12月11日(土)神戸市外国語大学主催の全国大学生マーケティングコンテスト(英語)がアンカー神戸で行われ、法政GIS福岡ゼミから決勝に進出した2チーム(Team S601: 今西瑛太郎/4年、池田桃子/3年、佐藤彩夏/3年、中野千尋/3年、Team Shōyuこと:富田有紀/3年、細井瑞希/3年、山下ダニエル龍/3年)がそれぞれ優勝、準優勝を果たしました。
福岡ゼミの出場チームが優勝したのは2017年、2018年、2019年に続き4回目。2020年は新型コロナウイルスの流行により開催されなかったため4連覇になります。今年はSan-J International Inc.(1804年創業の味噌・醤油メーカーのサンジルシ醸造(三重県桑名市)が、1978年にアメリカ・バージニア州リッチモンドに設立した現地法人)により「アメリカ市場における発酵食文化3.0の創造~San-Jの醤油製品のマーケティングプラン~」という課題が与えられました。
-Eitaro Imanishi
This is a great honor for me and for all team members to have won the first prize at MCJ! I am really glad to have experienced MCJ as a student before I embark on my career. I am sure that this will help me to be a great “Shakai-jin”. Thank you to all of the seminar students!
-Momoko Ikeda
I am so delighted that we could win the first prize, it was a great experience and opportunity. It was not an easy process, but we could achieve this because of the great contribution and effort of all of our teammates. I hope that I can make the best of what I learned from our success at MCJ. I would like to thank everyone who supported us including all seminar members and professors!!
-Ayaka Sato
It is an honor to have won the first prize at MCJ. I am sure that this great result came about because of repeated practice and the great amount of support we gave each other, as well as the support from the other seminar members and professors. I would like to sincerely thank every single person who supported us.
-Chihiro Nakano
Although I was confident with our plan, I was not sure if we could win since we had strong competitors. I think that we were able to win because we kept discussing everything until everyone agreed with the plan. In addition, I believe that everyone dedicating time to practice over and over again led us to give a successful presentation. I will make great use of this opportunity for my future career, starting with job hunting. Finally, I wish to thank the other seminar members, my team members, and Dr.Hayama, and Dr.Fukuoka.
-Yuki Tomita
I am glad that we were able to receive second place, and I am thankful for all the support we have received. I think getting to study marketing is one of the biggest opportunities that I have had so far at GIS. Therefore, receiving an award at MCJ with my teammates was a great experience. However, I believe that there is still room for improvement so I look forward to next year and doing my best again next year.
-Mizuki Hosoi
I am very honored to receive the second prize. I greatly appreciate the support of my team members, other seminar students, and Dr. Fukuoka and Dr. Hayama. I think this was one of the best moments of my university life, I could do my best with the support of my teammates.
-Danieruryu Yamashita
I’m glad that the effort our group put in paid off to let us achieve 2nd place. From the overall process, I learned a lot. One of the most important lessons that I learned is that you can’t be “perfectly prepared” for an event like this. There is always something more that can be improved. I’d like to learn from this by constantly seeking improvement and doing better next year.
優勝したTeam S601
準優勝したTeam Shōyuこと