Team from Hosei GIS Fukuoka Seminar Wins National University Marketing Contest for 6th Consecutive Year!
2023年12月9日(土)に神戸外国語大学が主催する第12回全国大学生マーケティングコンテスト(英語)の決勝大会が神戸外国語大学で行われ、法政大学GIS福岡ゼミから出場したチーム( Team Coro – Chan:三宅太陽/4年、RIOS PALOMINO, Nadia Angelica/4年、岩崎亜耶/3年、新野見陽介/3年)が優勝しました。福岡ゼミから出場したチームが優勝したのは、2017年から6年連続になります(2020年はCovid 19により大会の開催なし)。今回のメインスポンサーは、2017年に創業した早稲田大学発のベンチャー企業である株式会社エコロギーでした。エコロギー社は未利用資源である昆虫の用途開発として、カンボジアでコオロギを生産し、それを食品や飼料としてグローバルに販売しています。そして、今回の課題は、日本とASEAN市場における昆虫食(コオロギ食)の普及・売上拡大に関するマーケティングプランを考えることでした。
ゼミを担当する福岡賢昌 教授
「今回のテーマはこれまでで一番難しかったと思います。昆虫食(コオロギ)は近年、SDGsの観点からも注目されていますが、実際にそれを手に取って食べるとなると、加工されているとはいえ、ネガティブなイメージを抱く人が多く、正確に栄養素を伝えたとしても、そのネガティブなイメージを払拭し、消費者に受け入れられ、普及させるには、これまでにない画期的なアイデアが必要だからです。そのような中、スポーツメーカーと少年野球に注目してマーケティングプランを立てた優勝チームは見事でした。決勝に進出したけれども、惜しくも3位までに入らなかった福岡ゼミのもう一つのチーム(Bugbug)のアイデア(看護師への普及)やプレゼンテーションも素晴らしかったです。結果、Coro – Chanが優勝しましたが、決勝に進出した二チームは決勝に進出できなかった多くのゼミ生から様々なフィードバックをもらいました。彼らの献身的な支援があったからこそ、この二チームはより良いマーケティングプランを作成することができ、また、本番でベストなプレゼンテーションを行うことが出来たのではないかと考えます。私はそのようなゼミ生の姿勢を誇りに思います。」
優勝したチーム(Team Coro–Chan)のメンバーによる喜びの声
・We are so glad that we won first place at MCJ 2023. With the help of everyone in the seminar and our professor, we were able to make this amazing achievement. I guess cooperation within the group and with other seminar members was the key to success. I appreciate everyone who supported us. (Taiyo)
・I am very grateful for the continuous support we got from professor Fukuoka and other seminar members - this really played a big role in our performance. This experience has been a tremendous learning opportunity. I gained valuable knowledge and skills throughout the competition. (Nadia)
・I am very happy that we won first place at MCJ. I will never forget this experience as one of the best memories of my life at university. We could not have achieved this without the efforts of my teammates, the support of my seminar members, and the advice we got from Dr Fukuoka. I appreciate all of this support, and I want to make use of what I learned from this experience in my future career. (Aya)
・Firstly, I would like to thank all of the people that have supported me throughout all of our preparations. I could have not accomplished this without them. The level of the competition was exceptionally high, so I am honored to have been awarded first place in this prestigious contest. Our team had undergone some difficulties, however, we managed to work as a group; and the experience of collaborating in itself is one that I will cherish the most. I would like to take what I have gained to good use.(Yosuke)
The final round of the 12th MCJ, Marketing Competition Japan, which is conducted in English and hosted by Kobe City University of Foreign Studies, took place on Saturday, December 9th, 2023. Team Coro–Chan (Taiyo Miyake/4th year; Nadia Angelica RIOS PALOMINO/4th year; Aya Iwasaki/3rd year; Yosuke Shinomi/3rd year) which represented Hosei University's GIS Fukuoka Seminar won the first prize. This marks the sixth consecutive year that a team from the Fukuoka Seminar has clinched the final victory (excluding 2020, when the event was canceled due to Covid-19). The main sponsor for this event was ecologgie Inc., a venture company that was founded in 2017, and which originated from Waseda University. Its business is rooted in research findings on insects, particularly crickets, that have been developed at Waseda University. ecologgie Inc. produces crickets in Cambodia, making practical use of underutilized resources (insects) and globally markets them as food for people and feed for animals. The challenge this time was to develop a marketing plan for the promotion and expansion of insect consumption (cricket consumption) in the Japanese and ASEAN markets.
Seminar supervisor Professor Takamasa Fukuoka commented that, 'I believe this was the most challenging theme we have faced so far. Insect consumption (cricket consumption) has attracted attention from the standpoint of the SDGs in recent years. However, despite being a processed food, many people still hold negative perceptions about actually consuming them. Even if we accurately convey their nutritional value, overcoming these negative perceptions and gaining acceptance from consumers to promote widespread adoption requires groundbreaking ideas. Against this context, the winning team did an outstanding job of focusing on a sports manufacturer and junior baseball teams in their marketing plan. Another team from the Fukuoka Seminar (Bugbug) that made it to the finals but didn't secure a place in the top three also presented a fantastic idea (promoting insect consumption to nurses) with much gusto. The final result was a victory for Coro–Chan; however, both of the two teams that reached the finals received a range of feedback from their many seminar classmates who did not make it to the finals. I believe that it is thanks to their dedicated support that these two teams were able to create better marketing plans and perhaps deliver the best presentations during the final event. I take pride in the attitude shown by all of the members of the Fukuoka seminar.
Comments from the winning team (Coro–Chan) members
・We are so glad that we won first place at MCJ 2023. With the help of everyone in the seminar and our professor, we were able to make this amazing achievement. I guess cooperation within the group and with other seminar members was the key to success. I appreciate everyone who supported us. (Taiyo)
・I am very grateful for the continuous support we got from professor Fukuoka and other seminar members - this really played a big role in our performance. This experience has been a tremendous learning opportunity. I gained valuable knowledge and skills throughout the competition. (Nadia)
・I am very happy that we won first place at MCJ. I will never forget this experience as one of the best memories of my life at university. We could not have achieved this without the efforts of my teammates, the support of my seminar members, and the advice we got from Dr Fukuoka. I appreciate all of this support, and I want to make use of what I learned from this experience in my future career. (Aya)
・Firstly, I would like to thank all of the people that have supported me throughout all of our preparations. I could have not accomplished this without them. The level of the competition was exceptionally high, so I am honored to have been awarded first place in this prestigious contest. Our team had undergone some difficulties, however, we managed to work as a group; and the experience of collaborating in itself is one that I will cherish the most. I would like to take what I have gained to good use.(Yosuke)