
情報メディア教育研究センター 国際シンポジウム


「映像配信を利用した教育情報システムの最新事情」 edX, Matterhorn などの米国の事例を中心として

情報通信技術の発達により,クラウドベースでの映像配信サービスを容易に提供できるようになりました.米国ではこれまでのオープンソースプロジェクトでの成果を利用し,有力大学が独自開発した教育情報システムを周辺大学や世界に提供するプロジェクトが盛んです.本カンファレンスでは,edXやMatterhorn などの米国の映像配信をベースとした教育情報システムの事例を中心に最新情報を提供します.

  • 開催日: 2013年3月8日(金)9:45-17:40
  • 場 所: 法政大学 市ケ谷キャンパス 外濠校舎5階 S505
  • 主 催: 法政大学 情報メディア教育研究センター
  • 共 催: 法政大学FD推進センター
  • 定 員: 150名
  • 参加費:無料
  • facebook:http://goo.gl/mHFtb


9:45- 10:00 開会挨拶 法政大学常務理事 福田好朗
10:00 – 11:30

“The Future of Academic Content at UC Berkeley: Empowering the Campus to Create the Future”
Benjamin Hubbard, Educational Technology Services, UC Berkeley


The evolution of educational technologies are causing a dramatic shift in the landscape of higher education. The students of tomorrow will arrive at our institutions with expectations for personalized educational experiences that were unthinkable just 10-15 years ago. This presentation will focus on the organizations, services, systems, and tools being developed at UC Berkeley to empower our community to effectively create and share academic content with UC Berkeley students and beyond.

Benjamin Hubbard is the Manager of Production Services group within Educational Technology Services at the University of California, Berkeley and has served as a leader in Higher Education Audio/Visual & IT support for over 8 years. The Production Services group supports the effective integration and use of classroom technologies, automated lecture capture, instructional media production, Audio/Visual services for campus events. Benjamin oversees UC Berkeley’s official presence on YouTube and iTunes U and recently served as Interim Associate Chief Information Officer for Academic Engagement and Interim Director of Educational Technology Services.


“Introduction and Latest Development of Matterhorn/opencast and Grizzly Peak project”
Oliver Heyer, Educational Technology Services, UC Berkeley



The MOOC phenomenon, combined with ever increasing financial pressures on American colleges and universities, is swiftly bringing educational technology into the highest levels of strategic decision making on campuses across the United States. The University of California, Berkeley, with the support of its executive leadership has itself made a commitment to the EdX platform and program for delivering open courses at a massive scale. At the same time, the campus is in the midst of transitioning its learning management and enterprise media capture systems to next generation products. The potential interplay between a highly publicized MOOC platform and “traditional” educational technologies presents a unique set of new operational, tactical, and strategic challenges and opportunities for UC Berkeley.

Oliver Heyer is currently the Manager of the Learning Systems Group within Educational Technology Services at the University of California, Berkeley. He has nearly 10 years’ experience as a leader in Higher Education software development and implementation, focussing on enterprise open source technologies.


11:30 – 11:40 休憩
11:40 – 12:25

放送大学のICT利用教育  放送大学学長 岡部洋一


12:25 – 13:55 昼食
13:55 – 15:20 特別講演
東京大学の現状  東京大学大学教育研究センター 重田勝介
熊本大学の現状  熊本大学総合情報基盤センター 永井孝幸

早稲田大学eスクール10年間の歩み   早稲田大学人間科学学術院 西村昭治


15:20 – 15:30  休憩
15:30 – 16:25 特別講演
“Reports on Effective Uses of the Video Enhanced Course, Case One: an undergraduate course at Kansai University & Case Two: a graduate course at Kio University



This presentation is to report two effective cases of video enhanced courses at Kansai University as well as at Kio University.
The first case is a report from an undergraduate course at Kansai University, namely, the negotiation practicum for communication with effective use of ICT and video. The course was designed to offer students an opportunity to learn and acquire the communication skill for long-term trust building. This practicum course (a 90-minute-long class, meeting once a week) depends solely on students’ activities in the role-playing simulation. In preparation, students are required to read the synopsis for the situation where the main characters are as well as the information upon which the characters will make decisions for the next action. However, it turned out that most of the class contact hours were spent for the students to read and understand the contents of the written materials and that there was not enough time left for the role-play simulation to deepen the understanding of communication for trust building. In order to solve this problem, an optimal solution was resorted to making use of the information and communication technology without sacrificing the quality of the negotiation practicum due to the students’ low level of reading comprehension skills.
The second case is a report on the course at the graduate school of Kio University. The graduate school started in 2007 and has approximately 40 Masters’ candidates and 15 Doctors’ candidates. Most students are working adults. To offer them flexibility to participate the class, lectures start at 6 pm and are transmitted live through the internet. They can attend the class in person, or participate in the class simultaneously from home or their office through the internet live distribution. All lectures are recorded and can be reproduced by VOD 30 min after the end of the class. Along with the live transmission of the lecture, a bi-directional chat system is running during the lecture to help communication between the teacher and students.
In conclusion, it is pointed out that the potential of the ingenious attempt and implementation of video and ICT into the higher education is without limit. We, educators, need to do is to share the experience and the learning effectiveness with each other so that the quality of education be elevated.

 BBT(ビジネス・ブレークスルー)大学の現状 BBT大学副学長 伊藤泰史
16:25 – 16:35  休憩
16:35 – 17:30

IAE – 法政大学デザイン工学部eポートフォリオの最新情報 法政大学情報メディア教育研究センター 寺脇由紀

eポートフォリオ独自開発事例  児玉靖司、宮崎誠、寺脇由紀(法政大学)、鎌田敏之(愛知教育大学)

17:30 – 17:40  閉会挨拶 政大学情報メディア教育研究センター所長 八名 和夫 
18:00 – 20:00  情報交換会(会費制 3,000円)  スタッフクラブ(市ケ谷キャンパス ボアソナード・タワー25階)

問合先:情報メディア教育研究センター事務局 Mail: media@ml.hosei.ac.jp