
【学部ニュース】Professor Niiya's seminar student gives presentation at Rikkyo University / 立教大学にて、新谷ゼミの学生がポスター発表を行いました。

  • 2024年08月26日
  • イベント・行事


Fourth-year student Naomi Guinea Takagi gave a presentation at the 70th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Group Dynamics Association that was held at the Niiza Campus of Rikkyo University (August 22-23). Under the guidance of Professor Niiya, she presented the results of three experiments she carried out for her graduation thesis in the Self and Culture Seminar. She was asked questions by many social experts and gave great answers. Moreover, she also received insightful advice. Six students in total from the Self and Culture Seminar also helped out at the meeting, and they were actively asking questions of other people giving presentations. It was a very stimulating two days for everyone involved. In the coming fall semester, fourth-year students will finalize their graduation theses and third-year students will develop their experiment plans in the Self and Culture Seminar.


4年生のGuinea Takagi Naomiさんが立教大学新座キャンパスで開催された日本グループ・ダイナミックス学会第70回大会(8月22-23日、立教大学にて開催)にてポスター発表を行いました。新谷教授の指導の下、Self and Culture Seminarで卒論のために行った3つの実験の結果を発表しました。多くの社会心理学者から質問やアドバイスを受け、立派に受け答えをしました。Self and Culture Seminarの学生6名も学会のお手伝いをしつつ、時間を見つけては発表者に積極的に質問をするなどしました。とても刺激的な2日間でした。秋学期、Self and Culture Seminarでは4年生は卒論の仕上げ、3年生は実験計画を練り上げます。


  • 新谷ゼミ「Self and Culture Seminar」の学生6名

  • ポスター発表を行うGuinea Takagi Naomiさん