


新谷 優

Email Address/メールアドレス
Expert field/専攻 Social and Cultural Psychology
Seminar or Research theme/ゼミナールまたは研究テーマ

Motivation for prosocial behaviors, nonzero-sum beliefs, amae
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Education and Experience/教育・経験 Yu Niiya received her BA from International Christian University in 1998, her MA from the University of Tokyo in 2001, and her Ph.D. from the University of Michigan in 2006. She subsequently worked for a year as a research scholar at the Institute for Social Research, before joining GIS in 2008 as an assistant professor. She has been a PI (principal investigator) and collaborator on many Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKENHI) projects for the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. She was an associate editor for the Asian Journal of Social Psychology and the Japanese Journal of Social Psychology, and is currently Editor-in-Chief of the Asian Journal of Social Psychology, and associate editor of the Japanese Journal of Psychology and the Japanese Journal of Experimental Social Psychology.
Research Interests/研究関心 Professor Niiya’s interests lie in the exploration of whether a compassionate or a nonzero-sum mindset can encourage people to overcome their hesitation to take risks and help others. She is currently investigating whether having compassionate goals (i.e., the goals to support others) and self-image goals (i.e., the goals to project a desirable image of the self, such as appearing helpful) predict the extent to which people will offer help to a stranger who may not want help. She is also interested in how perceiving time as a zero-sum or nonzero-sum resource relates to psychological well-being and relationship satisfaction. Furthermore, she has worked on what enables people to learn from failure, the positive relational consequences of adult’s amae, and many cross-cultural studies on various topics.




東京大学大学院人文社会系研究科 社会文化研究専攻 修士(社会心理学)。ミシガン大学ラッカム大学院 Ph.D(社会心理学)。2007年ミシガン大学Institute for Social Researchのポスドク研究員、2008年法政大学グローバル教養学部(GIS)助教、2011年同准教授、2016年4月より同教授。スタンフォード大学心理学部客員研究員(2018年4月~2019年3月)。2011年度GIS教授会副主任、2015、2016、2023年度GIS教授会主任、2020、2021、2022年度GIS学部長および大学評議員。日本社会心理学会地方区理事(2019-2022)、日本心理学会編集委員(2021-2024)、日本グループ・ダイナミックス学会地方別理事(2023-)。2024年1月よりAsian Journal of Social Psychologyの編集長を務める。2021年度日本心理学会国際賞奨励賞受賞。専門は社会心理学と文化心理学。
