
Hosei University Environmental Policy


Aiming for ‘Green University’

Hosei University acknowledges the importance of finding solutions to global environmental problems in sustainable development. The University in its Environmental Charter thus states that the whole of its academic community supports the aim of a Green University and hereby promotes the following:

  1. Through environmental education and research, seminars, and symposiums, Hosei University shall make every effort to improve and maintain a sound environment inside and outside the university, and actively organize an educational movement for environmental improvement.
  2. The University shall actively promote  resource conservation, energy conservation, green purchasing, reduction of waste and recycling, and tree-planting on campus, and take part in community activities on preservation of the environment.
  3. The University shall minimize environmental aggravation caused by activities on campus and set objectives and targets in order to promote activities such as debates, discussions and other educational programs about worldwide environmental issues.  All Hosei University faculty members and staff shall strive to achieve these objectives and targets.
  4. The University shall comply with environmental laws and regulations related to activities on campus, and endeavor not only to prevent contamination of the environment but to also work towards its conservation and recovery.
  5. The University shall strive to raise the environmental awareness of all members of the Hosei community including affiliated companies through environmental education.
  6. The University shall regularly implement internal audit in order to review the environmental management system, and make all possible efforts to continuously improve it .
  7. The University shall actively announce its environmental policy, the environmental charter and other environmental information in writing or on its website (http://www.hosei.ac.jp/) to all members of the Hosei community and the general public, and promote internal and external communication.

April 1, 2022

Katsuya Hirose
Hosei University