Associate Professor and Lecturer


Associate Professor and Lecturer
Email Address/メールアドレス
Expert Field/専攻 Tourism Studies and Marketing
Seminar or Research Theme/ゼミナールまたは研究テーマ Tourism Management
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Education and Experience/教育・経験 Born and raised in the city of Edinburgh, John Melvin has always had an interest in history and culture, and how these are some of the key drivers of tourism. After teaching in Japan for 7 years, he returned to the UK and completed a MSc (Distinction) in Tourism Marketing at Edinburgh Napier University. Through connections made during his course, he gained valuable business experience, and consequently was involved in organising several fund-raising events through the Edinburgh Japanese community. He was then awarded the Christel De Haan scholarship at Nottingham University Business School, and completed a PhD in Marketing.
Research Interests/研究関心 Through his educational and business achievements Professor Melvin has developed a keen interest in marketing, tourism management and event management. For his PhD, he investigated marketing theories of value creation with a tourism context, and has presented his findings at a number of domestic and international conferences. His academic interests encompass a range of areas, particularly visitor attraction management, family tourism and heritage tourism. Here at GIS he teaches various tourism and marketing-based courses within the Business and Economics stream.





英国で観光会社を共同で起業し、マーケティングおよび経営に従事した。業界での実践経験は現在の教育に大いに役立っている。エジンバラ・ネピア大学、ノッティンガム大学大学院の教授経験に加え、日本で15年以上教鞭を執る。2014年より法政大学のグローバル教養学部に着任し、教授会主任・副主任を歴任。また東京大学、日本大学、東京外国語大学など他大学の学部においても教鞭を執っている。グローバル教養学部では、観光およびマーケティングに基づくコースなどを教え、セミナーは“Tourism Management”を担当している。
