The thing I like about GIS is how the lessons are formed. A typical university lesson that you might imagine would be in a big room with lots of students and one professor who talks throughout the entire lesson. However, most GIS classes are small with only 20 or 30 students. In addition in most the classes you need to speak up and give your opinion, this creates an environment which is like being at home. The GIS environment is one where students proactively participate in classes, which allows students to have a deeper understanding of subjects.
I really like how GIS teaches in small classes, we can easily make friends and get to know our professors. Since it’s a liberal arts course, there’s a broad field of topics which are offered. If you’re unsure what you want to study, or want to study a bit first and see what it’s like, this is the place for you!!
My favorite thing about GIS is the warm environment; in GIS, students sometimes have difficult assignments and presentations. At such times, my professors and friends become my allies and teach me what I don't understand until I can figure it out for myself. Professors are happy to teach students who are eager to learn as much as they can! That is what I love about GIS!
I wanted to attend a university where I could make the most of my international experiences, such as living and studying in the UK, while also getting closer to my future goals and dreams. Specifically, I aspired to become someone who can approach concepts from various perspectives, and not be confined to a single field of study. Also, I wanted to be surrounded by friends from diverse backgrounds, and be in an environment where only English is used. GIS met all of my expectations as it has a wide range of courses that are taught entirely in English, allowing me to experience a university life that feels almost as if I am studying abroad. That's why I decided to enroll in GIS.
When I was applying to universities, I was looking for an environment where I could take all my cases in English, as if I was studying abroad, because the COVID pandemic had made travel overseas almost impossible. Also, as someone who is intellectually curious, I thought that a liberal arts education would be a good fit for me as it would allow me to study a variety of academic fields before deciding on a major. I was particularly interested in the business field and tourism studies at the time of the entrance examinations, and I was attracted to GIS, where I could study classes in these two fields in English.
Before enrolling, I heard that there would be a lot of assignments at GIS, which made me very anxious. However, I found that while there are many assignments, as long as I create a solid schedule and really organize my classes, then it is possible to balance them with part-time work and activities like open campus. Additionally, I thought that all classes would have essay assignments, but I was surprised to discover that some classes had different kinds of assessments, such as creating posters or building websites.
In a good way, GIS has been just as I imagined. All classes are in English, and I feel that the level is high each day. Even now that I am in my third year, I find that I spend less time on assignments, but there are still many things in the classes that I find “difficult”. Every day I am having such a stimulating life in GIS!
I was surprised to learn that English language skills are not necessarily proportional to grades. It depends on the class, but at GIS, grades are given based on a comprehensive assessment of various factors, such as how you take the class and how you approach in-class discussions. As a result, I realize the importance of active learning, such as taking an interest in the news and talking to professors immediately if I don't understand something in class.
The amount of assignments and the time required to complete them vary depending on the class. For almost all classes, you need to read the assigned materials in advance. Additionally, you’ll need to prepare for quizzes or organize your thoughts for in-class discussions. While there aren't many post-class assignments, some classes require a report every three weeks, and it is essential to do a regular review of class materials for exams. You really have to think about your workload, in-class activities, and exam formats when organizing your schedule.
The amount of assignments varies depending on the course, the professor, and the week. In some classes, students have to read assigned readings before the next lecture or answer related questions. Also, some classes have pop quizzes before class, which can require preparation. When you take many courses that do not have final exams but instead requires final reports, you will likely be busy with these submissions and studying for tests before the end of the term. Therefore, the amount of assignments can vary depending on the courses you take.
福岡教授のGlobal Strategic Management Seminarに所属しています。福岡ゼミでは、春学期に3つのグループに分かれてリーディングを元にプレゼンテーションを行います。秋学期は、春学期での学びを活かしながらMCJと呼ばれるマーケティングコンテストに出場します。福岡ゼミは「Work Hard Play Hard」というモットーを掲げており、勉強と遊びと両方に全力に取り組んでいます。私はゼミを通して、プレゼンテーションとディスカッションの能力が向上したと実感しています。
I am in Professor Fukuoka's Global Strategic Management Seminar. In the spring semester, students are divided into three groups and give presentations based on readings. In the autumn semester, we compete in a marketing contest called MCJ while utilizing our learnings from the spring semester. The Fukuoka Seminar has the motto 'Work Hard Play Hard' and we put all our energy into both studying and playing hard. I feel that my presentation and discussion skills have improved through this seminar.
All classes are taught in English, with a maximum of about 35 students, and I have never felt that GIS classes are passive. There are discussions and presentations, and students are always expected to to speak up. There are no classes where you just listen to the professor and take notes.
It varies by class, but overall, most classes at GIS are highly interactive. Unlike the typical university lecture format, GIS classes are held in smaller groups of up to 36 students. Professors frequently ask questions and provide opportunities for discussions during lectures, making it a more engaging experience. As a result, we are encouraged to actively think and participate throughout all of our classes. Additionally, many classes include exchange students, allowing us to encounter diverse perspectives and exchange ideas, which is one of the key attractions about being a student at GIS.
I believe that the professors really get to know us students. The class sizes are small, so during discussions, professors will go to each group to see how their discussions are going, and they give advice and hints on problems. I think that our professors are always in communication with students. In addition to this, I feel that the distance between the students and the professor is very close compared to classes in other departments.
One of my favorite things about GIS is the close communication between professors and students. Many classes are conducted in an interactive format, and professors take the time to answer any questions or concerns we have, even outside of class. They also remember our names and often engage with us, which creates a very welcoming atmosphere. The professors are passionate about their subjects and are enthusiastic teachers, making attending every class something I genuinely look forward to.
I am a member of the GIS Planning club for when the university has open campus days, and during the spring semester, our team creates displays and practice giving talks in preparation for this event. On the day of the event, I communicate directly with visitors, share my experiences at GIS and answer questions. We have weekly meetings, and while preparing the displays and scripts is challenging, I make progress little by little during my spare time to balance it with my classes.
I am a member of the Hosei University Badminton club (72). We have practice about once a week, and I often rent an outside gymnasium so that I can practice with my friends and seniors, and we practice about twice a week. While I have classes and assignments, I participate in practice in a balanced manner. Specifically, I make sure that my dedication to badminton practice doesn’t interfere with my class schedule. For example, if I have a class in the first period, I make sure not to have a practice session scheduled for the night before.
I do not have a part-time job, but I am doing long-term internships at two companies. One of these is at a jewelry brand PR internship and the other is at a company that runs a job-hunting navigation website, where I am learning every day through supporting actual work and responding to emails while still a student. The internship at the jewelry brand also allows me to use English.
I taught English at a cram school from the end of the first year, helping students from elementary to high school prepare for the EIKEN test and improve their conversation skills. At the end of my second year I began working as a bell attendant at a hotel, where I handle wide range of tasks including carrying luggage to guests’ rooms and guiding them to the reception desk or their rooms. With many foreign guests, I use English on a daily basis.
This depends on my friends. I talk in Japanese with my friends from high school and my friends in my badminton club. However, when I speak with my friends at GIS, we often speak in English. One of my friends from high school is also studying at GIS, however when he first entered GIS he experienced problems speaking in English as a lot of his previous learning had been self-study, so we always talked in English together. I think that it is thanks to him that I became more comfortable with speaking English. Talking with friends is a very good way to build up your English skills. I think that the most important thing in becoming a fluent English speaker is talking over and over again. In GIS no one will laugh at you or make fun of you if you make a mistake, we are all on the same page, and we are all trying to build up our skills. This is also something that I like about GIS.
During classes, I speak in English, but outside of class, I mainly converse with my friends in Japanese to relax from the classes. However, there are times when we switch to English in the middle of speaking Japanese, and so the language we use can change depending on the situation.
I am an open campus staff member. Being part of the Open Campus is very important to me, as it is the reason why I decided to enroll in GIS. I try to let candidates who are undecided about which faculty to enter, like I was at that time, know about various parts of GIS and try to alleviate their anxiety as much as possible. I am always excited to hear from many students who tell me with a twinkle in their eyes that they want to enter the same department as me.
I try to participate as much as possible in the programs offered by GIS. For example, GIS has an industry-academia organization called GGLI, which regularly organizes lectures by industry leaders. I attend these lectures and this increased my conviction that I want to work for a foreign-affiliated company. Learning from the GGLI Fellows, who are industry leaders, I have come to understand many things about applying for a job in the IT industry.
To be honest, I don’t have a specific plan for after graduation at the moment. During my time at GIS, I plan to participate in the overseas diplomatic establishment dispatch program and other internship opportunities. If I feel that I’ve gained the necessary knowledge and skills for a specific job, I’ll consider entering the workforce after graduation. However, if I determine that I need more specialized knowledge or experience, I’ll pursue further education in graduate school before starting my career.
I am thinking of going to graduate school, I really want to study more about psychology. Hopefully I can get a place somewhere and study and research more.
I am planning to join a foreign IT company as a sales representative. I became aware of my post-graduation career path in the autumn of my second year at university and gradually began job hunting, including working as a long-term intern. Finally, in March of my third year of university, I received a job offer from the company of my first choice and finished my job search. My job search took 18 months, but it was a valuable time for really thinking about what I want to do in the future.
In the future, I want a role where I can build bridges, for example by accurately transmitting information about Japan to the world and bring foreign information back to Japan. While I haven't yet decided on a specific career, I’m considering becoming an international journalist or a diplomat. I’ve always been captivated by the power of language, and since language learning is also my passion, I want to pursue a career that leverages these skills. As a polyglot, I aim to deeply understand the meaning and nuances of language, not just to convey information, but also to help foster intercultural understanding.
私は、IT業界に興味を持っています。私は大学2年生の時に受講した「Language Education in Digital Era」という授業で、日本のICT教育が諸外国と比べて遅れを取っているという現状を知り、自らITについて学びたいと考えました。そして、大学2年生の春休みにITパスポートという資格を取得しました。これをきっかけに、英語力を生かしながらIT業界で働き、日本でIT技術の大衆化に貢献したいと思うようになりIT業界に興味を持ちました。
I am interested in the IT industry. In my second year of university, I took a course called ‘Language Education in the Digital Era’, in which I learned that ICT education in Japan was lagging behind that of other countries, and decided that I wanted to learn about IT myself. During the spring break of my second year at university, I obtained the IT Passport qualification. This led to my interest in the IT industry, as I would like to work in the IT industry while utilizing my English skills and contributing to the popularization of IT technology in Japan.