


渡辺 宥泰

Email Address/メールアドレス
Expert Field/専攻 Sociolinguistics; New Zealand Studies
Seminar or Research Theme/ゼミナールまたは研究テーマ Language attitudes; diversity of English
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Education and Experience/教育・経験 Yutai Watanabe graduated in 1978 from Taisho University with a BA in English studies and a minor in religious studies. He received an MA in English linguistics from Hosei University, earned credits in its doctoral programme in 1984, and subsequently was appointed to a lectureship at Rissho University. During his extended stay in New Zealand, he conducted comprehensive research in sociolinguistics at the University of Canterbury. He worked as a tenured professor in three departments at Hosei University and became the first dean of GIS in 2008.  Professor Watanabe is an executive board member of the Japanese Association for Asian Englishes and the Japan Society for New Zealand Studies (JSNZS), and holds membership in a number of other academic associations.
Research Interests/研究関心 Professor Watanabe is a variationist sociolinguist; his research interests lie in the perceptions of and attitudes towards a variety of English accents. His articles, drawing on his visits to New Zealand, have appeared in such journals as Te Reo (2008) and Journal of JSNZS (2017). He has a keen interest in the indexicality of L2 accents of English in the Inner and Expanding Circles. His paper in Language Awareness (2017) sheds light on this theme in the context of early 21st century New Zealand. He is currently engaged in a joint project on how Japanese-accented English has been stereotyped in entertainment media. He also works on the issues of language ideology, particularly focusing on the adoption and adaptation of the concept of English as a lingua franca in the language policy of Japan since the Meiji Restoration. Its preliminary findings have been presented at several international meetings, most notably the 24th IAWE Conference in 2019.




大正大学文学部、法政大学大学院にて英語学を専攻、1984年に博士後期課程を満期退学し、立正大学・明治学院大学等で兼任講師を務める。法政大学第一教養部、キャリアデザイン学部、国際文化学部を経て、2008年よりグローバル教養学部(GIS)教授(学部長:2008年-2011年、2018年-2019年)。この間、GISの前身となるグローバル学際研究インスティテュート(IGIS)の運営委員長を兼担する他、3年間に亘りカンタベリー大学(ニュージーランド)で在外研究に従事する。専門は社会言語学とニュージーランド文化。英語の方言・訛りに対する言語態度について研鑽を深める一方、English as a Lingua Franca(英語拡大圏における共通語としての英語使用)をめぐる言語イデオロギーの変遷にも関心が高い。
