Courses as well as further details on other specific subjects. GIS is not just a department where students study English, it is a place where students use English as a means for learning. For this reason, English language proficiency is critical for students to pursue their studies at GIS. Please check out the link below to get an idea of what learning
at GIS is like.