
Undergraduate Programs

Faculty of Law

The Department of Law welcomes students with the following characteristics.

  1. Persons equipped with the basic academic ability and motivation suitable to learn undergraduate courses
  2. Persons with sustained interest in various issues in Japan and abroad and the motivation to solve such issues
  3. Those with a passion for learning, initiative, and outstanding creativity
  • General entrance examinations (Type A and Unified schedule exams, entrance exams making use of outside English-language testing, and entrance exams of the National Center Test, using the National Center for University Entrance Examinations)
    General entrance examinations, assess the basic academic ability and motivation to learn necessary for acquiring each of the skills indicated in the diploma policy following admission.
  • Recommended candidates entrance examinations (recommendation from designated schools, recommendation from affiliated schools)
    Based on application documents, interviews and other means, the basic academic ability, motivation to learn, interest in social issues and motivation to solve them, passion for learning, initiative, and creativity are assessed.
  • Recommended candidates entrance examinations (special recommended admissions for persons with outstanding sports skills)
    Based on application documents and interviews, applicants are assessed as to their (1) having compiled outstanding sports accomplishments in high school, (2) having the basic academic ability necessary for pursuing university education, (3) having a strong desire to enter the Department of Law in the Faculty of Law of the University, and (4) having a strong desire to continue with both learning and sports after admission.
  • Special entrance examination (entrance exam for international students)
    Based on application documents, interviews and other means, applicants are assessed as to their (1) having the Japanese language proficiency and basic academic ability necessary for pursuing university education, (2) having the ability to express in Japanese their own matters of interest concerning law studies, and (3) having a strong desire to enter the Department of Law in the Faculty of Law of the University and study law.

Department of Politics

The Department of Global Politics welcomes students with the following characteristics.

  1. Persons equipped with the basic academic ability and motivation suitable to learn undergraduate courses
  2. Persons with an interest in and motivation to solve various issues in life in society
  • General entrance examinations (Type A and Unified schedule exams and entrance exams of the National Center Test, using the National Center for University Entrance Examinations)
    Questions in the general entrance examinations are weighted toward those that test standard knowledge through high school, aimed at measuring basic academic ability.
  • Recommended candidates entrance examinations (recommendation from designated schools, recommendation from affiliated schools)
    Based on application documents, interviews and other means, basic academic ability and interest in social issues and motivation to solve them are assessed.
  • Recommended candidates entrance examinations (special recommended admissions for persons with outstanding sports skills)
    Based on application documents and interviews, applicants are assessed as to their (1) having compiled outstanding sports accomplishments in high school, (2) having the basic academic ability necessary for pursuing university education, (3) having a strong desire to enter the Department of Politics in the Faculty of Law of the University, and (4) being determined not to neglect efforts in both sports and learning after admission.
  • Special entrance examination (entrance exam for international students)
    Based on application documents, interviews and other means, assessment is made by determining whether the applicant has adequate Japanese language proficiency and basic academic ability, and by confirming the applicant’s interest in social issues and desire to study in the Department of Politics in the Faculty of Law of the University.

Department of Global Politics

The Department of Global Politics welcomes students with the following characteristics.

  1. Persons equipped with the basic academic ability and motivation suitable to learn undergraduate courses
  2. Persons with an interest in and motivation to solve issues on a global scale and issues specific to various regions of the world
  • General entrance examinations (Type A and Unified schedule exams, entrance exams making use of external English-language tests, and entrance exams of the National Center Test, using the National Center for University Entrance Examinations)
    In general entrance examinations, the basic academic ability necessary for acquiring each of the skills indicated in the diploma policy following admission are assessed. The Department of Global Politics places special emphasis on foreign language proficiency.
  • Recommended candidates entrance examinations (recommendation from designated schools, recommendation from affiliated schools)
    Based on application documents and interviews, assessment is made by confirming basic academic ability, and interest in and the motivation to solve issues on a global scale and in various regions of the world.
  • Recommended candidates entrance examinations (special recommended admissions for persons with outstanding sports skills)
    Based on application documents and interviews, applicants are assessed as to their (1) having outstanding sports accomplishments in high school, (2) having the basic academic ability necessary for pursuing university education, (3) having an interest in and motivation to solve issues on a global scale and in various regions of the world, (4) having a strong desire to enter the Department of Global Politics in the Faculty of Law of the University, and (5) being determined not to neglect efforts in both sports and learning after admission.
  • Special entrance examination (entrance exam for international students)
    Based on application documents and interviews, assessment is made by examining whether the applicant has adequate Japanese language proficiency, basic academic ability, keen interest in issues on a global scale and in various regions of the world, and strong motivation to study in this Department.
  • Self-recommendation entrance exams using external English-language tests Based on application documents and interviews, assessment is made by examining whether the applicant with diverse backgrounds has adequate English language proficiency, keen interest in issues on a global scale and in various regions of the world, and strong motivation to study in this Department. 

Faculty of Letters

The Faculty of Letters accepts applicants who demonstrate through entrance examinations* that they have capabilities and motivations listed below.

  1. Students understand the subjects studied in high school, including Japanese language, foreign language, geography, history, civics, mathematics, and science, at a level required for graduation from high school.
  2. They have the basic knowledge and core academic skills necessary for study and research after entering the University.
  3. They can think logically and clearly express their own thinking.
  4. Their interest in the English language extends also to English literature and the cultures of English-speaking countries.
  5. They are motivated to develop the scientific thinking ability necessary for carrying on research in such areas as foreign language education and linguistic theory.

The recently adopted Self-Recommendation Entrance Exam Using the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Program is particularly aimed at granting admission to applicants who, along with the necessary level of capabilities, have diverse individuality.

*Type A and Unified schedule exams, Entrance exams using the National Center for University Entrance Examinations, Self-recommendation entrance exams, Recommended candidates entrance exams (recommendation from designated schools, recommendation from affiliated schools, special recommended admissions for persons with outstanding sports skills, or general recommended admissions based on global experience), Entrance exams making use of outside English-language proficiency tests, Entrance exams for international students, Early entrance exams for Japanese returning from living abroad, Self-recommendation entrance exams using the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Program.

Department of Philosophy

The Department of Philosophy, in accordance with the policies of the Faculty of Letters, accepts applicants who demonstrate through entrance examinations* that they have capabilities and motivations listed below.

  1. Persons having the general academic ability necessary for studies in the University.
  2. They have the basic academic ability and knowledge necessary for study and research after entering the University.
    They can think logically and express their own ideas.
  3. They are deeply interested in philosophy, and are highly motivated to learn.

*Type A and Unified schedule exams, Entrance exams using the National Center for University Entrance Examinations, Recommended candidates entrance exams (recommendation from designated schools, recommendation from affiliated schools, special recommended admissions for persons with outstanding sports skills, or general recommended admissions based on global experience), Early entrance exams for international students, Entrance exams for Japanese returning from living abroad, Self-recommendation entrance exams using the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Program.

Department of Japanese

The Department of Japanese, in accordance with the policies of the Faculty of Letters, accepts applicants who demonstrate through entrance examinations* that they have capabilities and motivations listed below. A variety of entrance exam routes are provided to ensure students are accepted based on an accurate assessment of their capabilities and qualities, and to open the door widely to persons well suited to studying in the Department of Japanese.

  1. Students understand the contents of subjects studied in high school, including Japanese language, foreign language, geography, history, civics, mathematics, and science, at a level required for graduation from high school.
  2. They have the basic knowledge and core academic skills necessary for study and research after entering the university.
  3. They can think logically and clearly express their own thoughts.
  4. They have a deep interest in Japan’s culture, language, and performing arts, and possess especially diverse and solid academic ability and qualities necessary for research in these areas and/or literary creation, covering a wide range of knowledge, reading comprehension, thinking ability, and communication skills.

*Type A and Unified schedule exams, Entrance exams using the National Center for University Entrance Examinations, Self-recommendation entrance exams, Special entrance exams for adult members of society, Recommended candidates entrance exams (recommendation from designated schools, recommendation from affiliated schools, special recommended admissions for persons with outstanding sports skills, or general recommended admissions based on global experience), Early entrance exams for international students, Entrance exams for Japanese returning from living abroad, Self-recommendation entrance exams using the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Program.

Department of English

The Department of English, in accordance with the admission policies of the Faculty of Letters, accepts applicants who demonstrate through entrance examinations* that they have the motivation and capabilities to study from diverse standpoints, not limiting themselves to a fixed perspective.Importance is placed on the following points:

  1. Students understand the subjects studied in high school, including Japanese language, foreign language, geography, history, civics, mathematics, and science, at a level required for graduation from high school.
  2. They have the basic knowledge and core academic skills necessary for study and research after entering the University.
  3. They can think logically and clearly express their own thinking.
  4. Their interest in the English language extends also to English literature and the cultures of English-speaking countries.
  5. They are motivated to develop the scientific thinking ability necessary for carrying on research in such areas as foreign language education and linguistic theory.

The recently adopted Self-Recommendation Entrance Exam Using the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Program is particularly aimed at granting admission to applicants who, along with the necessary level of capabilities, have diverse individuality.

* Type A and Unified Schedule Exams, Entrance Exams Making Use of Outside English-Language Testing, Entrance Exams Using the National Center for University Entrance Examinations, Recommended Candidates Entrance Exams (recommendation from designated schools, recommendation from affiliated schools, special recommended admissions for persons with outstanding sports skills, general recommended admissions based on global experience), Self-Recommendation Entrance Exams Using the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Program, Early Entrance Exams for International Students, Entrance Exams for Japanese Returning from Living Abroad.

Department of History

The Department of History accepts applicants who demonstrate through entrance examinations* that they have capabilities and motivations listed below.

  1. Students understand the contents of subjects studied in high school, including Japanese language, foreign language, geography, history, civics, mathematics, and science, at a level required for graduation from high school.
  2. They have the basic knowledge and core academic skills necessary for study and research after entering the University.
  3. They can think logically and clearly express their own thinking.
  4. They are deeply interested in the specialized fields of the Department of History, and are highly motivated to learn.

*Type A and Unified schedule exams, Entrance exams using the National Center for University Entrance Examinations, Recommended candidates entrance exams (recommendation from designated schools, recommendation from affiliated schools, special recommended admissions for persons with outstanding sports skills), Early entrance exams for international students, Entrance exams for Japanese returning from living abroad.

Department of Geography

The Department of Geography accepts applicants who demonstrate through entrance examinations* that they have capabilities and motivations listed below.

  1. Students understand the contents of subjects studied in high school, including Japanese language, foreign language, geography, history, civics, mathematics, and science, at a level required for graduation from high school.
  2. They have the basic knowledge and core academic skills necessary for study and research after entering the University.
  3. They can think logically and clearly express their own thinking.
  4. They are deeply interested in the specialized fields of the Department of Geography, and are highly motivated to learn.

*Type A and Unified schedule exams, Entrance exams using the National Center for University Entrance Examinations, Recommended candidates entrance exams (recommendation from designated schools, recommendation from affiliated schools, special recommended admissions for persons with outstanding sports skills), Self-recommendation entrance exams, Early entrance exams for international students, Entrance exams for Japanese returning from living abroad.

Department of Psychology

The Department of Psychology accepts applicants who demonstrate through entrance examinations* that they have capabilities and motivations listed below.

  1. Students understand the contents of subjects studied in high school, including Japanese language, foreign language, geography, history, civics, and mathematics, at a level required for graduation from high school.
  2. They have the basic knowledge and core academic skills necessary for study and research after entering the University.
  3. They can think logically and clearly express their own thinking.
  4. They are deeply interested in the specialized fields of the Department of Psychology and are highly motivated to learn.

*Type A and Unified schedule exams, Entrance exams using the National Center for University Entrance Examinations, Recommended candidates entrance exams (recommendation from designated schools, recommendation from affiliated schools, special recommended admissions for persons with outstanding sports skills), Early entrance exams for international students, Entrance exams for Japanese returning from living abroad.

Faculty of Business Administration

Students seeking admission are expected to have the knowledge, capabilities, and motivation necessary for studying the curriculum based on the educational objectives of the Faculty of Business Administration. For the sake of student diversity, a variety of entrance examination methods and selection criteria are used. The applicable departments and selection criteria for each entrance examination type are as follows.

1.General entrance examinations (Type A and Unified schedule exams, entrance exams making use of outside English-language testing, entrance exams using the National Center for University Entrance Examination)

  • Whether applicants have an academic level equivalent to high school graduation is determined by written testing, and selection is made on that basis. The written testing mainly covers three subjects (English, Japanese, and social science or mathematics), but there are also exams consisting of only two subjects are more than three subjects (e.g., six).

2.Recommended candidates entrance examinations (recommendation from designated schools, recommendation from affiliated schools, special recommended admissions for persons with outstanding sports skills)

  • Recommended candidates entrance examinations for designated schools and affiliated schools, premised on having acquired a certain level of academic ability at high school, select by confirming the desire to enter this Faculty.
  • Selection for special recommended admissions for persons with outstanding sports skills is made based on having compiled an outstanding record in high school in a sport designed by the University, having the necessary basic academic ability, and having a strong desire to enter this Faculty.

3.Special entrance examinations, etc. (Self-recommendation entrance exams, special recommended admissions based on global experience, entrance exams for international students, entrance exams for Japanese returning from living abroad)

  • Self-recommendation entrance exams are given by the Global Business Program of the Department of Business Administration. Premised on having English-language proficiency of a certain level or above, selection is made based on academic ability shown in high school, motivation to learn, and suitability for the educational objectives of the Program.
  • Special recommended admissions based on global experience are given by the Department of Business Strategy, while entrance exams for international students and entrance exams for Japanese returning from living abroad are given for all departments. Combining document review, written tests, and interviews, these are for applicants with study abroad experience at an overseas high school, foreign nationals who received their school education abroad, and Japanese nationals who received their education abroad, respectively.

Faculty of Intercultural Communication

The goal to be achieved by undergraduate education in the Faculty of Intercultural Communication is the development of members of international society who, by studying foreign languages and information science, and refining their understanding of different cultures, are able to compare their own and other cultures, and think from a global viewpoint, in their acquisition and communication of information. The Faculty defines the ideal “member of international society” as a person who, by acting in a spirit of charity and equality, becomes respected across the barriers of nations, ethnic groups, religions, and eras.

Applicants like the following are widely solicited from among persons with the qualities and motivation to become members of international society aimed for by the Faculty, through participation in Study Abroad and other programs after admission, and are admitted in keeping with the educational objectives and diploma policies of the Faculty.

  1. General entrance examinations ( Type A and Unified Schedule Exams, Entrance Exams Making Use of Outside English-Language Testing, Entrance Exams Using the National Center for University Entrance Examinations): Those who have acquired foreign language competency and comprehensive academic ability.
    For each of the entrance exams, assessment is made with the main focus on language ability, with emphasis on knowledge and skills and on thinking and expression ability. Diverse students are accepted from a variety of regions.
  2. Recommended candidates entrance examinations (recommendation from designated schools, recommendation from affiliated schools (including recommendation using the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Program), special recommended admissions for persons with outstanding sports skills): Those who have comprehensive academic ability, who strongly wish to enter the Faculty, and have clear motivations for their studies after admission.
    Assessment is made by conducting document review, orientation, interviews, and group discussions, with the emphasis on knowledge and skills and on thinking and judgment skills.
  3. Special entrance examinations (Study Abroad self-recommendation, field-specific excellence): Study Abroad self-recommendation is aimed at applicants with strong interest in the culture where any one of German, French, Russian, Chinese, Spanish, or Korean is spoken, and who wish to study abroad and can adequately express their own interests and learning motivation.
    Field-specific excellence(including the use of predicted scores of International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma) is aimed at those with outstanding achievement in a language culture (English, German, French, Russian, Chinese, Spanish, Korean, etc.), or in culture and representation (visual and auditory representation of culture), regional studies, information processing, or programming, etc.
    Assessment is made by conducting document review and interviews, with the emphasis on knowledge and skills, thinking, judgment, and expression skills, and learning motivation.
  4. Early entrance exams for international students, Recommended candidates entrance exams (recommendation from designated schools, i.e., Japanese language schools or overseas high schools): Those who have acquired Japanese language proficiency and comprehensive academic ability, have a strong interest in Japanese culture and society, and who will be able to deepen their academic awareness of issues through exchanges with general students.
    Assessment is made by conducting document review and interviews, with the emphasis on knowledge and skills, thinking and judgment, and learning motivation.
  5. Transfer Students (to the third year) and Bachelor's Degree Holders' Admission:
    Bachelor's degree holders (including expected degree holders) who have acquired a certain level of foreign language competency and strongly wish to enter the Faculty. Candidates should have acquired basic academic knowledge relevant to the Faculty's diploma and curriculum policies and have clear motivations for their studies after admission.
    Assessment is made by conducting document review, essays and interviews, with the emphasis on knowledge and skills, thinking and judgment skills.

Engagement in high school studies expected of applicants: Applicants should have an interest in foreign languages and other cultures, and should study with the aim of becoming able to obtain multifaceted views of things from multiple perspectives. To ensure full advantage is derived from the rich studies and diverse potential in university, students must never cease efforts toward self-improvement, must nurture intellectual curiosity and empathy, and must compile a broad range of basic studies.

Faculty of Sustainability Studies

The Faculty of Sustainability Studies welcomes prospective students with the prerequisite foundational perspectives, academic skills, and language proficiencies as measured by the following examinations and certifications to apply for entrance into our program:

1.      General entrance examinations:

 1)      Students who have acquired sufficient basic academic skills to obtain a bachelor's degree by studying the educational programs of the faculty as indicated in the diploma policy and the curriculum policy.
 2)      Students who are interested in the coexistence of the environment and human beings; the coexistence of human beings with each other, and who are motivated to contribute to the realization of a sustainable society.
 3)      Students who are interested in contemporary social issues that impact local and global communities, and who are motivated to discover solutions through interdisciplinary study.

2.      Special entrance examinations:

2-1.    Self-recommendation entrance exams including the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Program:
 Students with a high level of initiative who are able to think freely and take a leadership role.

2-2.    Recommended candidates entrance exams (recommendation from designated schools and special recommended admissions for persons with outstanding sports skills):
 Students who have basic academic skills sufficient to keep up with the curriculum of the faculty.

2-3.    Entrance exams for international students:

 1) Students who have sufficient Japanese language proficiency and basic academic ability necessary for pursuing university education.
 2)  Students who have a keen interest in the society and culture of both Japan and their home country and in regions of the world.

2-4.    Sustainability Co-creation Programme (SCOPE) entrance exams:
 Students who are interested in realizing a "sustainable society" that transcends national borders, and who intend to become human resources capable of working "globally and locally."

2-5.    Refresh Stage Program (RSP) entrance exams:
 1)      Students who have a strong desire to "relearn" at the faculty based on experiences gained in their past life courses, and be aiming for the next stage of their careers.
 2)      Students who have basic academic skills sufficient to keep up with the curriculum of the faculty.

Faculty of Lifelong Learning and Career Studies

The Faculty welcomes students who understand the educational objectives of the Faculty and who are equipped with the following qualities and capabilities.

  • They possess the basic academic skills necessary for post-enrollment studies .
  • They are interested in the realities of society and the career development of people within it, and are willing to deepen their academic reflection.
  • They  have a willingness to actively engage with diverse people, respecting their various values, and learn from each other.

From the standpoint of valuing learning through interactions among diverse students, the Faculty accepts a variety of students through various exam routes  as follows.

  • General entrance examinations (Type A and Unified schedule exams, entrance exams making use of external English-language test scores (English-language tests), and entrance exams using the National Center for University Entrance Examinations):
    They are equipped with thinking ability, judgment, and communication skills grounded in sufficient basic knowledge, and have a strong desire to further improve these abilities.
  • Recommended candidates entrance examinations (recommendation from designated schools, recommendation from affiliated schools, special recommended admissions for persons with outstanding sports skills):
    They have sufficient basic academic skills and are highly motivated to study in the Faculty.
  • Special entrance examinations (special entrance exams based on career experience (self-recommendation), general recommended admissions based on global experience, general recommended admissions for commercial course students, self-recommendation entrance exams using the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Program):
    Along with adequate basic academic skills, they have compiled a variety of experiences, and can effectively express their own interests and study prospects.
  • Special entrance examination (entrance exam for international students):
    They have sufficient Japanese language skills and the basic academic skills necessary for pursuing university education, and have a strong desire to study in the Faculty.

Along with adequate basic knowledge, they have compiled a variety of experiences, and can effectively express their own interests and study prospects.

Faculty of Engineering and Design

The Faculty of Engineering and Design welcomes students who have the following qualities.

  1. The basic academic ability necessary for learning and studying at University level.
  2. Understanding of the subjects studied in high school, with high school graduate-level ability in those subjects.
  3. Understanding of the educational objectives, diploma policy, and curriculum policy of the Faculty.
  4. They are highly motivated to acquire communication skills based on a foundation of language proficiency and cultural diversity.

Based on the educational objectives and policies of the University and the Faculties, the three departments of the Faculty of Engineering and Design have set the following educational objectives and policies.

Department of Architecture

The Department of Architecture welcomes students with the following qualities.

  1. They wish to work toward self-improvement by studying academic fields widely and deeply, across the arts and sciences.
  2. They have a strong interest in the health and assurance of people’s daily lives and in the safety and fairness of society.
  3. They wish to contribute to the development and improvement of the living environment and social systems of people, from the specialized standpoint of an architect or architectural engineer.
  4. They seek to polish their design skills and deepen their communication skills, becoming actively involved in a wide range of fields including architecture.
  5. No matter what situation arises, they have hope for the future of the Earth and humanity, and working to support that future is where they will embrace their dream of self-realization.

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering welcomes students with the following qualities.

  1. Understanding of the history and traditions of Hosei University, and of the University Charter.
  2. Seeing things from a global perspective, they maintain an attitude of fairness, integrity, and impartiality.
  3. They have a love of nature, and are driven by a desire to contribute to human happiness.
  4. They are motivated to acquire the analytical abilities and basic knowledge in the natural sciences that are required for understanding and analyzing phenomena, both in the world of nature and in social infrastructure facilities.
  5. Understanding the changes in the Earth’s environment, they aim to acquire the abilities and judgment needed for solving technical problems, giving due regard to the diversity and regional characteristics of global society.
  6.  Interest in a broad range of fields including the humanities and social sciences, and motivation to acquire knowledge in those areas.
  7.  The potential to acquire the communication skills needed for exercising accountability as engineers to communities and individuals.

Department of Engineering and Design

The Department of Engineering and Design welcomes students who have the following qualities.

  1. A deep understanding of the history and traditions of Hosei University, and of the University Charter.
  2. Basic academic ability and good study habits.
  3. A broad knowledge of traditional academic subjects, and rich sensibilities.
  4. Their interest extends beyond design to objective evaluations and assessments from an engineering viewpoint.
  5. Rich creativity, and a fair sense of values.
  6. They are interested in creating objects and systems with human-centered design, and are motivated to acquire the necessary knowledge to that end.

Faculty of Global and Interdisciplinary Studies(GIS)

Applicants for the Faculty undergo multifaceted assessment by means of various entrance exam types, to ensure acceptance of students from diverse backgrounds. Selection is made based on candidates having the following capabilities and qualities.

(1) They have the basic academic ability for adequately completing the curriculum of the Faculty.
(2) They can think flexibly and logically, without clinging to narrow views.
(3) They have an adequate understanding of the Faculty philosophy and educational objectives.
(4) They are motivated to devote themselves to continued and active studies and have acquired such study habits.
(5) They have sufficient English language proficiency for keeping up with classes taught entirely in English.

Faculty of Economics

The Faculty of Economics is looking for people with the following aptitudes.

  1. Knowledge, understanding, skills [AP I]
    (1) They have textbook-level knowledge of the main courses and subjects studied in high school.
    (2) They can express their own ideas in writing, in Japanese, that others can readily understand.
  2. Thinking ability, judgment, communication skills [AP II]
    (1) They are able to make multifaceted and comprehensive use of their knowledge and skills for problem-solving.
    (2) They can give a summary explanation of the thinking process involved.
  3. Interest, motivation, attitude [AP III]
    (1) They have an interest in thinking about the state of things from the standpoint of economics, and are able to translate that interest into learning and action.
    (2) Having intellectual curiosity, they have a desire to improve by further broadening and deepening the basic academic ability they have gained up to the time of entering university.
    (3) By acquiring core academic skills centering on economics but covering a wide range of fields such as policy, law, history, science, thought, literature, and language, they wish to tie these other areas to specialized knowledge in economics and expand their own world.
    (4) They wish to learn logical thinking.
    (5) They have the energy for organically linking their field of study to study abroad, sports, cultural activities, volunteer activities, acquisition of qualifications, and other actions, in and out of the university, in Japan and abroad, and to design their own learning.
    (6) They have a strong sense of ethics.
  • General entrance examinations (Type A and Unified schedule exams, entrance exams making use of outside English-language testing, and entrance exams using the National Center for University Entrance Examination) The general entrance examination assesses abilities in the first and second categories of aptitudes demanded by the Faculty of Economics, namely, 1. Knowledge, understanding, skills and 2. Thinking ability, judgment, communication skills. For each of the abilities, assessment is made by written test.
  • Recommended candidates entrance examinations (recommendation from designated schools, recommendation from affiliated schools, recommendation from commercial high schools, etc. (recommendation from National Association of Commercial High Schools), special recommended admissions for persons with outstanding sports skills, etc.) The recommended candidates entrance examination comprehensively assesses all abilities, in the first, second, and third categories of aptitudes demanded by the Faculty of Economics, namely, 1. Knowledge, understanding, skills, 2. Thinking ability, judgment, communication skills, and 3. Interest, motivation, attitude. The assessment for the first category of aptitudes demanded by the Faculty of Economics, 1. Knowledge, understanding, skills, is made based on high school academic record. For all the aptitudes including the other two categories, an overall judgment is made based on the letters of recommendation and, if necessary, based on an essay test and/or interview.
  • Special entrance examinations (Self-recommendation entrance exams using outside English-language testing, Special recommended admissions based on global experience, Entrance exams for international students, etc.) The emphasis in special entrance examinations is on the third category of aptitudes demanded by the Faculty of Economics, namely, 3. Interest, motivation, attitude. The method of assessment for the first and second categories of aptitudes demanded by the Faculty of Economics, namely, 1. Knowledge, understanding, skills and 2. Thinking ability, judgment, communication skills, makes use mainly of records on outside tests, etc., and in some cases a written test, while for the third category, 3. Interest, motivation, attitude, an interview is conducted; and an overall judgment is made.
  General entrance exams Recommended candidates entrance exams Special entrance exams
Written test Documents and essay
(some cases)
(some cases)
Outside tests,etc. Interview
Knowledge, understanding, skills A A C A C
Thinking ability, judgment, communication skills B B B C B
Interest, motivation, attitude C A A   A

A: Primary assessment factor; B: Secondary assessment factor; C: Minor relevance 

Faculty of Social Sciences

The Faculty of Social Sciences welcomes students with broad interests in social phenomena and a motivation to become actively involved in society through studies and research activities, with qualities as follows:

  1. The basic academic ability necessary for learning after entering the University.
  2. The ability to make logical analyses.
  3. The ability to accurately express their own thinking.
  4. The motivation and interest in social issues necessary for learning after entering the University.
  5. The ability to examine social phenomena from multifaceted viewpoints.

The general entrance examinations (Type A and Unified schedule exams; entrance exams using the National Center for University Entrance Examination) assess comprehensive basic academic ability (1 to 3 above) through testing on the subjects of Japanese language and English language as well as Japanese history, world history, geography, political science, economics, and mathematics.

The entrance exams making use of external English language testing assess comprehensive basic academic ability (1 to 3 above) through the scores of outside English Language tests(Eiken, TOEFL, IELTS, TOEIC, TEAP, GTEC, Cambridge English examination) and through testing on the subject s of Japanese language or mathematics. Outstanding ability in Japanese language or mathematics will be particularly valued.

In the case of recommended student selection ( recommendation from designated schools,affiliated schools, and special recommended admissions for persons with outstanding sports skills), assuming a certain level of basic academic ability (1 to 3 above), assessment is based on evaluat ion of learning motivation and interest in issues through written essays and interviews (4 and 5 above).

Special entrance examinations (entrance exams for international students and for transfer students), in addition to confirming basic academic ability, motivation to learn, and interest in issues (1 to 5 above), aim to invigorate the Faculty by admitting a diverse range of students.

Faculty of Social Policy and Administration

Department of Community Development

Capabilities to be acquired before admission

  1. The knowledge seen as the basic academic ability necessary for learning after entering the University.
    An understanding of the contents of subjects studied in high school, including Japanese language, geography, history, civics, mathematics, and foreign language studies, and high school graduate-level knowledge of these subjects.
  2. The ability to analyze things from multiple standpoints and logically.
  3. The ability to accurately express and convey their own thinking.
  4. Deep interest in various social issues faced in the 21st century, such as the aging society and declining birthrate, child poverty, growing economic disparity among regions, and mental health issues, along with the ability to apply innovative thinking toward their solutions and a motivation to contribute actively to society.
  5. A desire to become involved actively with others and to deepen learning through practical experience.

Qualities and skills expected in each entrance exam category

  • General entrance examinations (Type A and Unified schedule exams, entrance exams making use of outside English-language testing, and entrance exams using the National Center for University Entrance Examination) Students with well-balanced liberal arts knowledge and basic academic skills.
  • Recommended candidates entrance examinations
    Outstanding students with initiative, leadership, and innovative thinking (recommendation from designated schools) Motivated Students who, through high school-university collaboration, aim for unique education (recommendation from affiliated schools)
    Students with strong motivation to practice community building (Special entrance exam for candidates recommended by municipalities under the “community building challenge” program)
    Students with outstanding talents able to balance learning with sports (Special recommended admissions for persons with outstanding sports skills)
  • Comprehensive selection entrance examinations, etc.
    Students with strong motivation to practice community building and development (Special entrance exam for candidates recommended by municipalities under the “community building and development challenge” program)
    Students with abilities, experience and motivation based on overseas high school study abroad experience (global experience open recruitment recommendation entrance examination) Internationally minded foreign nationals who are highly motivated to study (early entrance exams for international students)

Department of Clinical Psychology

Capabilities to be acquired before admission

  1. The knowledge seen as the basic academic ability necessary for learning after entering the University. An understanding of the contents of subjects studied in high school, including Japanese language, geography, history, civics, mathematics, and foreign language studies, and high school graduate-level knowledge of these subjects.
  2. The ability to analyze things from multiple standpoints and logically.
  3. The ability to accurately express and convey their own thinking.
  4. Deep interest in various social issues faced in the 21st century, such as child development, family relations and interpersonal relations issues, and mental health, along with the ability to apply innovative thinking toward their solutions and motivation to contribute actively to society.
  5. A desire to become involved actively with others and to deepen learning through practical experience.

Capabilities emphasized in each entrance exam category

  • General entrance examinations (Type A and Unified schedule exams, entrance exams making use of outside English-language testing, and entrance exams using the National Center for University Entrance Examination) Students with well-balanced academic abilities, centering on basic skills
  • Recommended candidates entrance examinations
    Outstanding students with initiative, leadership, and innovative thinking (recommendation from designated schools) Motivated Students who, through high school-university collaboration, aim for unique education (recommendation from affiliated schools)
    Students with outstanding talents able to balance learning with sports (special recommended admissions for persons with outstanding sports skills)
  • Comprehensive selection entrance examinations, etc.
    Students with abilities, experience and motivation based on overseas high school study abroad experience (global experience open recruitment recommendation entrance examination)
    Internationally minded foreign nationals who are highly motivated to study (early entrance exams for international students)

Faculty of Sports and Health Studies

The Faculty of Sports and Health Studies accepts students with the following motivation and abilities in light of the educational goals and degree awarding policy.

  1. Those who have the basic academic abilities necessary for study after admission.
  2. Individuals who possess a certain ability to think, judge, and express themselves, and a desire to further improve those abilities.​​​​​​​
  3. Individuals who can consider issues from multiple angles and reason logically.​​​​​​​
  4. Those who have an attitude of actively engaging with others and strive for mutual understanding through dialogue.​​​​​​​
  5. Those who have a strong interest in various issues related to sports and health and are willing to actively contribute to society with the aim of solving them.​​​​​​​


Faculty of Computer and Information Sciences

The main capabilities and qualities the Faculty looks for in applicants, in seeking to develop human resources in line with its educational philosophy, are (1) basic academic ability, (2) ability to think logically, (3) communication skills, (4) motivation, initiative, drive, and (5) desire and suitability. The Faculty looks for candidates who have acquired basic academic ability in high school, who can go beyond rote memorization, who can draw on their knowledge and think logically to solve problems, and who wish to improve themselves through discussions with their fellow students expressing their own thoughts with consistent arguments. To this end, the Faculty offers a variety of entrance exam avenues to students equipped with these capabilities.

  • General entrance examinations (Type A exam, Unified schedule exams, entrance exams making use of outside English-language testing, entrance exams using the National Center University Entrance Examination, etc.)
    Selection is made with an emphasis on academic ability. In assessing knowledge, skills, thinking ability, judgment ability and communication ability, mathematics, physics, and English tests are carried out. Those tests examine the degree of proficiency in basic academic ability, and also determine whether the candidates are equipped with a foundation for logical thinking and communication.
  • Recommended candidates entrance examinations (recommendation from designated schools, recommendation from affiliated schools, special recommended admissions for persons with outstanding sports skills, etc.)
    Selection is made with an emphasis on initiative and character . In assessing knowledge and skills, the Faculty will look through the school record from high school in order to confirm the extent of learning achievement. Also. as to see the level of the candidates’ thinking ability, judgment ability, communication ability, and motivation /attitude, the Faculty will read through the personal statement of purpose and determine whether the candidates have motivation and suitability, along with logical writing ability. Motivation and attitude are assessed by means of an interview, whereby communication ability, motivation, and suitability are confirmed.
  • Special entrance examinations (public recommendation entrance exam, entrance exams for international students, etc.)
    Selection is made with an emphasis on academic ability and on initiative and character. In assessing knowledge, skills, thinking ability, judgment ability and communication ability, written tests or outside testing are carried out. Those tests examine basic academic ability and logical thinking ability. In addition, thinking ability, judgment ability, communication ability, motivation and attitude are assessed by means of an interview, etc. whereby communication ability, desire, sense of purpose, and suitability are confirmed.

Faculty of Science and Engineering

  1. The Faculty of Science and Engineering welcomes students with a variety of qualities in order to achieve its educational philosophy and purpose and to heighten their effectiveness. Selection emphasize creating a learning environment where students engage each other in a spirit of friendly rivalry. Through the variety of entrance exam routesindicated below, the Faculty seeks to create an environment in which students from different backgrounds can enlighten each other during their time in residence, and go out into the world as socially adaptable individuals of outstanding character General entrance examinations (Students are selected who have a high level of basic academic ability in subjects important in the aculty and its departments .)
  2. Unified schedule exams and entrance exams making use of outside English-language testing (Students are selected from all regions of Japan with emphasis on basic academic ability in essential subjects .)
  3. Entrance exams using the National Center for University Entrance Examinations (For the purpose of enrolling students with well-balanced academic abilities from all regions, selection is made with a focus on basic academic ability.)
  4. Recommendation from designated schools (Outstanding students with initiative, leadership, and innovative thinking are accepted from designated schools.)
  5. Recommendation from affiliated schools (Strongly motivated students who, through high school-university collaboration, are interested in the faculty’s unique education are accepted from affiliated schools.)
  6. Entrance exams for Japanese returning from living abroad and entrance exams for international students (Internationally minded students are accepted.)
  7. Special recommended admissions for persons with outstanding abilities in sports (Students with outstanding talents able to balance learning with sports are selected.)

Note that whatever the route, all students are expected to have sufficient basic knowledge in the science subjects they studied in high school along with English language skills at the time of entry. Students with disabilities are accommodated to every extent possible.

Faculty of Bioscience and Applied Chemistry

The Faculty of Bioscience and Applied Chemistry adopts the following policies on student admission, and further sets more detailed policies for each department.
Candidates with the following qualities are sought.

  1. Persons equipped with basic knowledge and basic experimental techniques in mathematics and science (physics, chemistry, biology, earth science) needed for studies after entry.
  2. Persons with the language proficiency (especially Japanese and English) and knowledge of society and culture needed for studies after entry.
  3. Persons with an active desire to absorb knowledge eagerly and to pass on to society the benefits of progress in science and technology.
  4. Persons who can analyze things logically and broadly.

Department of Frontier Bioscience

The field of life science in the 21st century is developing into an interdisciplinary field, transcending traditional boundaries. Candidates should therefore have a broad perspective grounded in knowledge of the humanities and social sciences, together with a broad and accurate understanding of specialized knowledge and the ability to apply it, as well as communication skills in Japanese and foreign language. The Department provides the following entrance exam types, extending invitations broadly to passionate and capable students by various routes, with the intention of raising student diversity, encouraging mutual enlightenment among students, and boosting educational effectiveness.

  • General entrance examinations (Type A and Unified schedule exams, entrance exams making use of outside English-language testing, and entrance exams using the National Center for University Entrance Examination)
    In the general entrance examinations, the basic academic ability required for study and research in advanced bioscience is evaluated on the premise of the academic ability level of high school graduation.
  • Recommended candidates entrance examinations (recommendation from designated schools, recommendation from affiliated schools, special recommended admissions for persons with outstanding sports skills, etc.)
    Based on application documents, interviews and other means, basic academic ability, motivation to learn, interest in life science, initiative, and creativity are assessed.
  • Special entrance examinations (entrance exams for international students, entrance exams for Japanese returning from living abroad, etc.)
    Based on application documents, interviews and other means, the possession of adequate Japanese language proficiency and basic academic ability in life science are assessed, along with interest in life science, initiative, and creativity.

Department of Chemical Science and Technology

The following entrance exam types are provided, aimed at creating a learning environment where creativity is heightened and students engage in friendly rivalry, and at accepting students with diverse qualities. Follow-up surveys after students enter the University are used to administer these exam types more properly and endeavor to improve them.

  • General entrance examinations (Type A and Unified schedule exams, entrance exams making use of outside English-language testing, and entrance exams using the National Center for University Entrance Examination)
    In the general entrance examinations, the basic academic ability required for study and research in applied chemistry is evaluated on the premise of the academic ability level of high school graduation.
  • Recommended candidates entrance examinations (recommendation from designated schools, recommendation from affiliated schools, special recommended admissions for persons with outstanding sports skills, etc.) Based on application documents, interviews, and other means, basic academic ability, motivation to learn, interest in chemistry, and problem-solving ability in chemistry and natural sciences are assessed.
  • Special entrance examinations (entrance exams for international students, entrance exams for Japanese returning from living abroad, etc.)
    Based on application documents, interviews and other means, the possession of adequate Japanese language proficiency and basic academic ability in chemistry are assessed, and the motivation to solve problems in chemistry and natural sciences and sense of purpose for entering the Department are confirmed.

Department of Clinical Plant Science

The Department mainly admits applicants having qualities like the following who, based on a recognition that plants are essential to human beings’ existence on the Earth, are interested in issues of food, resources, and the environment, and are full of ambition.

  • Students who eagerly absorb the latest knowledge about natural science, and wish to contribute to society through the advancement of science and technology.
  • Diverse students aiming to become scientists and engineers who will work to solve a broad range of serious issues faced by modern society based on flexible thinking and practical capabilities.
  • Students motivated to boldly take on problems of food, the environment, poverty, and hunger from an international perspective, who wish to be active on the global stage toward their solution.

■General entrance examinations (Type A and Unified schedule exams, entrance exams making use of outside English-language testing, and entrance exams using the National Center for University Entrance Examination) 
In the general entrance examinations, the basic academic ability required for study and research in clinical plant science is evaluated on the premise of the academic ability level of high school graduation.

■Recommended candidates entrance examinations (recommendation from designated schools, recommendation from affiliated schools, special recommended admissions for persons with outstanding sports skills, etc.) Based on application documents, interviews and other means, basic academic ability, motivation to learn, interest in clinical plant science, and motivation to solve problems in the food, resources and environmental fields are assessed.

■Special entrance examinations (entrance exams for international students, entrance exams for Japanese returning from living abroad, etc.)
Based on application documents, interviews and other means, the possession of adequate Japanese language proficiency and basic academic ability in life science are assessed, and the ambition to solve problems in the food, resources, and environmental fields and sense of purpose for entering the Department are confirmed.

IGESS(Institute for Global Economics and Social Sciences)

  1. Sufficient basic academic ability for learning after admission
  2. Certain levels of capacity for thought, judgment and self-expression and a desire for the improvement of such
  3. Proactive attitude toward learning via study and discussion with a variety of people
  4. Active approach toward learning about global viewpoints, international matters and related communication

Prerequisite abilities (knowledge, intellectual ability, skills, motivation, interests, attitude, etc.)

  1. Sufficient basic academic ability for learning after admission
    - Knowledge of English and other subjects equivalent to high-school level
  2. Interest in economic and social issues on a global scale as well as science, culture and humanity
  3. Propensity for autonomous learning
  4. Capacity for dynamic interaction with others and attainment of mutual understanding