GIS held its first GSAS Workshop on May 22nd. Many GIS students with a strong interest in postgraduate study attended this workshop to get an overview of the graduate school application process.
Professor Khezrnejat (Doctor of Japanese Literature), who received his own master's degree as well as a PhD from a graduate school in Japan, and Professor Niiya (Doctor of Social Psychology), who received her master's degree from a graduate school in Japan and a PhD from a graduate school in the US, introduced a wide range of topics at this session.
Topics included how to write a Statement of Purpose, how to request recommendation letters, how to find scholarships, and what students should do while they are in GIS. The instructors also talked about their own postgraduate journeys, and students brought a variety of their own questions about aspects of the process.
We will have more workshops like this one in the future. We sincerely hope that students who couldn't attend this time will come to future sessions.
今回は、日本の大学院で修士号と博士号をとったケズナジャット先生(国文学博士)と、日本で修士号、アメリカで博士号をとった新谷先生(社会心理学博士)が、体験談を交えながら、Statement of Purposeの書き方や推薦状のもらい方、奨学金の探し方、GIS在学中にぜひやってほしいことなど、幅広いトピックスを紹介しました。参加した学生からは多くの質問があり、大学院進学に真剣に向き合ってる姿を見ることができました。