Journal of International Economic Studies is published annually. It carries scholarly papers on comparative economic studies of Japan and the world and on other topics in international economics. Editorial committee will invite anyone to submit papers to The Journal. The submitted papers are to be peer-reviewed by anonymous referee(s).Accepted manuscript will be published in The Journal in printed form and PDF images of full page can be downloaded from the ICES website with permission of the author(s).
Call for paper: here
“Time Series Analysis on Macroeonomy in Japan”
Editor’s Introduction
Hiroshi Morita
Price and Wage Dynamics and Labor Market Conditions in Japan
Hiroshi Morita
Macroeconomic Shocks and Firms’ Overseas Expansion
: Evidence from the Factor-Augmented VAR Approach
Shota Araki, Bin Ni, Hiroshi Morita
The NG-SVAR Model under the Pearson Family of Distributions:
Implementation with R Packages
Tadashi Nakanishi
Ways to Conserve the Land Title of the Orang Rimba,
Hunter-Gatherers of Jambi, Indonesia
Narihisa Nakashima
Industrial Economics of the Medical Device Industry
-Heading toward a Leading Japanese Industry-
Editor’s Introduction
Takuma Sugahara
Data Construction and Productivity Analysis on the
Medical Device Manufacturing Industry in Japan
Takayuki Ishikawa
Comparison of Reimbursement Pricing Systems for
Medical Devices in Japan and Other Countries
Makoto Tamura and Takuma Sugahara
Balancing Medical Equipment Costs with Public Finances
Kazumasa Oguro
Challenges and Prospects in the Medical Device Industry
-Heading toward a Leading Japanese Industry-
Takuma Sugahara
Fiscal and Social Security Systems Design in the Midst of Demographic Change
Editor’s Introduction
Kazumasa Oguro
An Analysis of Fiscal Governance: Why Japan’s Fiscal Consolidation Fails?
Hideaki Tanaka
Borda Count Method for Fiscal Policy
- A Political Economic Analysis -
Ryo Ishida and Kazumasa Oguro
Why Fiscal Reform Makes no Progress in Japan
Manabu Shimasawa
Effects of Fiscal Integration of the Public Pension System in Japan
Seiichi Inagaki
FY2019 Financial Verification and Public Pension Finance
Evaluation of the Total Factor Productivity Growth Rate, An Economic Assumption
Kazumasa Oguro
Reconsidering Aging and Financial Markets in East Asia
Takashi Kihara
Effects of Fiscal Rules on the Fiscal Policy Reaction to Government Indebtedness
Kazuki Hara
A Comparison of Behavior-Restriction and Test-and-Isolate
Policies Using an Epidemiological Model
Keiichiro Kobayashi and Kengo Nutahara
Using GIS to Examine the Optimal Location for Long-Term Care Facilities
in a Depopulating and Super-aging Society: A case study of Niigata City
Kazumasa Oguro
Empirical Analysis of Yield Determinants in Japan’s Municipal Bond Market:
Does Credit Risk Premium Exist?
Takahiro Hattori and Hiroki Miyake
Editor’s Introduction to the Special Issue
“Intergenerational Transfers and Family in an Aging Society”
Junya Hamaaki
Motives for Inter Vivos Transfers in Japan
Junya Hamaaki
Impact of Inter-Generational Transfer through
Tax and Social Security Systems on Income Inequality in Japan
Fumihiko Suga
Does a Wife’s Employment Affect her Husband’s Retirement Decision?
Evidence from Japanese Longitudinal Data
Tadashi Sakai,Akihito Toda,Atsuhiro Yamada
Health Impacts on Labor Participation of Elderly Japanese Males
Junya Hamaaki,Haruko Noguchi
Determinants of Country Risk Premium Revisit:
Evidence for Emerging Market and Developing Economies
Hiroyuki Taguchi,Bolortuya Munkhbat
Editor’s Introduction
Editor’s introduction on the special issue
"A theory of coalition-proofness and its applications"
Ryusuke Shinohara
Coalition-proof Nash equilibria and weakly dominated
strategies in aggregative games with strategie substitutes: A note
Ryusuke Shinohara
Coalitional equilibria in non-cooperative games with
strategic substitutes: Self-enforcing coalition deviations and irreversibility
Ryusuke Shinohara
Undertaking nonharmful or harmful public projects through unit-by-unit
contribution: Coordination and Pareto effciency
Ryusuke Shinohara
Editor’s Introduction
The effect of financial regulations on stock markets and bank behaviors
Hidetomo Takahashi
Individual investor flows and cross-section of stock returns: Evidence from Japan
Hidetomo Takahashi
The value premium and the market-dynamic conditional momentum effect: Evidence from the Japanese stock market
Naoya Shiomi
Does mispricing drive the value effect? Evidence from Japan
Naoya Shiomi, Hidetomo Takahashi, Peng Xu
Does tax-loss selling affect January returns? Evidence from the capital gain tax rate changes in Japan
Hidetomo Takahashi
Bank-specific Determinants of Capital Structure: New Evidence from Japan
Taku KINAI and Takeshi OSADA
A Micro-Analysis of the Life Cycle Model and Savings Determinants with Late Labour Engagement
Fidelis Ogwumike, Taiwo Adekunte, Donald Ofoegbu
Is it efficient to discriminate passengers in airport charges according to flight distance?
Yu Morimoto, Yusuke Teraji
A.Tamura, Editor's Introduction.
N.Shimizu, The Innovation Mechanism in Target Costing.
A.Tamura, Firms' Investment Strategies and the Choice of Foreign Direct Investment.
T.Hino, Impact of Foreign Direct Investment and Financial Market Development on Economic Growth.
M.Sugiura, Editor's Note Alternative Perspectives for Global History of Coffee and Tea.
K.Ota, Coffee as a Global Beverage before 1700.
T.Morinaga, Tea Drinking Culture in Russia.
M.Iijima, Coffee Production in the Asia-Pacific Region:
The Establishment of a Japanese Diasporic Network in the Early 20th Century.
Sumei Wang, Ph.D., Domesticating the Foreign: Re-making Coffee in Taiwan.
Ching Lin Pang & Mo Li, Mapping Chinese Coffee Culture in the Land of Tea.
The Case of Yunnan Province.
Erica Baffelli & K.Yamaki, Maids in Akihabara: Fantasy, Consumption and Role-playing in Tokyo.
N.Nakashima, Exclusion of Nias Squatters and Expansion of Oil Palm Plantation.
A. Kondo, Editor’s Introduction.
Y. Yokura, Temporary Space and Business-matching Networks of the Semiconductor Industry in Kyushu, Japan.
A. Kondo, Industrial Dynamics and Locational Adjustment:Implications for Agglomeration Economies from the Case of Flat Panel Displays in Japan.
T. Baba, Changes in International Competition regarding Auto-parts in China, Korea, and Japan.
J.K. Lim and J.H. Park, The Regional Regime of Accumulation in Ulsan City, Korea.
I. D. Raheem, ‘More Finance’ or ‘Better Finance’ in Output Growth Volatility Literature: Evidence from a Global Perspective.
A. Kondo, Editor’s Introduction.
Y. Yokura, Temporary Space and Business-matching Networks of the Semiconductor Industry in Kyushu, Japan.
A. Kondo, Industrial Dynamics and Locational Adjustment:Implications for Agglomeration Economies from the Case of Flat Panel Displays in Japan.
T. Baba, Changes in International Competition regarding Auto-parts in China, Korea, and Japan.
J.K. Lim and J.H. Park, The Regional Regime of Accumulation in Ulsan City, Korea.
I. D. Raheem, ‘More Finance’ or ‘Better Finance’ in Output Growth Volatility Literature: Evidence from a Global Perspective.
E.Nishizawa, Editor’s Introduction.
C.G.Kim and S.S.Lim, An Evaluation of the Environmentally Friendly Direct Payment Program in Korea.
E.Nishizawa, Agri-environmental Policies of Japan and Shiga Prefecture.
T.Fujie, Conservation Agriculture Adoption and Its Impact: Evidence from Shiga Prefecture, Japan.
G.Karras, Can Higher Inflation Be More Stable? Evidence from Japan and the US.
I.Alley and I.Poloamina, Private Capital Flow Shocks and Sub-Saharan African Macroeconomic Performance.
Selected ICES 2014 International Conference Paper (Asian Economy at the Crossroad: China, India, and ASEAN)
H.Esho, Dynamics of the Textiles & Apparel Industries in Southeast Asia— A Preliminary Analysis —.
K.Takechi, Editor’s Introduction.
K.Miura and K.Takechi, Institutional Quality and Homogeneity, and Types of International Transactions.
K.Takechi, Cross-Border Alliances for Local Market Entry in Pharmaceuticals.
S.Matsushima and K.Takechi, Business Sentiments and Investment Behavior in Small and Medium Enterprises.
K.Miyazaki, Editor’s Introduction.
N.Sagara, Representation of Preference Orderings with an Infinite Horizon: Time-additive Separable Utility in Continuous Time.
K.Miyazaki and H.Utsunomiya, On the Uniqueness and Stability Conditions for Two Types of Monetary Models with Recursive Utility.
H.Gunji, Business Cycle Accounting under Catching Up with the Joneses.
N.Ashiya, ‘Perfect’ Real Estate Liquidity and Adjustment Paths to Long-run Equilibrium.
R.Ohlan, Sustainability of India’s Current Account Deficit.
R.H.Bhatti, Some Evidence on the Monetary Model of Exchange Rates.
S.N.Bhattacharya and M.Bhattacharya, The Energy Consumption and Economic Growth Nexus: Evidences from Emerging and Developed Countries.
T.Satoh, Capital Inside and Out : The Drive to Internalize.
G.Walker, The World of Principle,or Pure Capitalism:
Exteriority and Suspension in Uno Kozo.
K.Oki, Outside as Betweenness-Encounter :
An Introduction to the Political Econmiy of Excess.
Y.Sato, Okishio Theory Revisited in the Light of ‘Axiomatic Externality ’
Y.Nagahara, We,the Defective Commodity-Beings.
I.Hwang and E.C.Wang, The Effectiveness of Export, FDI and R & D on Total Factor Productivity Growth : The Cases of Taiwan and Korea.
Z.J.Xiong, Effect of Venture Capitalists on Japanese Firms' Patent Applications in
the Pre-and post-IPO periods.
Y.Suzuki, Editor’s Introduction.
Y.Suzuki, A Comparative Theory of Non-Integration, Integration,
and the Decentralized Firm.
Y.Suzuki, A Three-Tier Agency Model with Collusive Auditing: Two-Type Case.
K.Takeda, Preemptive Surrenders and Seif-Fulfilling Life Insurance Crises.
K.Kobayashi, Incentive for Improving the Public Budget Balance in Local Governments and Resident Migration.
Y.Tsuranuki, EU Stratcgy for Convergence oflntemntional Accounting Standards,
2000-2008 -Network Externalities Analysis-
C.Nakamura, Currency Mismatch, Balance-sheet effect and Monetary Policy.
T.Hino, Growth Effects of International Economic Integration.
H.Goto, Incorporation and Diverse Reactions: Nationalism in Ireland.
M.Tanaka, 'Nation' Consciousnesses in Medieval Ireland.
I.Takeda, The Irish Coarse Linen Industry and the American Market in the Eighteenth Century.
N.Sakiyama, Dublin Merchants and the Irish Repeal Movement of the 1840s.
K.Ozawa, Catholicism and National Identity in Ireland in the Age of the Devotional Revolution (1850-1875)
A.Mori, Major Willie Redmond and Irish Home Rule.
Y.Sato, Poetry, Money, and the Public: Subsidy and Accountability in Northern Irish Literature.
J.Yu, Y.Cheng, An Empirical Study of the Effects of RMB Exchange Rate on China's Inflows of FDI.
D.E.Adenutsi, Long-Run Macroeconomic Impact of International Migrant Remittances on Human Development in Low-Income Countries: A Panel Analysis of Sub-Saharan Africa.
H.Gunji, Y.Nikaido, Convergence across Indian states: A re-evaluation.
S.Singh, Global Financial Crisis and Indian Economy:A Journey from Recession to Recovery.
M.A.Arip, L.S.Yee, S.Madono, Commodity-Industry Classification Proxy: A Correspondence Table between SITC Revision 2 and ISIC Revision 3.
V.Chaturvedi and B.Kumar and R.H. Dholakia,
Inter-Relationship between Economic Growth, Savings and inflation in Asia.
S.Moktan ,The Impact of Trade Agreements on Intraregional Exports : Evidence from SAARC Countries.
A.Okamoto, Tax Policy in Aging Japan.
S.J.Kang, Aging and Inequality of Income and Consumption in Korea.
R.Kumar and Arup Mitra, Growth,Health and poverty : A cross-Country Analysis.
H.Iwamura, Welfare Analysis of Currency Union.
M.Somura, Project report.
P.Xu, Corporate Financing Choices, Deregulations and Corporate Bond Market Development : Lessons from Japan.
Yasuhiro Arikawa, The Choice between Public and Private Debt by Japanese Firms.
F.Takeda and K.Takeda, How Large Creditors Affect Corporate Bond Prices through Creditor Coordination.
K.Miyazaki, The Effect of the Temporal Resolution of Uncertainty on Asset Pricing : A Survey and an Empirical Study of Japan’s Corporate Bond Markets.
S.Shimizu, Corporate Bond Markets of Korea, Malaysia and Thailand.
M.Nagano, Corporate Finance and Asian Bond Market.
T.Serita, On Survey Data Analysis in Corporate Finance.
Y.Heo and Y.Chung, The Endogeneity of Tariffs in Korea.
T.Lawson, Methodological Issues in the Study of Gender.
N.Hara, Towards a Political Economy of Care.
E.Murakami, The Consequences of the Policy Reform : Japanese Industrial Training Programs and Female Migrant Workers.
J.Baba, Colonialism, Gender, and Socio-economic Change : A Case Study of Legal Action for Family Maintenance in Papua New Guinea.
W.Atchariyachanvanich, International Differences in the Relative Monetary-Fiscal Influence on Economic Stabilization.
H.D.Karunaratne, Managing Regional Income Inequality in Sri Lanka : Lessons from Japanese Experience.
Y.Suzuki, Commitment Problem, Optimal Incentive Schemes, and Relational Contracts in Agency with Bilateral Moral Hazard.
T.Baba, Development Model of the Die and Mold Industry in Asia : A Comparative Analysis of Japan and Republic of Korea.
N.Nakashima, On the Legitimacy of Development : A Case Study of Communal Land Struggle in Kapalo Hilalang, West Sumatra, Indonesia.
O.Saito, Pre-Transition Fertility in Asia : Acomparative-historical Approach.
T.Kurosaki, Long-term Agricultural Growth and Crop Shifts in India and Pakistan.
T.Yanagihara, Structural Reform as Precondition for Economic Growth : Analytical Framework and the Case of South Korea.
K.Odaka and T.J.Yuan, Disguised Unemployment Revisited.
K.Fukao and K.Kiyota, X.Yue, China's Long-Term International Trade Statistics : by Commodity, 1952-1964 and 1981-2000.
K.Vogiatzoglou, Agglomeration or Dispersion? Industrial Specialization and Geographic Concentration in NAFTA.
Y.Hirata, Great Britain's Balance of Payments Crisis in 1931 : A Multilateral Settlements Perspective.
Y.Yoshida, Economics of Internet Packets.
K.Tokuda, Involving Mobile and Motorized Society Advanced by Wireless Technologies for Safety Driving ? Technology Innovation Leads to Global Niche Business-
R-J.J.Sheu, Industrial Technology Research Institute and Its Open Lab.
T.Niimura, Roles of Advanced Information Technology for Restructured Electric Power Industry in North America.
K.Shibata, J.Watada, Y.Yabuuchi, S.Uehara, Fuzzy Multivariate Approach to Corporate Brand Evaluation.
M.Satake, An Empirical Study on Testing the Fisher Hypothesis in Japan.
Y. Sato, Introduction to the Special issue on the Myth of Market Economy and its Alternative.
K. Shimizu, On "Comparative Institutional Analysis" of the Genesis of Institutions : A Critical View.
Y. Sato and G.Valatin, An Essay on Humanizing the Market and Economic Discourse.
T. Asada, Price Flexibility and Instability in a Macrodynamic Model with a Debt Effect.
K. Haga, Japan's Capital Accumulation Regime: Current Status and Challenges.
N. Hara, Rethinking Market and Family.
S.D.Sharma, Did India's Capital Control Regime Insulate it from the Asian Financial Crisis? : Some Preliminary Observations.
K. Nakamura, Results of Field Study on Daily Life Water Utilization in the Mekong Delta.
S. Nomoto, Decreases in the Number of Foggy Days in Thailand and Japan, and Possible Causes.
A. Hosoda, Garbage Disposal Problems in Indonesia
H. Koiwai, Light Rapid Transit in Singapore-Transportation Demand Management and Urban Environment.
L. J. A. Lenten and I. A. Moosa, The Cyclical Behaviour of Nominal and Real Stock Prices: Evidence from Japan.
R. Smyth and Z. H. Lu, Explaining Total Factor Productivity Growth in Chinese Industry -The Role of Incentives, Openness and Ownership Reform.
S. Kitano, BOP Crises and External Shocks.
M. Yoshimura, Urbanisation, Development and Socio Cultural Changes in Malaysia.
H. Gunji, Structural Breaks and Currency Crises: A Stylized Fact.
N. Murakushi, The Japanese Way of Playing Golf.
M. Yaka, The Direction of Leisure Industry Promotion in Okinawa.
S. Kawamata, Study on the Excessive Use of Leisure Sites: The Case of Oze Nikko National Park.
K. Hattori, Hospitality Management in the Theme Park Industry in Japan.
K. Haba, Globalization and Nationalism in Postcommunist East Central Europe
-Yugoslavia and East Central Europe under the EU Enlargement-
H. Gunji, Lessons from the Russian Financial Crisis.
R. Banga, Corporate Financial Structures and Financial Performance.
R. Smyth, F. G. T. Lim, and H. Shi, Explaining the Performance of China's Collective Township and Village Enterprise Sector.
J. Gamzikov, Transformation of Investment Development Path in Transition Economy.
H.Mori, International Labor Migration: the Japanese Experience.
E. Saito, Approaching Nineteenth Century Irish Migration: An Overview from both Global and Local Perspectives.
I. Nakagawa, The Socio-economic Situation of Non-Nikkei Foreign Workers in Japan -A Case Study on Asian Overstayers in the Kanto Region-
K. Yamamoto, Foreign Workers in the Management of Japanese Manufacturing Companies -A Case Study on the In-plant Contractors in Hamamatsu Area-
M. Yamamoto, The Meaning of the Samoan Way of Life in the United States.
M. Yoshimura, Economic Development and Migrants Workers in Malaysia: Indonesian Workers in Estates.
V. McGown, Immigration and Multiculturalism in Australia.
K. Ebara, The Rise and Fall of Asian Traders in Kenya.
K. Odaka, Non-Agrarian Production and Capital Formation in Pre-Modern Japan.
I.A. Moosa, The Classical Gold Standard: A Miracle or a Myth?
I.A. Moosa, Direct and Cross Forward Hedging of Transaction Exposure to Foreign Exchange Risk.
N.Al-Mutairi & A.Hoque, Kuwait's Balance of Trade with Its Major Trading Partners.
Y. Okamoto, The Evolution of Industrial Districts and the Role of Community.
N. Kumar, Flying Geese Theory and Japanese Foreign Direct Investments in South Asia: Trends, Explanations and Future Prospects.
F. Kimura, The International Competitiveness of American Manufacturing Industry.
H. Kumon, From the Diffusion of Lean Production to the Hybridization Perspective.
T. Nagashima, A Resurgence of the American Steel Industry?
H. Itagaki, 'Re-reversal' between Japan and the U.S. in the Semiconductor Industry.
S. Hagiwara, Section 8 (a) (2) of the NLRA and the Dunlop Commission's Report.
D.K.Fausten & S.Marjit, “ NO EXIT ” : Costly Retrenchment Discourages FDI.
I.Patnaik & D.Vasudevan, Trade Misinvoicing and Capital Flight from India. Carvalho, The Japanese Immigration Low Revisited.
J.-P.Bassino, Economic Development in Vietnam,Japan,Korea and Taiwan,1990-1945.
H. Hirakawa , East Asia's Industrialization and the Currency and Financial Crises within the World Economy
M. Kikuchi, Chinese-type of Market Mechanisms - Performance and Prospects
H. Esho, India's New Economic Policy and the Japanese Response
K. Sugiura, American 'Globalism' and Asian 'Regionalism' in the Age of Transformation of the World System
N. Kasuya, An Alternative to the Global Free Market
M.Kaneko,The Political Economy of the Safety Net.
M.Masuda,The International Monetary System and Currency Crises.
Y.Shimane,International Labour Migration and Workers' Remittance in Asia.
T.Yanagihara, Market-Oriented Reforms and SociaI Safety Nets in Developing Economies.
S.N.Mishra,The Indian Peasantry and the State in the context of Economic Reform.
M.Yoshimura,Economic Development and Labour Structure in Malaysia in the 1990's.
R.Smyth,Township and Village Enterprises in China-Growth Mechanism and Future Prospects.
M. Kikuchi , Transition from Small Society to Market Economy Unit -Economic Reform of State-owned Enterprises in China-
T. Matsuzaki , The Formation of the Chinese Iron and Steel Industry and Its Technical Innovation.
N. Takagi , The Evolving Process of Color TV Mass Production Technology in China.
H. Ueda, Supplier System of CTV Manufacturing in China
- Case Study of Beijing Peony Electronic Group Co. -
K.Yamamoto, Development of International Tourism in Turkey -Its Effect and Problems. -
I.A.Moosa & R.H.Bhatti, Are Pacific Markets Integrated? A Case Study of Australia, New Zealand and Japan.
M.Yoshimura, Economic Development and Foreign Labour in Malaysia -Indonesian Workers in Estates.-
M.Yoshimura, A Japanese Company and Malay Villages in the Malaysian Economic Development
-A Case Study of a Japanese Company and the Introduction of Foreign Workers in Selangor ,malaysia.-
M.I.Alam & I.Hasan, Does Export Lead to Growth? Asian Experience.
V. Gupta & H. Kumon, A Dynamic Model of Japanese Investment System: A Comparative Investigation of Japanese Hybrid Factories in Asia, Europe and America.
H. Mori, Foreign Worker's Working and Living Condition in Japan.
H. Fukuda, Observations on Profitability of Manufacturing Industry in Japan: Based on the
One-Dimensional Phase.
N. E. Al-Loughani, R. H. Bhatti & R. B. Arden, Testing for Interest Rate Linkages within Pacific Basin Countries.
I. A. Moosa & R. H. Bhatti, Does Purchasing Power Parity Hold between Japan and Other Asian Countries?
M. G. Rao, Role of the State Governments in Fiscal Reforms.
S. Nagai, Interconnection of Telecom Networks in Japan.
T. Omura, What is Really Needed for Japan's Telecommunication Deregulation?
K. Ota, NTT's Rate Rebalancing from the Viewpoint of Efficiency Prices.
H. Mori, Structural Changes in Japan's Labor Market and Its Attraction of Foreign Migrant Workers.
K. Yamamoto & T. Chiba, Job Change of Foreign Workers in Contemporary Japan -The Case of Japanese Brazilians-
N. Takagi, The Cost Analysis of the Chinese Color TV Industry.
K. Okamura, Returns to Scale in Japan: An Empirical Analysis of the Dynamic Production Function.
T. Bonitsis, K. Kasibhatla & J. Malindretos, A Comparison of the Monetary and Traditional Approaches to International Competitive Adjustment: The Case of South Korea.
V. Rastyannikov & I. Deryugina, Patterns of Techno-Economic and Relevant Socio-Economic Changes in Farm Economy: An Experience of a Retrospective Comparative Analysis (Japan, India, USA, Russia)
T. Yanagihara, Japan as a Newly Industrializing Economy.
M. Tsurumi, Development of Channels of Industrial Finance in Japan 1867-1914.
H. Esho, From a Late-comer Donor to the Top Donor: How Special is Japanese ODA.
H. Kumon, International Transferability of the Japanese Production System: Japanese affiliated Auto Plants in the U.S.A., the U.K., and Taiwan.
Y. Tsuranuki, Soft Power and Collective Decision.
J. Cho, Noisy Screening Models for the Educational Cramp in Korea.
I. A. Moosa & N. E. Al-Loughani, Some Time Series Properties of Japanese Oil Imports.
Part1 Comparative Studies.
R. Crotty. Japan and Ireland: A Comparative Study.
T. Matsuo, The Attitudes and Activities of the Workers in the Early Years of Industrialization:
A Comparative Study of Japanese and Irish Economic and Social History.
R. Neeson, Aspects of Parallelism in Japanese and Irish Character and Culture
Part 2 Studies in Irish History.
S. Mori, Irish Monasticism and the Concept of Inheritance: An Examination of Its Legal Aspects.
T. Koseki, Patrick O'Higgins and Irish Chartism.
S. Takagami, The Dublin Fenians after the rising, 1867-79 Part 3 Studies in Japanese History.
L. M. Cullen , Tokugawa Economy and Society in Historical Perspective.
Y. Nagahara, Rational Peasants and village Community.
T. Mutoh, Welfare Implications of Current Account Adjustment Policies.
P. Collins, Monetary Foundations for the Era of "Pax Nipponica".
T. Yanagihara, Asia-Pacific Economic Zone: Its Emergence and Evolution.
T. Shibata, Tripolar Structure of the International Banking and Financial Markets.
H. Kumon, Japanese-Affiliated Auto Plants in the United Kingdom.
Y. Okamoto, The Viability of Industrial Districts by Flexible Specialization: A Comparison of Italy and Japan.
H. Esho, "The Korean Model" and the Political Economy of Structural Adjustment.
T. Kawakami, Markets and Government: The Korean Case.
J. N. Oh, The Korean Economy at a Crossroads.
W. H. Park, Japan's Role in the Structural Adjustment of the Asian-Pacific Economies.
K. Yamamoto, Branch Plants in a Peripheral Region of Japan and Their Contributability to Regional Economic Development.
M. Abe, Some Comments on the XXI International Conference of Agricultural Economists.
H. Kumon, Multinationalization of Toyota Motor Corporation.
M. Saito, The Collapse of Soviet-Type Socialism in Europe and the Lessons for China.
M. Hishida, The Phenomenon of Corruption in China. L. F. Ng & C. Tuan, A Comparative Study of Productivity in the Textiles and Electronics Industries in Hong Kong and Taiwan.
K. Yamamoto, Spatial Pattern of Control and Dependency in Japanese Corporations.
S. Osabe, The Impact of EC Market Integration and East European Liberalization on Asia-Pacific Economies.
M. F. Montes, The Philippines: In Search of Internal Dynamism in the Development Process.
Y. Suzuki, Political Economy of Structural Adjustment: Indonesia's Case.
T. Kawakami, Introduction.
K. Kurokawa, & J. K. Hubbell, A Revolution in Government-run Corporations: Changing Values in the Public Sector of an Affluent Japan.
S. Nagai, On the Competition of Telecommunications under Regulation in Japan.
N. Kasuya, On the Characteristics of Neoconservatism in Japan.
H. Mori, An Estimate of the Inflow of Illegal Workers into Japan (1975-1988).
Y. Okamoto, Factors Which Determine Corporate Diversification: The Case of Camera Producers.
D. P. Clark, A Comparison of Generalized System of Preferences Schemes of Japan and the United States.
M. Tsurumi, Preface.
M. Kyuno, A Glimpse of the Financial Revolution in Japan.
U. Schaede, Liberalization of Money Markets: A Comparison of Japan and West Germany.
M. Munechika, The Development of the Euroyen Market and Progress in Financial Liberalization.
J. Maru, A Comparison of the Securities Markets in Japan and the U.S.A.
T. Iwami, The Internationalization of Japanese Banking: The Factors Affecting its Rapid Growth.
N. Hayashi , Changes in the Financial Transmission Mechanism in Japan: Some Evidence Using Causality Test for 1962-84.
A. M. Rugman and A. Verbeke, Strategic Management and Trade Policy.
T. Moutos and D. Vines, Microeconomic and Macroeconomic
Theories of Primary Commodity Prices.
A. M. Rugman, The Firm-Specific Advantages of Canadian Multinationals.
L. M. Cullen, Irish Economic Development and Problems in the 1970s and 1980s in Historical Perspective.
D. J. Green, The Aftermath of the 1986 Oil Price Crash: Growing Trade Friction.
N. Hayashi, Long-Run Effectiveness of Keynesian Fiscal Policy.
T. Inoue, International Trade with Capital Mobility and a Nontrade Good.
K. Miyazaki, Macroeconomic Statistical Relationships in the Japanese Economy.
T. Morita, On the Softness of Socio-Economic Disciplines in the Traditional Socialist Economy and the Possibility of Economic Reforms.
K. Yamamoto, Regional Disparity and Its Development in Postwar Japan.
H. Esho, A Comparison of Foreign Direct Investment from India, S.Korea and Taiwan by size, Region and Industry.
T. Kawakami, On Wallerstein's 'World Capitalist System' - How to Analyze a Totality -.
K. Kobayashi, Japanese-Style Labor-Management Relations and Employment and Industrial Relations
in Small and Medium Enterprises.
T. Matsuzaki, The Development of S.Korea's Steel Industry.
K. Ohmura, On the Foreign Exchange Neutralizer and Interest Rate Arbitrage Transaction.
M. Tsurumi, Japan's Economic Development and Foreign Trade: The International Background.