左から、台湾実践大学 郭壽旺教授/副校長(副学長)、日本台湾教育センター 郭艶娜日本事務局所長、法政大学 福岡賢昌GIS教授/学部長
On October 24, 2023, a group of 33 students primarily majoring in business management from Shih Chien University (Taiwan), led by Professor Kuo Shou-Wang, paid a visit to Hosei University. The purpose of this visit was to foster cultural interaction and enable these students from different backgrounds to learn about Japanese universities, businesses, and culture.
To kick off the event, students from Shih Chien University, students from the Fukuoka seminar and GIS Ambassadors were divided into 6 groups and gave self-introductions in each group. While there was some initial nervousness due to the students all meeting each other for the first time, discussions soon grew passionate as they explored a range of topics, including campus life in Japan. Students from the Fukuoka Seminar also had the opportunity to learn about Taiwan's culture and student life there. Following this, GIS Ambassadors led a tour of Hosei University's Ichigaya campus and they provided a detailed introduction to the campus facilities.
It seems that the students from Shih Chien University had a valuable opportunity to gain a deep understanding of Japanese culture and values through their interactions with GIS students during this visit.
These interactions among young individuals with diverse cultural backgrounds provide an excellent platform for mutual respect, shared learning, and personal growth. Hosei GIS is committed to further developing international exchange programs, and promoting understanding and cooperation among individuals from different cultural backgrounds.