
【イベント告知】GSASの開催(2024/5/8)/ GSAS event on May 8th, 2024

  • 2024年05月07日
  • イベント・行事

Dear GIS Students,

If you are interested in going to grad school or wonder whether grad school is for you, please join our first GSAS workshop, open to all GIS students from all years.

WHEN: Wednesday May 8th, 3-4 pm
WHERE: BT 0602

Profs. Niiya and Khezrnejat will explain the pros and cons of going to grad school, how to select programs, and how to prepare for grad school while in GIS. We will also answer any questions you may have about grad school.

SIGN-UP HERE: https://forms.gle/pP3QzkYjLr7B8u1KA

I look forward to meeting many of you there!

If you are interested in grad school but cannot come, I suggest you still sign-up using the google form above. We can put you on a mailing list that gives you the link to the materials of the workshop and other helpful resources.

Yu Niiya