
Faculty of Economics

Undergraduate Programs

New trends and events affecting our economic environment are rapidly changing the world we live in. The spread of computers and the advent of value-added networks are two of the recent developments that are accelerated by the expansion in international trade and foreign investment.

Studying such a rapidly changing economy in order to fulfill our hopes and dreams for the future is the object of the work carried on within the Faculty of Economics. In order to be able to adequately respond to the issues of the present age, the Faculty has enthusiastically carried out its own educational reorganization, highlighted by the inauguration in the Spring of 1984 of a new day session division at Tama Campus, and the reestablishment of an evening session division at Ichigaya Campus. The staff consists of about 70 teachers who have been brought together from all parts of Japan and from various foreign countries purely on the strength of their academic achievements and their personalities rather than on the basis of membership in or association with academic circles or organizations.


Degree Conferred: Bachelor of Arts (Economics)



Faculty Members
