Associate Professor and Lecturer


Associate Professor and Lecturer
Email Address/メールアドレス 
Expert field/専攻 English Language and Applied Linguistics
Seminar or Research theme/ゼミナールまたは研究テーマ AI and the authenticity of voice; digital writing
Education and Experience/教育・経験 Mark Birtles completed both his BA in English Literature and Sociology and his MA in Writing for Performance and Publication at the University of Leeds in the UK. He then pursued a career in writing, contributing to several UK-based music publications, before relocating to Japan in 2008. In Tokyo, he co-founded an event and online dual-language music media company and has created online content for outlets such as The Japan Times newspaper and the Japan National Tourism Organization. He then decided to move into academia and use this experience to teach and to pursue his doctoral studies at the University of Bath (UK).
Research Interests/研究関心 With his background in digital publishing, Professor Birtles is interested in computer-mediated communication, something that now dominates our lives in the Internet Age. Computer-mediated communication comes in many forms: we read information on websites, have online meetings and chat on social media, for example. His doctoral research is primarily concerned with multimodal critical discourse analysis in education, which is looking at how words, video, images etc. work together to form meaning and how this interplay effects/is affected by the wider socio-cultural context it exists within.




英国リーズ大学にて英文学と社会学の学士号を修了。同大学にて演劇と出版に関する分野(Writing for Performance and Publication)で博士号を修了。


日本ではイギリス人2人でイベント会社を設立し、同時にバイリンガルサイトで音楽メディア発信に力を入れる。また、新聞のThe Japan Times紙や日本政府観光局のWebページを執筆。


