
【学部ニュース】新谷ゼミが那須にてゼミ合宿を開催 / The Self and Culture Seminar led by Professor Niiya had its summer camp in Nasu

  • 2024年09月20日


8月28-29日に新谷教授率いるSelf and Culture Seminarの夏合宿が那須で開催されました。今年はいつもより参加者が少なめではありましたが、少人数ならではの密度の濃い時間を過ごしました。


The Self and Culture Seminar led by Professor Niiya had its summer camp on August 28-29th in Nasu. This year, only seven students could participate, but those who went all had a wonderful time together. 
On the first day, the fourth-year students presented their preliminary findings from the experiments they had conducted over the summer, while the third-year students presented their research questions and hypotheses that they will work on in the coming 18 months. Professor Niiya requested that each presentation be short—3 slides each. This lightning talk format required students to be absolutely clear about the main focus of their research, its academic importance, and its societal implications. Such presentations allowed the audience to see the strengths and weaknesses of their studies and in turn it elicited a lot of questions together with advice on improvements.
The remaining time was a way for students to get to know each other more closely at a personal level. Students formed new friendships and strengthened old ones regardless of their year of study. In the evening, students enjoyed a BBQ for dinner accompanied (of course!) with some smores. The following day, the seminar fellows went fishing and everyone was able to enjoy grilled fish for lunch. Luckily, the typhoon did not affect the camp until students were hopping onto their trains back to Tokyo. How lucky!