講義形式は全面的に対面方式に戻りましたが、今学期、Chat GPT等の急速なAIの発展は、私たちの教育方法について再考する機会を与えました。AIの活用は様々な場面において、多くのメリットがある一方で、皆さん自らが自分の頭で考える機会やそれに伴う成長機会を奪ってしまうことになりかねません。引き続き、私たちは、皆さんの成長に寄与する教育とは何なのかを模索しながら、教育活動を行っていきたいと思います。
GIS学部長 福岡賢昌
Dear GIS students,
As the spring semester has come to an end, the days are getting hotter, so please make sure to stay hydrated and take good care of your health.
Now, I would like to take a moment to reflect on the spring semester.
First of all, with the easing of COVID-19 restrictions, our campus has regained its vibrant atmosphere as classes returned to in-person format. I have seen students chatting and relaxing at the central square, and the campus eateries and convenience store were regularly bustling with long queues. Regarding GIS classes, the resumption of in-person teaching has allowed for more effective implementation of our unique active learning approach, which thrives in small-group settings. Barring any unforeseen circumstances, we plan to continue with in-person lectures during the fall semester as well.
While we have fully returned to in-person lectures, this semester has provided us with an opportunity to reconsider our educational methods, given the rapid advancement of AI, including Chat GPT and other technologies. The use of AI offers numerous benefits in various contexts; however, it also raises concerns about potentially depriving you of opportunities to think critically and grow independently. As we move forward, we will continue to explore what truly contributes to your growth and development, and we remain committed to conducting educational activities that foster your intellectual and personal growth.
As GIS is a dedicated educational institution for cultivating global leaders, I have consistently emphasized the importance of fostering a global mindset and equipping you all with global knowledge and skills. To enact this vision, we have launched the Graduate School Application Support Program (GSAS) and GIS Global Leadership Initiative (GGLI) (check the list of GGLI fellows) as the Global Industry-Academia Cooperation Organization at Hosei GIS, starting from April. The GSAS program focuses on preparing students for advanced learning beyond the undergraduate level, while the GGLI caters to students aspiring to work for Japanese global companies or foreign enterprises, or those with entrepreneurial ambitions. GSAS has already been held twice during the spring semester (1st session, 2nd session), and the GGLI will kick off in full swing from the fall semester. I strongly encourage you to participate in these programs and consider them as valuable resources when planning your career path after graduation.
In June, we hosted an Open Day (Open Campus), and more than 250 participants, including prospective students and their parents, attended the event (see photos from the Open Day). At the event, we announced some important changes: from the next academic year, we will increase the capacity for comprehensive selection (総合型選抜) and eliminate English proficiency requirements for the A-standard applicants. Furthermore, starting in 2024, we will introduce a transfer admission system for high-level students in other programs and universities wishing to study at GIS. These adjustments aim to create a more diverse and inclusive GIS community in the coming years.
Additionally, in July, we introduced the GIS Ambassador program as a bridge between high school students and GIS. Through their activities, the campus life of GIS students will become more understandable from the outside. We look forward to their future contributions and achievements.
For more details on GIS activities during the spring semester, please visit our website (
During the spring semester, our faculty members have been actively engaged in various activities beyond teaching, including research presentations at academic conferences, writing papers, and contributing to society. For more information, please refer to each faculty member's academic database. These efforts significantly contribute to enhancing the quality of education at GIS.
Now, I would like to address each year with a specific message.
To all the first-year students:
Have you become accustomed to the classes conducted entirely in English? Starting from the fall semester, you will be enrolling in more content courses. During your freshman year, please make sure you firmly grasp the fundamental terminology and theories of each academic field. As you progress through the years at GIS, the lectures will become more challenging as you learn in greater depth, so neglecting what you covered at the 100 level may leave you struggling to follow and keep up. Furthermore, I hope you are adapting to our interactive learning format; actively participating in classes will also improve your practical English skills. Keep up the hard work and dedication.
Now, turning to our second-year students:
You have likely settled into the student life, and it is time to start considering internships and selecting seminars for your third year and fourth year. While internships are important, please do not neglect your academic responsibilities. Balance your future plans, academic pursuits, and personal life to lead a fulfilling student life. Also, in October, we will have open seminars where you can get a feel for each seminar's atmosphere. If your schedule allows, I encourage you all to attend.
For our third-year students:
After the summer, the jobhunting process will officially begin. Some companies will start their selection process in the fall, and there might be some early offers. This year, you will be busy with internships, job hunting, taking 300-level courses, and participating in seminars. It might be challenging, but I believe in your strength and determination. Your professors are always available to help.
Finally, to our fourth-year students:
This is your final semester as undergraduate students. Take this opportunity to reflect on the past four years of learning and appreciate your personal growth and accumulated academic knowledge. For those of you in seminars, make sure to put effort into writing your seminar papers. And for those who have not decided on their future path yet, do not hesitate to consult with your seminar professors or actively utilize the Career Center.
The fall semester begins on September 20th (Wednesday). If you have any questions or concerns during the break, please do not hesitate to contact me or the GIS office. Enjoy your well-deserved summer break.
Finally, I sincerely wish for each and every one of you to achieve growth and success.
Takamasa Fukuoka
Dean of GIS