
Professional Schools

Law School

The objective of the Law School in the Graduate School of Hosei University is to foster not only legal professionals working on general, traditional legal issues, but also those who can be active in various other fields, including those able to tackle legal problems of ordinary consumers and other socially vulnerable persons, those able to handle complex corporate activities and international transactions, those able to deal with the many and varied issues faced by national governments and local public entities, and those capable of addressing international issues. The admission policy is therefore not only to accept those who have studied law in the Faculty of Law, but to open the doors for admission as widely as possible to people with a variety of experiences, including those who have studied in various fields other than law, or who have work experience as members of society. As entrance examinations, in addition to exams for those who have completed studies in the basic subjects of law, exams for those who have not yet completed such studies are given multiple times a year, in an effort to discover candidates with outstanding qualities.
In such ways, the admission policy and educational objectives of the Law School are to produce legal professionals endowed with superior humanity and a high level of specialized knowledge, and equipped with the ability to flexibly address complex legal issues arising in contemporary society.

Business School of Innovation Management

Intensifying globalization and rapidly evolving information and communications technologies are causing what many call the fourth industrial revolution. In such an environment, demands are high for individuals able to navigate this new frontier using not only the knowledge of management and IT, but who are also comfortable in the new industries that emerge as the fusion of hitherto separate industrial sectors. What is needed is the type of person we call a business innovator.

Business innovators are not limited to the types of people with the ability to start new businesses, but also those with the competency to pursue innovation in existing businesses, be that through reorganization of existing business models, restructuring of existing business organizations, diversification to new markets, or even societal innovations via social entrepreneurship.

Our goal is to develop talent with the above skill sets. Accordingly, our admission policy is to admit individuals with practical business experience who are interested in and passionate about the opportunity to contribute to business innovation (as well providing the required transcripts, letters of recommendation, essays etc.)