
【学部ニュース】未来を切り拓く学び:福岡ゼミでAIとロボティクスの最前線に触れる / Shaping the Future: Exploring the Frontiers of AI and Robotics in the Fukuoka Seminar

  • 2024年12月24日


12月20日、福岡ゼミはアメリカ・カリフォルニア大学バークレー校(以下、UCB)とZoomで接続し、現在UCBで研究活動を行っているToyota Motor Northの廣瀬徳晃氏をお招きし、AIとロボティクスに関する特別講義を受講しました。







On December 20, the Fukuoka Seminar connected with the University of California, Berkeley (UCB) via Zoom and welcomed Dr. Noriaki Hirose from Toyota Motor North, who is currently conducting research at UCB, for a special lecture on AI and robotics.

His lecture covered a wide range of topics, from the history of robotics to cutting-edge technologies and their potential applications in everyday life. This session provided students with a valuable opportunity to gain a concrete understanding of how AI and robotics are transforming society. It was an engaging and enriching experience for all participants.

During the Q&A session that followed the lecture, students asked numerous questions about Japan’s international position in this field, as well as career paths that leverage having a degree and specialized skills. Dr. Hirose answered each question with care and sincerity, giving students inspiration and encouraging them to reflect deeply on their future careers.

"Learning about AI and robotics is essential for the younger generation navigating the future. I am committed to providing these valuable opportunities to my seminar students,"
said Dr. Takamasa Fukuoka.

Stay tuned for more exciting initiatives from the Fukuoka Seminar as it continues to push the boundaries of knowledge and innovation.