




  • 150名
  • 法政大学 2 - 1 明治大学
  • グローバル教育センター事務部 国際交流課・グローバルラーニング課
  • 応援団
  • 橙青会
  • Hi-C Orange

試合前の応援指導には法政大学応援団があたり、試合中には応援初心者を後押しするべく、法政スポーツ応援サークル「橙青会」の協力を仰ぎ、留学生のサポートにはHi-C Orangeがサポートにあたりました。皆さんの応援が選手に届き、明治大学に勝利することができました。


Baseball players getting ready to play, cheerleaders enthusiastically dancing, and fans loudly cheering, “Hosei! Hosei! Hosei!” were all things that I witnessed at my first ever college baseball game. I am so glad I experienced this Hosei baseball game because so many memories were made on that day, April 29, 2017. Baseball games in Japan are so different than in the United States because in Japan everyone is much happier and more excited.

I had the pleasure of sitting next to Hosei friends who were so nice and taught me all the cheers. I think singing the cheers made the game more enjoyable because I got to be spirited with the rest of the fans. What I loved the most about the game was when we scored a point, we all stood up and cheered with our arms around each other. The game was very close but Hosei won!

Even though Hosei won, we still cheered for the other team and told them congratulations. I really admire the Japanese for being very kind and respectful to the other team which is the opposite in the United States; when the other team loses we become very aggressive. I am so grateful for this experience and I can’t wait to experience something like this again. Thank you Student Affairs Center and HI-C Orange for letting all of us see this game! 

 (交換留学生・経営学部市場経営学科3年 ROSAL Joseph Michael)