
Guidance for continuing students /【在学生】2021年度春学期 授業関連情報


This page is for GIS continuing students. We will update it as needed up until the end of April, as such please check it regularly.

0. Index

1. Schedule / 4月のスケジュール updated April 14
2. GIS Handbook, syllabus / 履修の手引き、シラバス updated March 25
3. How to take courses in 2021 spring・Timetable / 春学期授業について・時間割【Important】
4. GIS Application for Online Attendance/オンライン授業申請書 updated April 5
5. Required English Courses (必修英語科目) updated July 5
6. ESOP cross-listed Courses
7. *For students who entered in 2012-2019* Recognition of credit for English Test Preparation Advanced;(ETP Advanced) updated March 25
8. Teaching Certificate / 教職科目について【Important (if applicable)】
9. French, Spanish, Chinese / 外国語科目
10. Two Semester Subjects / 通年科目【Important (if applicable)】
11. GIS Independent Study and Essay I & II Course Schedule updated March 25
12. Relaxation of upper limit / 成績優秀者の履修上限緩和
13. Physical Educationの単位認定について
14. A6606 Introduction to Career Design (1年のみ履修可) 抽選について updated March 30
15. 秋学期に他学部公開科目を履修予定の方へ updated April 5
16. Selection results / セレクション【Important】updated April 6
17. 9月卒業 updated April 8


1.  Schedule / 4月のスケジュール updated April 14

April 2, 3    Health Examination / 健康診断

<Reception hours>
2nd-year: April 2, 9:15-9:30
3rd-year: April 2, 16:45-17:00
4th-year: April 3, 11:45-12:00

From April 3    Provisional registration / 仮登録

April 16 - 21    Course registration / 履修登録期間   
May 10 - 11    追加・取消期間  


2. GIS Handbook, syllabus / 履修の手引き、シラバス updated March 25

For students who entered in 2012-2019 / 2012~2019年度年度入学者向け追加資料 updated March 25



3. How to take courses in 2021 spring・Timetable / 春学期授業について・時間割【Important】


1. With the exception of several courses that will be taught exclusively online throughout the term, GIS courses will combine some weeks of face-to-face classroom teaching with some weeks of online teaching (which could be either live or on-demand). The exact balance will be determined by the university’s designated threat level.

  • At Level 1, GIS will aim to offer 70% of its courses in classrooms (i.e., 9 out of the 14 weeks).
  • At Level 2, GIS will aim to teach 50% of classes face-to-face in classrooms (i.e., 7 of the 14 weeks).
  • At Level 3, all GIS classes will be online.

2. Because of the uncertainty surrounding the development of the pandemic, Hosei University may decide to switch levels during the term. Check the university website and your Hosei email account frequently to see the latest threat level status and announcements from the university.

3. The Academic Calendar for GIS courses shows which weeks will be online vs. face-to-face. Note that these may change depending on the development of the pandemic.

4. The first week of class will be held online (either live,g., via Zoom, or on-demand). For specific details, check the course webpage on Learning Management System after it has been updated on or after April 5.

5. Classes to be held on campus in the 1st period may start later (e.g., 9:30 instead of 8:50) to avoid the rush hour commute. Please check the course website on Learning Management System for more details.

6. If you are unable to regularly come to campus because you cannot enter Japan or have health-related issues, please notify the instructors on the first day of class. You must also submit an online form to the GIS office to request attending classes remotely. More information about the form is announced on Hoppii. Only those who have been approved may attend all classes remotely.


1. オンラインのみの科目を除き、GISの科目は対面とオンライン(同時双方向型を含む)を組み合わせた形で実施されます。

  • レベル1の場合は各科目で対面授業を70%程度実施します(14週中,9週が対面)
  • レベル2の場合、対面授業を50%程度実施します(14週中,7週が対面)
  • レベル3の場合は全ての授業がオンラインで実施されます。


2.  感染状況が変化した場合、学期の途中でも授業形態が変更になります。法政大学ウェブサイトをこまめに確認してください。

3. どの週が対面またはオンラインかは、Academic Calendar for GIS coursesにて確認してください。ただし、これも感染状況に応じて変更になる場合があります。

4. 第一週目の授業は全てオンライン(Zoomでの同時双方向型やオンデマンド型)で実施します。詳しい情報は学習支援システムの各科目のページを見て確認してください。学習支援システムは4/5以降、更新される予定です。




Timetable / 時間割 updated July 28

Change in the time schedule (updated March 25)

Please note that the time schedule for Ichigaya will change as follow:










Lunch break


Lunch break is now 10 mins longer



Starting 10 mins later than last year



No change since 2020





GIS Timetable (updated July 28)


4. GIS Application for Online Attendance/オンライン授業申請書 updated April 5


5. Required English Courses (必修英語科目) updated July 5

*For students who entered in 2019-2020 fall* Class (from 1 to 8) remains same / (2019-2020年秋学期入学者)所属クラスについて

Your class (from 1 to 8) remains same even in the 2nd year. Please see page GIS hand book in order to know when and which courses you need to take.

必修英語科目のクラス(1〜8)は2年次に進級しても変わりません。どの科目をどのセメスターで履修する必要があるか、『履修の手引き』 で確認してください。

Course Re-enrolment / 再履修について

On April 2nd we sent a letter by post regarding classes. Please make sure to check this letter and attend the mentioned class/es.


Textbook / 教科書について

(1)List of textbooks / 教科書リスト

(2)Purchase method /購入方法
a. Face-to-face sales at special venues on university campus / 大学構内の特設会場での対面販売
 ◆ Sales period: April 5 (Mon) to April 28(Wed)
 ◆ Place: Co-op Temporary Textbook shop (Fujimizaka Building B1F)

 * After the above period, books will be sold at the Hosei University co-op shop on the first basement floor of Fujimi Gate.

b. Online mail-order via dedicated website / 専用サイトでのオンライン通信販売
 ◆Sales period: April 5 (Mon) to April 28(Wed)

 * Click on "市ヶ谷キャンパス" via the above URL, check "2021年度春学期の教科書購入方法" and access the textbook order website. 

Website purchases steps:
① Register to use the website. (Please register your name, address, email address, etc.)
② Search by class name, class code, and teacher name, and place required books in the cart.
  * Please check the syllabus for each class, and any notifications from instructors, regarding textbooks you should purchase on the Hosei Learning Management System
③ Proceed with the purchase procedure and select the payment method.
  * You can choose either credit card payment or payment at a convenience store.
  * If you choose to pay at a convenience store, the details on making payment will be sent to the email address you entered when you registered.
④ After confirming payment the order will be sent to your registered address.
  * It may take some time for the order to arrive.

①    教科書注文サイトにて、Webサイト利用登録をする。(氏名、住所、メールアドレス等を登録いただきます)
②    教科書注文サイトで受講する授業名称や授業コード・教員名で検索し、該当するものがあればカートに入れる。
③ 購入手続きに進み、支払方法を選択する。
④ 入金確認後、サイト利用登録時に入力いただいた住所宛てに、生協より順次発送します。

6. ESOP cross-listed Courses

How to register Marketing in Japan(200-level)

応募者に、抽選結果をHoppiiで配信しました。(April 5)

If you want to take “Marketing in Japan”, you need to apply in advance as follows. If we have over 5 applicants, the student who can take this course will be decided by lot. Be careful you cannot cancel once you applied.
ESOP cross-listed 科目の「Marketing in Japan」受講希望者は、以下のとおり事前申し込みが必要です。申し込みの多い場合は、抽選のうえ履修者を決定します。 申し込み後のキャンセルはできません。

・Number of seats for GIS students / 定員: 5 

・Application requirement / 対象者
Those who are sophomore or over.  Applicants are required to read the syllabi and attend the first class (on-line).

・Application flow / 申し込みまでの流れ
Application period: from March 25th (Thu) to April 4th (Sun) 23:59
Announcement of results: April 6th (Tue) at Hoppii
The first class: April 8th (Thurs) 15:00-16:40

・How to apply / 申し込み方法
Please access the google form.

Advanced Economics (300-level)

This course has prerequisites. Please see the web syllabus before you take the course. You must meet the prerequisites when you take this course. 


7. *For students who entered in 2012-2019* Recognition of credit for English Test Preparation Advanced;(ETP Advanced) / (2016-19年度入学者)ETP Advancedの単位認定について updated March 25

You can earn 2 credit for English Test Preparation Advanced utilizing your TOEFL iBT/ITP score or IELTS score. It is counted as the number of credits acquired in the spring semester.
基準を満たすTOEFLまたは IELTS スコアをお持ちの場合、English Test Preparation Advanced の 単位認定(2 単位)を行うことができます。その場合、春学期の修得単位としてカウントされます。 

・This announcement applies to students who…
1) are sophomore or over 2) have not passed ETP Advanced yet

・Score requirement
TOEFL iBT90(PBT/ ITP577)and over
IELTS band 6.5 and over
*Only the score which you get after entering in GIS is accepted.

・How to apply updated March 25
1) If you have already got a score sheet which meets the requirement above, please access the google form and submit the copy of score sheet (PDF or image file) by 17:00 on Wednesday, April 21st.
You don’t have to attend your English Test Preparation Advanced class and can attend another class on the same day and period.

2) If you get the score during spring semester (on or after April 21st), please submit it via the google form as soon as you get it. You can skip English Test Preparation Advanced class after you submit it.


8. Teaching Certificate / 教職科目について【Important (if applicable)】



9. French, Spanish, Chinese / 外国語科目

  • Please avoid to take the language classes if you are a native speaker of them. 
  • C, D は A, B を履修した方(またはその言語を修得した者)対象の授業です。それぞれ独立した科目のため、1科目ずつ履修できます。複数開講していることがありますが、全てを履修するのではなく、いずれか1つを選んで履修します。


10. Two Semester Subjects (1 year courses from the spring to the fall semesters)
通年科目(春学期から秋学期まで1年間行われる授業)【Important (if applicable)】

Course registration will be in the spring semester, while the grades will be released at the end of the fall semester, so please be careful about the upper limit of course registrations.
* Since the grades are not released at the end of the spring semester, at the time that students enrol for the fall semester, the credits for these courses are not counted for advancing to the next academic year.
  Example: Registered course for the spring semester of year 3: Course maximum of 4 credits is counted, which are to be officially confirmed in results at the end of the fall semester for progression into year 4.



11. GIS Independent Study and Essay I & II Course Schedule updated March 25



12. Relaxation of upper limit / 成績優秀者の履修上限緩和

Students with a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or more up to the end of the previous year may achieve up to 60 credits in one year. Any students that wish to do this must contact the GIS office (問い合わせフォーム).


13. Physical Educationの単位認定について



  1. 当該年度に入部し、かつ原則として、「体育会出席簿」記録期間末(当該年度1月中旬)まで在部し活動した者。
  2. 「体育会出席簿」に活動参加が記録されている者。
  3. 各部の部長により、採点名簿にS~C-評価がされた者。
  4. 上記の他、本学在籍等、単位修得の一般的要件を充たしている者。


秋学期の履修登録期間内に、本人が「体育会活動による単位修得申請書」を 提出し、手続きを行う。 秋学期の履修登録期間については、追って掲示等でお知らせします。


体育会活動で修得できる単位は、1年間の体育活動で1科目2単位(Physical Educationとして修得)です。単位は秋学期の修得単位数としてカウントされます。


  1. 単位修得をした場合、Physical Educationの授業は履修できません。授業に参加したい場合は、通常通り履修登録をしてください。
  2. おひとりにつき1回のみ単位認定されます。
  3. 年度途中で退部した場合は単位修得ができません。
  4. 単位修得された場合も、成績はS~C-となりますので、GPAの対象です。
  5. 第二体育会は対象となりません。

14. A6606 Introduction to Career Design (1年のみ履修可) 抽選について updated March 30

A6606 Introduction to Career Design(藤澤広美先生、金曜2時限)は以下の日程でWeb抽選を行います。

参考資料:ILAC WEB掲示板 >2021年度ILAC科目/市ヶ谷基礎科目大人数授業 抽選ガイド(3月26日公開)

※上記以外のIntroduction to Career Designについては、Web抽選ではありませんので、初回授業に出席してください。


15. 秋学期に他学部公開科目を履修予定の方へ updated April 5

秋学期に、ILAC主催の他学部公開科目を履修したい場合、秋学期科目であっても、春学期の初回授業にて選抜のある可能性があります。(2021年度GIS履修の手引き 共通-(19)参照。)


16. Selection / セレクション【Important】<Frequently updated>

After the results have been announced, if you wish to take a different course from the second week, then please contact the teacher in charge of that course.


17. 9月卒業 updated April 8


Contact / 問い合わせフォーム