2024年4月に総合型選抜 自己推薦入試 A基準で入学を果たした学生にインタビューを行いました。限られた出願書類の中で、GISへの熱意をどのように表現し、合格することができたのか。また、現在GIS学部の学生としてどのような学びや経験を積んでいるのか、語ってもらいました。受験生へのアドバイスも紹介しています。
出身高校 |
東洋英和女学院高等部 卒業 |
入学年度 | 2024年度4月 |
入試制度 | 総合型選抜 自己推薦入試 A基準 |
At high school, apart from English, I have been really dedicated to my Japanese studies. In this class, I was asked to choose one social issue and make a presentation in front of everyone about that issue and what I thought about it. The reason why I took this class is that I thought it would be a good opportunity for me to clarify what I am interested in and what I want to study at university. In fact, through this class I noticed that gender inequality is a major social issue and I become interested in gender studies.
The main reason I chose GIS is that I can study subjects that interest me in English. I became curious about gender studies when I was a senior in high school, though at first I was considering applying to study sociology to study gender studies in depth. However, since I had studied abroad during my first year at high school, I had a strong desire to go to a university where I could take classes in English. Thus, the perfect department for me was GIS, where I could both study gender studies and learn in English.
I decided to apply via the A standard route, which has no English score requirement. This is partly because my English score was not high enough for the S standard route at the time of application. Moreover, I thought I could use my experience from when I studied abroad and my research on gender disparity issues for writing my personal statement.
Personal Statementを作る際に、過去、現在、未来のつながりを意識しました。例えばリーダーシップ経験を書く際、最初に、過去にどんなことに注意を払い、何を考えてリーダーシップを図っていたかを明確にしました。次にその経験によって何を得たのか、現在の自分にどう影響しているのかを書きました。そして最後にそのリーダーシップ経験が将来、GISでどう生かすことができるかも付け加え、自分はGISに入ってほかの学生とも協力して学んでいきたいという意欲があることをアピールするよう意識しました。
When drafting my personal statement, I was focused on the connections between the past, present, and future. For example, when writing about my leadership experience, I first clarified what I paid attention to and what I thought about leadership in the past. Next, I wrote about what I got from that experience and how it affects me now. Finally, I added how I could use this leadership experience in the future at GIS, and I tried to show that I was eager to join GIS and study together with other students.
IELTS6.0、英検準1級(Eiken pre-1)
The S and A standard routes basically lead to a pass or fail result based on just the application documents, but some students are asked to come to an interview as well. I was asked to attend an interview, and actually I was anxious at the time as I was aware that my school grades were not the best they could be. Therefore, I thought that I would probably be asked about my school grades during the interview and I planned in advance how I would answer if asked. So, I really recommend preparing for your interview.
What I like most about GIS is that everyone around me is kind and the environment is warm. All of the classes have a small number of students, and the teachers are very open to questions, including after class or by email. Moreover, GIS students are really helpful to each other and I have noticed that if I miss what a teacher says, other students are quick to rephrase the English for me. I think this is my favorite point about GIS.
Maybe some people feel anxious, but never forget your goal of becoming a GIS student! I am cheering for you.