

  • 2023年10月02日




8月28-29日に新谷教授率いるSelf and Culture Seminarの夏合宿が3年ぶりに河口湖の近くで開催されました。14人のゼミ生が参加し、有意義で楽しい時間を過ごしました。


二日目は、ゼミの有志たちが朝4時に起床し、富士山からの日の出を見に出かけました。朝食の時、朝日に輝く富士山の写真を見せてもらい、眠気に勝てずに悔しい思いをするゼミ生もいました。その後、部屋でまったりと二度寝をしたり、お土産を買ったりして思い思いの時間を過ごし、夏合宿最後のイベント、バーベキューを行いました。デザートには名産のサンシャインマスカットをいただきました。おなかもいっぱい、思い出もいっぱい、まだ帰りたくない!という声を聞きながら、炭火とバーベキューの香ばしい匂いが充満したバスで帰路につきました。終始なごやかでSelf and Culture Seminarらしいゼミになったと思います。



The Self and Culture Seminar led by Professor Niiya had its summer camp for the first time in three years on August 28-29th in Yamanashi, near Lake Kawaguchi. Fourteen students participated and spent a productive and fun time together. 

On the first day, the fourth-year students presented their preliminary findings from the experiments they conducted over the summer. The third-year students presented their research questions and hypotheses that they will work on in the coming year and a half. Unlike in the spring term, during which students asked challenging questions to each other to improve their research, students took stock of their hard work and congratulated each other for their interim accomplishment: The juniors were impressed to see the seniors’ research findings while the seniors praised the juniors for producing interesting research questions. Professor Niiya was very pleased to see how much progress everyone has made since April. After the presentations, the students enjoyed the splendid view of Mount Fuji in the sunset, relaxed in a hot spring, and had fun with fireworks. Needless to say, the students also enjoyed an endless chat about life, romance, and their future until dawn. 

On the second day, several brave students got up at 4 a.m. to see the sun rising from Mount Fuji. Many sleepy students regretted not having the courage to wake up earlier once they saw the beautiful pictures of Mount Fuji shining in the morning light! Students relaxed in their rooms or shopped for souvenirs until the final event of the summer camp—a lunch barbecue accompanied with some sunshine muscat for dessert. Afterwards, we reluctantly headed back to Tokyo, with full stomachs and hearts full of fond memories… all smelling charcoal and roasting meat!