News & Event

Classes in the 2021 Academic Year (Update No. 2)

March 5, 2021

To: Current Hosei University students, their parents and guardians

Hosei University

Classes in the 2021 Academic Year (Update No. 2)

In line with the announcement on December 25, 2020, regarding Policies for Holding Classes during AY 2021 (Update No. 1), classes during the 2021 academic year will be held basically in-person, while implementing all measures possible to prevent the spread of novel coronavirus infection and taking the situation within the wider society into account. Preparations for holding these classes are currently in progress. 

As we prepare, our intention is to make a positive effort to design classes flexibly, having considered the characteristics of each curriculum or course. This will include starting hybrid classes that combine in-person and online classes, HyFlex classes that enable in-person classes to be simultaneously streamed online, and on-demand classes. 

During the 2020 academic year, we have built up a diverse range of knowledge through experience, including understanding of different class formats. In the 2021 academic year, we will make the best possible use of this experience, and further improve the quality of our online education.

In addition, Hosei University has taken measures to prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus, including ensuring there is a certain space between seats in classrooms on each campus, installing acrylic boards to prevent the spread of droplets, and placing alcohol disinfectant sprays at every corner of the campuses. This is while receiving advice from the university’s medical staff and preparing for the safe running of classes.

Masks must be worn when on university grounds, as such all students who are physically attending classes must wear one (Manual for Preventing Spread of Infections in Face-to-Face Classes [For Students]).
As explained above, at this moment in time classes will be held basically in-person, and students will need to come to the campuses, as such all students must ensure that their living arrangements enable them to attend classes. Specific details about individual classes (whether they are face-to-face or online) will be posted on Online  Bulletin Board from March 22. However, in principle, students who are unable to physically attend classes, for example foreign students who are unable to enter Japan and students who have underlying illnesses, will be guaranteed the option to take online classes, apart for some subjects for which the educational purpose cannot be achieved without in-person teaching.

Please note that in the future there may be changes to the course schedule for AY 2021 due to the novel coronavirus situation and other factors. Should this happen we will make additional announcements, and we ask that you continue to regularly check our website.