News & Event

Temporary suspension of student ID issuance, student guidance, health checks, etc., scheduled to start from April 1

To all newly enrolled students in April 2020 and current students

March 30, 2020

  【Emergency / Important Notice】Temporary suspension of student ID issuance, student guidance, health checks, etc., scheduled to start from April 1

Hosei University

Hosei University has decided to temporarily suspend student ID issuance, student guidance, health checks, etc., for academic year 2020, which are initially scheduled to start from April 1. We know this is short notice, but our decision is in response to the ongoing spread of the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) in the last few days in the metropolitan area, and requests from local governments to refrain from going out.

Hosei University asks all the newly enrolled students and current undergraduate and graduate students not to come to school on April 1 and thereafter for the time being. Please wait at home until further notice from the University, which you should check on this website.

The future schedules for newly enrolled and current students, respectively, are as follows:

Regarding entrance to the campus from April 4 to 20, please check the information as follows. (April 3 update)

→ Entry to University Campuses (April 4–20) (Updated on April 3)

Student ID issuance, student guidance, health checks, etc. :

Newly enrolled students in April 2020

(1) We will inform your student ID and ID number issuance, etc., by postal mail, the details of which will be posted on this website on April 2.

  • ID will be sent to the address registered at the time of application after April 4.(The same information was sent to the e-mail address registered at the time of application on March 31.)
  • Student ID cards in Ichigaya Campus(including Faculty of Engineering and Design) and Tama Campus will be mailed to the guarantor address registered at the time of enrollment from April 7. Koganei Campus Faculty ( Faculty of Computer and Information Sciences, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Faculty of Bioscience and Applied Chemistry) and the Faculty of Engineering and Design will issue student ID cards and distribute PCs from April 8 to 10 (The Faculty of Engineering and Design will only distribute PCs). If student cannot come to school during this period, we will respond individually. Please check the website of each faculty. (April 3 update)  (April 6 update) ※ID and Student ID cards will not be sent to students who guarantor address is overseas, so we will contact you separately.( April 6 update)
  • Student ID cards and PC distribution of Koganei Campus Faculty (Faculty of Computer and Information Sciences, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Faculty of Bioscience and Applied Chemistry) and PC distribution of the Faculty of Engineering and Design scheduled from April 8 to 10 will be canceled and mailed.
    For details, please check the website of each faculty. (April 6 update)

(2) The details of health checks, including procedures and time schedules, will be informed as soon as they become concrete.
(3) Student guidance, English examinations and any other matters not specified herein are temporarily postponed, and further notice on the new schedule will be posted on this website around April 7.

Current students

(1) The entire guidance schedule which has already been informed are temporarily postponed, and further notice will be posted on this website around April 7.
(2) The details of health checks, including procedures and time schedules, will be informed as soon as we they become concrete.
Please don’t come to school for the time being and wait at home until further notice from the University, which should be checked on this website.

■Start date for spring term: April 21 (Tuesday)

At this moment, the spring term is scheduled to start as initially planned.
After it begins, however, it is highly likely that, for some significant period of time, lessons will be conducted online with both students and teaching staff at home. Please carefully check further notice from the University on this website.