GSAS held its annual individual consultation week with Prof. Khezrnejat, Birtles, and Niiya to address various concerns students have about applying to graduate schools. Students from first to fourth year sought advice on how to find graduate schools, how to boost GPA and English proficiency, how to narrow down their field of study, and even on how to talk to parents about their goals. Students who have further questions or concerns about graduate school should not hesitate to come and talk to Mr. Sullivan in the GIS Reference Room on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays!
GSASでは毎年恒例の個別相談会を一週間にわたり開催しました。対面およびオンラインでケズナジャット先生、バートルズ先生、新谷先生が学生の大学院進学に対する不安や悩みを聞き、質問に答えました。個別相談会でなくても、大学院に関する質問・不安・確認したいことがあったら、GIS Reference Roomのサリバンさんに聞きにきてください(月・火・木に在室)。