Email Address/メールアドレス | |
Expert Field/専攻 | TESOL and Second Language Education |
Seminar or Research Theme/ゼミナールまたは研究テーマ | L2 motivation, L2 methodology and Primary EFL Click here for more information |
Education and Experience/教育・経験 | Professor Kobori trained as an English language teacher in Tokyo in Japan, studying English language and literature, and taught in a variety of contexts in Japan and overseas, such as Ukraine. She has earned two Masters in the UK: TESOL at Ulster University and Educational Studies at the University of York, examined by Prof. Shelagh Rixon and other supervisors. She has also completed her doctoral coursework in English Literature at Tsuda University in Japan. Whilst studying in the UK, she trained at a teacher training college in Hungary under the supervision of Prof. Annamaria Pinter. She has had extensive experience of working with school/language teachers in different educational sectors, study groups, workshops, etc., mainly for primary and secondary EFL in Japan. |
Research Interests/研究関心 | Professor Kobori continues to look into theoretical and practical aspects of second language learning (SLL), including second language (L2) teacher education within different contexts such as teaching methodology, motivation to learn and teach L2s, etc.; e.g., she conducted her research investigation on L2 motivation in Slovenia in the past. She has also published a couple of guidebooks for primary EFL education in Japan with her colleagues from The Institute for Research in Language and Culture at Tsuda University. Her contribution has also been noted in the ITE (Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers) Technical Report, a collaborative work with the Research Centre for Computing and Multimedia Studies at Hosei University. She is currently involved in a couple of Grants-in-Aid projects: one for the Japan Institute of Scientific Research for Education (JSRE) in English education for young learners, and the other, JSPS (KAKENHI), aiming at improving language teacher education. |
准教授 法政大学グローバル教養学部。津田塾大学学芸学部英文学科卒、同大文学研究科英文学専攻後期博士課程修了。
法政大学GIS学部の前身IGISにて第二言語習得論、初等英語教育法を担当し2008年より現職。学部在学時に談話分析研究等で上田明子氏に師事。卒業後は、英国大学院(イングランドおよび北アイルランド)にて教育学と英語教育の分野で修士号取得。英国を拠点に初等英語教育の第一人者シーラ・リクソン氏等に師事。国内外教育機関にて英語教師として私立中学・高等学校他、旧ドニエプロペトロフスク(現ドネプロ:ウクライナ)で勤務等、初等・中等英語教育に従事。主に、東欧・スラブ諸国(ハンガリー、スロベニア、ウクライナ)およびアジア地域(日本、韓国、台湾)に関連した外国語(英語)教育研究に従事。現在は特に、若年層の教育格差、科学技術・イノベーション、スポーツ振興等において国内外の教育機関、関連団体・企業に関連して研究・教育活動を展開。その他、本学部創設時より執行部等歴任。法政大学英語研究会(HESS)顧問。外国語(英語)教育研究活動に関する国内外メディア出演。主な著書に、田近裕子氏らとの関連書籍シリーズ『生きる力を育む初等英語教育ー津田塾大学からの提言-』、『創造的な学びを育む初等英語教育-時代を超えて生き続ける理論と実践-』 (共著、朝日出版社)など。