まず、11月22日(水)にセールスフォースジャパン(執行役員 人事部長)の鈴木雅則氏、12月1日(金)にToyota Motor North America (Executive engineer)兼カルフォルニア大学バークレー校(客員研究員)の廣瀬徳晃氏、12月11日(月)にSECAI MARCHE (CEO)の杉山亜美氏の講演がありました。鈴木氏からは外資系企業の人事が考える企業が求める人材について幅広くお話して頂きました。廣瀬氏からはAIやロボティックス等の最先端技術の紹介があり、その後、PhD プログラムに所属する研究員との意見交換が行われました。杉山氏には海外での起業についての難しさややりがい等について語って頂きました。3つの講演全てにおいて、終了後はQ&Aセッションがあり、3人のGGLI フェローには、学生からの多くの質問に対して、時間が許す限り、丁寧に分かりやすく答えて頂きました。
【11月、12月開催GGLIイベント フェロー一覧】
鈴木雅則(Suzuki, Masanori)、廣瀬徳晃(Hirose, Noriaki)、杉⼭亜美(Sugiyama, Ami)
* List of Fellows: こちらをご確認ください。
GGLI Event Report (November and December) and Events for Academic Year 2024
Three GGLI Fellows gave lectures for GIS students in November and December 2023 (also open to other departments in Ichigaya campus).
Firstly, Mr. Masanori Suzuki, Executive Officer of Human Resources at Salesforce Japan, gave a talk on November 22nd (Wednesday). This was followed by a session with Mr. Noriaki Hirose, Executive Engineer at Toyota Motor North America and a Visiting Researcher at the University of California, Berkeley (UC Berkeley), who delivered a presentation on November 22nd (Wednesday). Finally, Ms. Ami Sugiyama, CEO of SECAI MARCHE, gave a talk and shared her insights into entrepreneurship on December 11th (Monday). Mr. Suzuki spoke broadly about the talents sought by companies from the perspective of HR departments in foreign affiliated companies. Mr. Hirose introduced cutting-edge technologies like AI and robotics, and this was followed by an exchange of views between researchers undertaking PhD programs at the UC Berkeley and GIS students. Ms. Sugiyama discussed the challenges and rewards of entrepreneurship abroad. Each of the three lectures concluded with a Q&A session, during which the three GGLI Fellows patiently responded to as many questions as time permitted.
Events such as lectures and presentations by GGLI Fellows will be scheduled for Mondays during the fifth period of the 2024 academic year. In the spring semester, it will be treated as an omnibus course for graduation credits, while in the fall semester, talks will be held on a similar basis to those held in 2023. GGLI was established in April 2023 as an industry-academia collaboration organization aimed at supporting the careers of students. We hope that students will utilize participation in these events to help shape their future career paths. GIS will continue to create an environment to help support students after graduation and provide beneficial opportunities. How will you make the most of such an environment and these opportunities?