Policies / ポリシー

Curriculum Policy (JP)

Policies / ポリシー

The following curriculum has been developed based on a liberal arts education in order to foster students with a high awareness of the need to contribute to global society and leadership, and to equip them with the abilities, knowledge, and moral values to succeed in that society.

1.   Broad liberal arts education
Students can acquire a broad liberal arts education, develop the ability to identify and solve problems, as well as critical and ethical judgment, and enhance their awareness of different cultures and multicultural societies, by taking courses across various disciplines from different academic fields.

2.   Interdisciplinary education and specialized knowledge
Students build a foundation in interdisciplinary education by completing a balanced number of courses from a diverse range of disciplines. They focus on the fields they are interested in, complete comprehensive courses from a range of disciplines, and cultivate an interdisciplinary perspective that goes beyond the framework of existing fields. In years 3 and 4, they develop specialized knowledge in their chosen field of study through seminars and advanced courses, and acquire the ability to apply basic knowledge to specific challenges.

3.   Small classes
All courses are organized into small classes so that students develop flexible and critical thinking through interactive learning, such as presentations and discussions.

4.   Education in diversity
Students learn about diversity in many of their classes, while being placed within a university community which itself is formed of faculty staff and students who come from a range of backgrounds. By actually experiencing diversity, they learn to respect diverse and different cultures and viewpoints, to personally develop a flexible mindset which is free from prejudice, and they deepen their understanding of different people.

5.   English education
Students in the first year take English skills courses to enable them to read and write academic essays, and construct opinions logically in English. All courses are taught in English throughout the 4 years of the degree program, which allows students to attain an advanced level of English proficiency.


  1. 幅広いリベラルアーツ教育:異なる学問分野から様々な科目を横断的に履修することで、幅広いリベラルアーツの教養を身に付け、問題発見・解決能力と批判的かつ倫理的な判断力を伸ばし、異文化・多文化の尊重を促す。
  2. 学際教育と専門性:様々な学問分野からバランスよく履修し学際教育の基礎を作りながら、興味のある分野を中心に、様々な学問分野から総合的に科目を履修し、既存分野の枠組みを超えた学際的な視座を修得する。 3-4年次にはゼミ研究を通し、興味の分野において専門性を伸ばし、基礎知識を特定の問題に適用する力を養う。
  3. 少人数教育:全ての授業において少人数編成を徹底し、プレゼンテーションやディスカッションなどの双方向型学習を通し、柔軟な思考力と批判的思考力を伸ばす。
  4. ダイバーシティー教育:多様性について多くの授業で学ぶとともに、多様なバックグラウンドをもつ教員や学生で構成される学部内のコミュニティーに身を置き、実際に多様性を経験することで、異文化・多文化を尊重し、偏見にとらわれることのない、柔軟な態度を身につけ、異なる他者に対する理解を深化させる。
  5. 英語教育:学術的な論文の読み書きができ、論理的に意見を組み立てられるように、1年次に英語スキル科目を履修する。4年間、原則全ての授業を英語で履修することで、高度な英語運用力を身につける。
