
Department of Economics

Faculty of Economics

Curriculum Program wherein Students Can Study with Focus on Personal Interests

The big picture is required for an accurate grasp of the trends and to solve problems of our ever increasingly complicated economy in the midst of computerization and internationalization. In the Department, we foster individuals capable of accurately comprehending actual economic trends based on broad culture, and who are capable of proposing the measures needed to solve contemporary problems. For this purpose, upon classification of economics, we have organized the curriculum into three programs made up of various subjects, so that students can study with a focus on their own interests. Although students must choose the program, to which they will belong during matriculation procedures, it is possible to change such as desired upon finishing the second-year. In addition, another major distinguishing feature of the Department is its capability of fostering teachers to handle the new “Information” subject area in high schools, and this is a rarity in humanities faculties.

Social System Program Centered on Systemization and Systems Analysis

Economic decision-making is actually a matter of making adjustments and choices among political and political measures. In this program, based on systems analysis, emphasis is placed on understanding of the economy and industry from historical and geographical viewpoints. We aim at fostering global thinking about the basic concepts of theoretical, historic and systematic fields that are indispensable for understanding the economy and industry, and issues surrounding the latest political and economic choices relevant to Japan.

Political Measures Information Program to Foster Analytical Skills to Deal with Information Society

For the contemporary economy, high-level analytical and projection skills from broad viewpoints are in demand due to the advance of computerization. Thus, in this program, the applied areas of economics, such as analysis of specific political measures or monetary and banking analysis, are emphasized. In addition, we strive to have students acquire analytical skills based on actual data about specific topics such as finance, money and banking, social security measures based on basic concepts of contemporary economic theories and analytical frameworks, and information processing and quantitative ways of viewing matters.

Environmental Culture Program for Fostering Deep Understanding of Culture and the Environment

In the contemporary economy, there is no shortage of difficult issues taking place due to differenced of cultures and sense of values among ethnicities. Environmental issues, or issues of differences between rich and poor or religions are deeply connected to differences of cultural structure, and there are limits to the solvability of such within the existing academic system. In the program, with Economics as a foundation but not constrained by the framework of Economics, integral and interdisciplinary viewpoints are emphasized. From broad viewpoints of the environment and economy, or culture and the economy, emphasis is placed on mastery of “issue discovery” ideas and methods.