2022年12月17日(土)に神戸市外国語大学が主催する全国大学生マーケティングコンテスト(英語)の決勝がアンカー神戸で行われ、法政GIS福岡ゼミから決勝に出場した2チーム、50SN(細井瑞希/4年,大山舞子/3年,DAO Thuuyen/3年)とNot Found 404(池田桃子/4年, 石川綾/3年,奥河鎭龍/3年,數藤麻由/3年)がそれぞれ優勝と3位になりました。福岡ゼミの出場チームが優勝したのは、2017年、2018年、2019年、2021年に続き5回目。2020年は新型コロナウイルスの流行により開催されなかったため5連覇になります。今年の課題は、1916年に創業した富山県高岡市の鋳物メーカーである株式会社能作の「台湾・中国市場における錫製品の認知・売上拡大に向けてのマーケティング・プランを考える」でした。
-HOSOI, Mizuki
I am very happy that our efforts over the past two months have paid off and that we were able to win first place in the MCJ. Especially because last year I was one step short of reaching that goal, so this year I was determined to win first place at any cost and gave it my all. I am also honored to have been able to contribute to the Fukuoka Seminar's fifth consecutive year of winning first place. We could not have achieved this without the efforts of my teammates, the support of my seminar members, and the advice from Dr Fukuoka. I sincerely thank every single person.
-OYAMA, Maiko
It is sincerely a great honor to receive the MCJ first prize. This competition was a precious opportunity for me to challenge myself to use all the skills and knowledge I have gained so far. I would also like to thank my teammates who were truly considerate, supportive, and diligent. Also, our idea wouldn’t be feasible without the great support we got from Dr. Fukuoka and our seminar members. Thank you to all for the advice and support!
-DAO, Thuuyen
There are no words that can describe how happy I was to win the first prize at MCJ. I couldn’t believe that we did it. To me, participating in MCJ was such a valuable, memorable opportunity. It was hard but full of excitement, and challenges. I could apply all my knowledge as well as skills that I gained from classes at school and work experience to this contest. But more than that, I believe the success came from all the effort and creativity of my teammates. They are the best, most hardworking, talented people I have ever worked with. I also appreciate Dr Fukuoka and the other members of our seminar for their advice, comments, and contribution. We couldn't have made it without their cooperation!
-IKEDA, Momoko
It is a great honor to win third place at MCJ. I strongly believe this result couldn't have been achieved without many hours of meetings, repeated practices, and most importantly, the contribution of our team members. I hope that I can make the most of this experience at MCJ for my future career. Lastly, I would like to appreciate all the seminar students and Dr Fukuoka, who has supported our group all the way through the competition.
It is an honor to have won the third prize at MCJ, and I am truly grateful for this experience and opportunity. I also appreciate the support and advice from my teammates, other seminar members and Dr. Fukuoka.
-OKUGAWA, Jinryu
It is an honor to have won the MCJ third prize and it was a great opportunity for me to create a marketing plan and present it at such an event. However, I have felt that there was room for improvement and want to make this experience a lesson, hopefully doing better next year.
-SUTO, Mayu
I am glad to receive third place at MCJ and I am thankful for all the support we have received. At the same time, I felt that I could have done more. I would like to learn from this experience and do better next year.