
Graduate Programs

Graduate School of Humanities

As the overall admission policy of the Graduate School of Humanities, candidates are assumed to have strong study motivation and to have acquired a certain level of academic ability. Assuming those qualities, admission is made without discrimination by age, gender, nationality or other such conditions, and is open to those from other fields and areas as well as to adult members of society. Additional specific admission policies of each Major are outlined below.

■Master’s Program

  1. Persons who are highly motivated to conduct research in the field
  2. They have the basic analytical skills, critical reading skills, logical expression skills, and IT literacy needed for writing a master’s thesis
  3. They have acquired basic undergraduate-level knowledge in the research field

■Doctoral Program

  1. Students who are highly motivated to further advance their research in the field
  2. They have the high level of analytical skills, critical reading skills, logical expression skills, and IT literacy needed for writing a doctoral dissertation
  3. They have acquired a high level of knowledge such that they can be expected to add new original insights to the research field

See below for details for each major and institute.

Major in Philosophy

The door to this Major is open widely to those with strong research motivation and a certain level of academic ability, including those from other fields and areas as well as adult members of society, without discrimination by age, gender, nationality or other such conditions. The specific admission policies are as follows.

■Master’s Program

  1. Persons who are highly motivated to conduct research in philosophy
  2. They have the thinking, reading, and logical expression skills needed for writing a master’s thesis, and have acquired the foreign language proficiency required for conducting research in philosophy
  3. They have acquired basic undergraduate-level knowledge in the field of philosophy

■Doctoral Program

  1. Persons who are highly motivated to further advance their research in philosophy
  2. They have the high level of thinking skills, critical reading skills, and logical expression skills needed for writing a doctoral dissertation, and have acquired the foreign language proficiency required for further advancing research in philosophy
  3. Based on their achieved research results, they can be expected to add new insights to the field of philosophy

Major in Japanese Literature

For admission to the master’s program, candidates must have suitable academic ability needed for completing the curriculum along with logical thinking skills, flexible and innovative ideas, and communication skills. As entrance examinations, in addition to general entrance exams there are entrance exams for international students and for adult members of society, as diverse students are actively accepted. For admission to the doctoral program, candidates must have the high level of academic ability needed for completing the curriculum, the ability to logically summarize research results, the ability to contribute to the advancement of scholarship, and the ability to communicate to society and the academic world based on that high level of expertise.

Major in English Literature

  1. Those with an interest in English and American literature and a desire to conduct specialized research in that area, and those who seek to develop the scientific thinking ability necessary for carrying out research in such areas as foreign language education and linguistic theory
  2.  Master’s Program: They have the basic analytical skills, critical reading skills, logical expression skills, and IT literacy needed for writing a master’s thesis, and have acquired basic undergraduate-level knowledge in the research field
  3.  Doctoral Program: They have the high level of analytical skills, critical reading skills, logical expression skills, and IT literacy needed for writing a doctoral dissertation, and have acquired a high level of knowledge such that they can be expected to add new original insights to the research field
  4. In the case of adult members of society who have been away from the academic world, they have basic thinking skills and are highly motivated to conduct research
  5. In the case of international students, they have basic academic ability, motivation to carry on research, and both Japanese and English language ability

Selection for admission is made from multifaceted standpoints through written and oral testing. Two kinds of written testing are conducted, in specialized subjects and in English language ability. In the case of entrance exams for adult members of society, however, only an essay test in the field of specialization is given.

Note that in the case of students resident in the fourth year in the Hosei University Department of English, or graduates within the past year, since the academic supervisor is aware of the academic ability and study ambitions, recommended candidates entrance exams previously were given in the form of internal entrance exams; but from the 2011 academic year, on the condition of receiving a recommendation from a full-time faculty member of the Major in English Literature, it became possible for students resident in or graduating from universities other than Hosei University to gain admission by way of recommendation formerly limited to those promoted within the department.

Major in History

The following objectives are set, to accommodate not only admission candidates aiming to become researchers but also high-level professionals wishing to conduct research and relearning, high-level educated persons with deep interest in history, and various others seeking admission.

■Master’s Program

  1. The opportunities for admission are many and the door is open widely. Entrance exams are given twice within the academic year, and an entrance exam system for adult members of society is provided in consideration of the entrance exam burden.
  2. Candidates are widely accepted from other universities.
  3. A comprehensive assessment is made of the applicants’ motivation to conduct research and studies, and their suitability and capabilities. In addition to written tests, oral tests are given and submitted academic papers and research plans are reviewed.
  4. Prior to entry, students are required to have acquired basic ability to study source materials, or the basic ability to read old historical documents (both printed and handwritten), or to read the necessary foreign languages.

■Doctoral Program

  1. Students must have the motivation and will to further advance their research in the field of study.
  2. They must have acquired the ability to carry out research independently, the critical reading skills, and the high-level analytical skills needed for writing a doctoral dissertation.
  3. They must have the potential to add new insights to the research field.

Major in Geography

  1.  Master’s Program: In line with the diploma policy and objectives of the Graduate School of Humanities noted earlier, the master’s program in addition to general entrance exams offers special entrance exams for adult members of society and entrance exams for trainees, accommodating a wide range of applicants as it seeks outstanding human resources with the motivation and capabilities needed for research in geography. In addition, to make it easier for more excellent undergraduate students to advance to the graduate school, a system was introduced to allow early graduation and early entry in graduate school (three years in undergraduate school and two years in the master’s program).
    Moreover, as part of efforts toward greater internationalization and attracting a broader range of human resources, multiple full-time faculty members are involved in the International Japanese Studies Institute, where many foreign nationals seek admission, and are encouraging them to enter the program.
  2.  Doctoral Program: In line with the diploma policy and objectives of the Graduate School of Humanities noted earlier, the doctoral program offers general entrance exams, seeking outstanding human resources aiming to become researchers or educators, etc. in the field of geography. One factor in selecting among candidates for the doctoral program is whether the master’s thesis and other research results up to now are at a level worthy of publishing in an academic journal.

Major in Psychology

■Master’s Program

  1. Successful applicants are highly motivated to conduct research in psychology.
  2. They have the English reading skills, critical reading skills, logical thinking skills, ability to analyze data and represent it, and the IT literacy needed for conducting the research for and writing a master’s thesis.
  3. They have acquired basic undergraduate-level knowledge in the research field of psychology.

■Doctoral Program

  1. They are strongly motivated to further advance their research in psychology.
  2. They have the English reading skills, critical reading skills, logical thinking skills, ability to analyze data and represent it, and the IT literacy needed for conducting the research for and writing a doctoral dissertation, and have acquired the presentation skills and language skills for making research presentations at academic conferences in Japan and abroad.
  3. They have acquired a high level of knowledge such that they can be expected to add new original insights to the research field of psychology.

International Japanese Studies Institute

The door to the International Japanese Studies Institute is open widely to those with strong research motivation, a certain level of academic ability, and language proficiency, including those from other fields and areas as well as international students and adult members of society, without regard to age, gender, or nationality. The specific qualifications for admission are as follows.

■Master’s Program

  1. Successful applicants are highly motivated to conduct research in international Japanese studies.
  2. They have the thinking skills, reading skills, and logical expression skills needed for writing a master’s thesis, and have acquired the language skills necessary for carrying out international Japanese studies.

■Doctoral Program

  1. They are highly motivated to further advance their research in international Japanese studies.
  2. They have the high level of thinking skills, critical reading skills, and logical expression skills needed for writing a doctoral dissertation, and have acquired the language proficiency required for further advancing international Japanese studies.
  3. Their research accomplishments to date raise expectations that they will contribute new insights to fields related to global Japanese studies.

Graduate School of Intercultural Communications

Master's Program

The master’s program of the Graduate School of Intercultural Communication accepts students, adult members of society, and international students with the following motivation and capabilities, in consideration also of the earlier stated educational objectives and diploma policy.

  1. Persons with the foreign language (not their mother tongue) capability required for research.
  2. Being familiar with the core literature in the academic fields on which research is based, they can propose their own research plans with a critical view of those writings.
  3. They have the motivation to proactively study and put into practice the ideal forms of culture and information in a global society, in which globalization and information technology are advancing.
  4. Having judgment ability not limited by the framework of their own culture, they have the motivation to build a multicultural coexistent society from cross-cultural and multifaceted standpoints.

Doctoral Program

The doctoral program of the Graduate School of Intercultural Communication accepts students, adult members of society, and international students with the following motivation and capabilities, in consideration also of the earlier stated educational objectives and diploma policy. It is assumed that candidates have motivation and capabilities called for in the admission policy of the master’s program of the Graduate School of Intercultural Communication.

  1. They are equipped with adequate foundational knowledge and methodology concerning any one of the three research areas, intercultural correlation studies, multiculturalism studies, and multicultural information spaces studies.
  2. Based on a systematic understanding of existing literature and earlier case studies regarding problems occurring among different cultures, they have the originality for critically evaluating these and discovering new standpoints worthy of publishing.
  3. They recognize the significance of linking knowledge from research on intercultural understanding or exchanges to problem discovery or practical problem solving, making it into practical knowledge.
  4. They have the ability to discover primary sources through qualitative and quantitative investigations, and can convey the results logically by oral or written expressions or by making use of information and communication technologies, etc.

Graduate School of Economics

Master's Program

The Graduate School of Economics is open to a broad range of general graduate school students, adult members of society, and international graduate school students with the qualities needed, in line with the ideals and objectives of the Graduate School, for fulfilling the goals indicated in the curriculum policy and achieving the educational objectives stated in the diploma policy.

  1. Persons full of ambition to study economics
  2. Those with a desire to conduct research in various fields of economics
  • Entrance exams in undergraduate faculty
    Candidates have compiled outstanding academic records in the Hosei University Faculty of Economics, acquiring knowledge in economics which they have the ability to summarize in academic papers. Admission is decided based on an academic paper review and interview.
  • General entrance exams
    Candidates have basic knowledge concerning either socioeconomics or microeconomics/macroeconomics. They have also acquired the foreign language ability needed for the research field. Admission is decided based on a written test and interview.
  • Entrance exams for adult members of society
    Candidates have accumulated experiences and accomplishments as members of society that will be of use in economic research. Whether they are fully motivated to study economics and are research-oriented is determined in an interview.
  • Entrance exams for foreign nationals
    Candidates have basic knowledge mainly concerning microeconomics/macroeconomics. They have also acquired the Japanese language ability needed for research. Admission is decided based on a written test and interview.

Doctoral Program

The Graduate School of Economics is open to a broad range of general graduate school students, adult members of society, and international graduate school students with the qualities needed, in line with the ideals and objectives of the Graduate School, for fulfilling the goals indicated in the curriculum policy and achieving the educational objectives stated in the diploma policy.
The entrance exam categories for the five-year doctoral (Ph.D.) program are the same as for the master’s (M.A.) program, but even greater levels of study motivation and research orientation are demanded.

  1. Persons with extraordinary motivation to study economics
  2. Those with a strong desire to conduct research in various fields of economics
  • Entrance exams in undergraduate faculty
    Candidates have compiled outstanding academic records in the Hosei University Faculty of Economics, acquiring knowledge in economics which they have the ability to summarize in academic papers. Admission is decided based on an academic paper review and interview.
  • General entrance exams
    Candidates have basic knowledge concerning either socioeconomics or microeconomics/macroeconomics. They have also acquired the foreign language ability needed for the research field. Admission is decided based on a written test and interview.
  • Entrance exams for adult members of society
    Candidates have accumulated experiences and accomplishments as members of society that will be of use in economic research. Whether they are fully motivated to study economics and are research-oriented is determined in an interview.
  • Entrance exams for foreign nationals
    Candidates have basic knowledge mainly concerning microeconomics/macroeconomics. They have also acquired the Japanese language ability needed for research. Admission is decided based on a written test and interview.
  • Admission from Doctoral program
    Those seeking admission from the doctoral program must have the same level of basic academic ability as in the doctoral dissertation qualifying examination for the five-year doctoral (Ph.D.) program (socioeconomics, economic history, microeconomics, macroeconomics, econometrics), which is judged by written testing along with the foreign language proficiency needed for conducting research. They are also asked to submit a paper equivalent to a master’s thesis, and their research capability is judged by review of the paper and by interview.

Graduate School of Law

The Graduate School of Law welcomes students with characteristics like the following.

Master's Program

  1. Candidates have acquired technical knowledge of law including how to interpret legal provisions and read judicial precedents.
  2. They have acquired systematic and specialized knowledge of law as a foundation for research.
  3. They have acquired the ability to analyze from multifaceted perspectives and flexible thinking ability enabling critical viewpoints of the contents of laws themselves.
  4. They are equipped with a legal mind for making use of the acquired knowledge and of their analytical ability and thinking skills to strive for suitable solutions to legal issues.
  5. In the case of international students, they have acquired everyday conversational ability in Japanese and basic knowledge of the Japanese legal system.

Doctoral Program

In addition to qualities 1 to 5 above for the master’s program, candidates are equipped with a high level of research ability in Japanese law and foreign laws.

  • In the master’s program general entrance exam, department entrance exam, or entrance exam for adults, the ability to interpret and apply laws is assessed by specialized subject tests; language proficiency is assessed in English-language testing; and ability to interpret and apply laws and carry out discussions is tested in oral exams. Entrance exams for international students consist of specialized subject tests and interviews for assessing basic knowledge of Japan’s legal system, along with Japanese language subject tests and oral exams for assessing Japanese language proficiency.
  • Entrance exams for the doctoral program assess research capability by means of specialized subject tests, foreign language subject tests, oral exams, and review of the master’s thesis contents.

Graduate School of Politics

The educational objectives of the Major in Politics are to cultivate citizens and researchers who can normatively and experientially recognize politics as a technique for human coexistence and can influence realpolitik. Candidates should be able to take the lead in playing active roles in civil society.

There is no requirement to have studied politics or related subjects at the undergraduate level. Even those who have not completed university undergraduate education are welcome if they are recognized as having experience in society along with academic ability at least equivalent to that of university graduates in terms of awareness of issues and academic motivation.

The educational objectives of the Major in Global and Asian Politics are to develop high-level professionals having the practical knowledge and English language ability for becoming active on the world stage. Candidates should have a desire to draw on their conceptual skills, negotiating skills, and ability to execute, informed by their expertise in the future, in areas such as global issues and Asian governance.

In recent years, both majors have accepted many candidates from Asian countries; but in addition to their mother tongue, English and adequate Japanese language proficiency are required.

Graduate School of Sociology

The Graduate School of Sociology accepts a wide range of individuals with the following qualities, who have strong academic interest in sociology, other adjacent social sciences, and other fields in the humanities.

  1. Those with the motivation to develop independent research capability in the areas of sociology, media studies, and international society studies, regarding various issues for society.
  2. Those aiming to become highly skilled professionals, equipped with rich and deep scholarship related to society, working in media companies, international organizations, general corporations, and other arenas.
  3. Those seeking to develop rich and deep scholarship related to society based on their experience as adult members of society, toward solving practical problems.

Entrance examinations therefore determine whether candidates have achieved a certain level of specialized knowledge in the fields of sociology, media studies, and international society studies as well as language ability. A special entrance exam category is provided also for adult members of society to actively accommodate them as candidates.

Graduate School of Business Administration

The Graduate School of Business Administration is open broadly to individuals with expertise and motivation to carry out research in business administration, and having the following career vision.

Candidates sought by the day course master’s program are graduates of the University or of other universities in Japan or abroad, who aim to become researchers, educators, or global professionals producing outstanding achievements.
Candidates sought by the evening course master’s program are those who aim to become business managers or professionals who can address high-level management issues in businesses or other organizations. Candidates sought by the doctoral program are those aiming to become richly creative specialist researchers, including those who have completed not only the master’s program for cultivating researchers but also the master’s program for cultivating business managers and professionals.

Graduate School of Engineering (stopped accepting new students in the 2013 academic year)

The Graduate School of Engineering accepts students based on a strict determination of whether they have sufficient basic academic ability for completing graduate school education in each of the majors. For this purpose, the School offers entrance examinations twice a year, in July and February. There are five types of entrance exams: (1) General entrance exams, (2) Recommended candidates entrance exams inside the University, (3) General recommended candidates entrance exams, (4) Special entrance exams for adult members of society, and (5) Special entrance exams for international students

Of these, the two types of recommended candidates entrance exams (2) Recommended candidates entrance exams inside the University and (3) General recommended candidates entrance exams are intended for persons with outstanding academic records inside and outside the University, respectively; and on the early exam date (July) they are selected by oral exam only, without having to take a written exam. In (1) General entrance exams, selection is made based on written testing in English as common subject and in the three specialized subjects of each major, and on oral exams. On the late exam date (February), only (1) General entrance exams, (4) Special entrance exams for adult members of society, and (5) Special entrance exams for international students are given.

The Special entrance exams for adult members of society are given two times, both consisting of oral exams only. On the exams for the master’s program, the contents of both the written exams and oral exams emphasize the engineering basics of each major. Acceptance in the doctoral program is decided by looking at research conducted to date in the master’s program and at the student’s ability to carry out research.

For those who as a result of undergoing schooling overseas are short of the required 16 years of education, a graduate school education qualification review is conducted separately.

Graduate School of Social Well-being Studies

Major in Social Services

■Types of students sought

Graduates of the Faculty of Social Policy and Administration or of other undergraduate programs in or outside the University, adult members of society with professional working experience, or international students, who desire to conduct research for creating a welfare society designed to achieve well-being on the foundation of local communities

■Capabilities to be acquired before admission

AP1 Knowledge Have acquired knowledge in a four-year university concerning social services
AP2 English reading ability Have English language ability in specialized fields
AP3 Thinking ability, judgment Can think logically and make judgments concerning research themes
AP4 Motivation, interest Have a strong desire to conduct research on a research theme along with practical-level interest

■Applicant selection policy

  1. Written tests are used to determine AP1 Knowledge and AP2 English reading ability.
  2. Oral tests (interviews) judge AP3 Thinking ability, judgment and AP4 Motivation, interest.
  3. International students and adult members of society are selected based on AP1 Knowledge, AP3 Thinking ability, judgment, and AP4 Motivation, interest; they are exempt from written tests of AP2 English reading ability.
  4. Those recommended from within the University are selected based only on AP3 Thinking ability, judgment and AP4 Motivation, interest

Major in Clinical Psychology

■Types of students sought

Graduates of the Faculty of Social Policy and Administration or of other undergraduate programs in or outside the University, or adult members of society with professional working experience, who desire to conduct research for creating a welfare society designed to achieve well-being from a total view of human life

■Capabilities to be acquired before admission

AP1 Knowledge Have knowledge of psychology mainly in the area of clinical psychology at a level equivalent to graduation from the Faculty of Psychology of a four-year university
AP2 English reading ability Have English language ability in specialized fields
AP3 Communication ability Can accurately convey to others their own views concerning a problem situation
AP4 Thinking ability, judgment Can think logically and make judgments concerning research themes
AP5 Motivation, interest Have a strong desire to conduct research on a research theme along with practical-level interest

■Applicant selection policy

  1. Written tests are used to determine AP1 Knowledge and AP2 English reading ability.
  2. Oral testing (interview) is used to assess AP3 Communication ability, AP4 Thinking ability, judgment, and AP5 Motivation, interest.

Major in Social Services and Clinical Psychology

■Types of students sought

Ordinary students completing a master’s program, or adult members of society with working experience as researchers or high-level professionals, who desire to conduct research for creating a welfare society designed to achieve well-being on the foundation of local communities from a total view of human life

■Capabilities to be acquired before admission

AP1 Knowledge Have completed a Major in Social Services or Major in Clinical Psychology in the School, or have equivalent expertise
AP2 English reading ability Have English language ability to understand specialized English writings on research themes
AP3 Thinking ability, judgment Can think logically and make judgments concerning research themes
AP4 Motivation, interest Have a strong desire to conduct research on a research theme along with practical-level interest
AP5 Research capability Can discover leading-edge research themes and engage in research using their own methodology

■Applicant selection policy 

  1. Applicants are asked to submit past academic papers and a dissertation writing plan, which are used to determine AP1 Knowledge, AP3 Thinking ability, judgment, and AP5 Research capability.
  2. A written test is used to determine AP2 English reading ability.
  3. An oral test (interview) is given to assess AP3 Thinking ability, judgment, AP4 Motivation, interest, and AP5 Research capability.

Graduate School of Regional Policy Design

The educational objectives of the Graduate School of Regional Policy Design are to foster the ability to create policy in anticipation of changing times. In addition to national government policies and those of regional municipalities, the School is a place for policy research in interdisciplinary fields including corporations and NPOs (administration), with a special emphasis on community planning.

The School is open to adult members of society (development of high-level professionals) and to students desiring to become researchers. Besides theoretical research on policy, applicants are expected to have an interest in field research, since field knowledge is essential to policy-making. Students applying for admission to the School are required to have the relevant knowledge necessary to policy-making along with research skills, and to have a broad perspective and multifaceted curiosity.

Graduate School of Public Policy and Social Governance

This Graduate School is aimed mainly at developing high-level professionals in the field of public policy. It provides adult members of society, who have made accomplishments in various fields up to now, with a venue for developing that experience on the academic front. The basic intent is to open the door for admission widely to adult members of society with strong motivation to conduct research in this field and with latent abilities. Foreign nationals are also actively accepted, mainly those sent by their national government or municipality. In addition to adult members of society, ordinary students with strong motivation are welcome.

■Master’s Program

  1. Candidates are highly motivated to search for policies on complex issues in the public policy field.
  2. They are highly motivated to carry out policy research while placing emphasis on integrated and interdisciplinary perspectives.
  3. They are highly motivated to acquire policy proposal capability for solving problems and to put this ability to practical use.

■Doctoral Program

  1. Candidates are highly motivated to acquire a higher level of research ability and policy-making ability for conceiving and executing specific suitable measures for solving various issues in the public policy field.
  2. They are highly motivated to acquire a higher level of expertise for addressing the demands of the age, and to acquire practical capability to feed back this expertise in actual situations in society.

Major in Public Policy and Social Governance

The following admission policies are adopted with the aim of developing high-level professionals having the policy-making ability for conceiving and executing specific suitable measures for solving various issues in today’s society.

■Master’s Program

The door to admission is open widely to general students and to adult members of society with qualities like the following.

  1. Candidates are highly motivated to search for policies on complex issues in the public policy field.
  2. They are highly motivated to carry out policy research while placing emphasis on integrated and interdisciplinary perspectives.
  3. They are highly motivated to acquire policy proposal capability for solving problems and to put this ability to practical use.

To select applicants for admission, interview exams are given once in autumn and twice in spring. Applicants are asked to submit a written statement of their motivation for applying and a detailed research plan and employment history. An interview based on these documents is conducted on the day of the exam. In this way, individuals well matched to the above policies are selected.

■Doctoral Program

In addition to the specific policies for the master’s program above, the door to admission is open widely to general students and to adult members of society with qualities like the following.

  1. Candidates are highly motivated to acquire a higher level of research ability and policy-making ability for conceiving and executing specific suitable measures for solving various issues in the public policy field.
  2. They are highly motivated to acquire a higher level of expertise for addressing the demands of the age, and to acquire practical capability to feed back this expertise in actual situations in society.

Applicants are selected by means of an interview exam given in spring. Applicants are asked to submit a written statement of their motivation for applying and a detailed research plan and employment history. An interview based on these documents is conducted on the day of the exam. In this way, individuals well matched to the above policies are selected.

Major in Environmental Management

The following admission policies are adopted with the aim of developing high-level professionals having the policy-making ability for conceiving and executing specific suitable measures for solving various issues in today’s society.

■Master’s Program

The door to admission is open widely to general students and to adult members of society with qualities like the following.

  1. They understand the significance of the interdisciplinary curriculum and are highly motivated to link this to solving sustainability issues.
  2. Aiming to build a sustainable society, they are highly motivated to acquire high-level investigation and analysis abilities and policy-making abilities.
  3. They are highly motivated to acquire logical thinking skills toward solving various problems and creative skills for searching for new value, and further to acquire practical skills based on these.

To select applicants for admission, exams are given once in autumn and twice in spring. In this way, individuals well matched to the above policies are selected.

■Doctoral Program

In addition to the specific policies for the master’s program above, the door to admission is open widely to general students and to adult members of society with qualities like the following.

  1. They are highly motivated to acquire capability for addressing the demands of a new age, including the specialized knowledge for the planning, design, administration, measurement, management, and maintenance involved in creation of a sustainable society.
  2. They are highly motivated to examine from diverse standpoints fundamental issues involved in creation of a coexistent society of people with nature, and people with people, and to clarify the requirements for a sustainable society.
  3. They are highly motivated to acquire social forecasting, assessment, and analysis methods required for problem solving, along with acquiring the practical capability to feed back this expertise to actual situations in society.

Applicants are selected by means of an interview exam given in spring. In this way, individuals well matched to the above policies are selected.

Graduate School of Career Studies

Admission policies are aimed at selecting individuals in charge of human resources, education, and career support in private companies, public agencies, NPOs, universities, high schools and other institutions, as well as those wanting to develop a more advanced level of professional skills as career consultants.

Graduate School of Computer and Information Sciences

The policy on admission of students to this Graduate School is as follows, in line with the policies of the University.

■Types of students sought

  1. The master’s program widely accepts applicants with an interest in the information science field and the knowledge needed for taking class subjects.
  2. For acceptance in the doctoral program, in addition a review of research conducted to date in the master’s program is made to determine whether applicants have the ability to carry out research appropriate to students in the doctoral program.

■Capabilities to be acquired before admission

Capabilities to be acquired before admission by those wishing to enter the master’s program include:

  1. Understanding of the systematic structure of computer science
  2. The behavior and ethics necessary for being active in the networked society
  3. The ability to abstract phenomena in actual society and apply programming techniques to them
  4. The ability to understand and create a cyber world
  5. Communication ability, including English language skills
    Admission to the doctoral program requires, in addition to the above capabilities, the qualities of an independent researcher or engineer able to exercise leadership in research and development projects.

■Applicant selection policy

The master’s program widely accepts applicants with an interest in the information science field and the knowledge needed for taking class subjects. The following four kinds of entrance exams are offered to this end.

  1. Recommended candidates entrance exams inside the University
  2. Recommended candidates entrance exams for other faculties’ students of Hosei University
  3. Recommended candidates entrance exams outside the University
  4. General entrance exams (1st and 2nd offering)
  5. Special entrance exams for adult members of society (1st and 2nd offering)
  6. IIST, Institution for integrated Science and Technology, entrance exams

Whether candidates for the doctoral program have the necessary ability to carry out research is determined based on meeting either of the following.

  • Having presented at an international conference, etc., or having been published in an academic journal, etc.
  • Having received societal recognition equivalent to the preceding for deliverables, etc. in preparing a master’s thesis

Graduate School of Engineering and Design

(What we look for in prospective students)
The Graduate School of Engineering and Design aims to develop design and engineering professionals and researchers with advanced research capability. Candidates before admission are expected to have acquired the basic academic ability required to achieve this aim. Given today’s diversity of work and globalization, in addition to individuals specializing in particular fields, a wide range of individuals with various experience are needed. Adult members of society also need recurrent education to keep up with the fast pace of technological change.

Major in Architecture

The master’s course accepts applicants with a full set of basic knowledge in the five fields of (1) building design, (2) history of architecture and cities, (3) building structures, (4) building environments, and (5) building construction methods. In the case of the three-year career-focused course, however, applicants with broad and rich perspectives are accepted and acquire basic knowledge in the five fields during their first year of study.
The doctoral program accepts applicants who have acquired a high level of research capability.

Major in Civil and Environmental Engineering

The master’s course accepts applicants with basic knowledge in the field of social infrastructure systems. In the case of the three-year career-focused course, however, applicants with broad and rich perspectives are accepted and acquire basic knowledge in the field of social infrastructure systems during their first year of study.
The doctoral program accepts applicants who have acquired a high level of research capability.

Major in Engineering and Design

The master’s course accepts applicants with basic knowledge in the field of design processes for products and systems.
The doctoral program accepts applicants who have acquired a high level of research capability.

Entrance examinations

A variety of applicants are admitted by means of the following categories of entrance examinations.

■Master's Program

  • General entrance exams
  • Recommended candidate entrance exams inside the University
  • Special recommended candidate entrance exams inside the University
  • Special entrance exams for adult members of society
  • Special entrance exams for international students

■Doctoral Program

  • General entrance exams
  • Recommended candidate entrance exams inside the University
  • Special entrance exams for adult members of society
  • Special entrance exams for international students

The following avenue for admission is provided in addition to those of the Graduate School of Engineering and Design.

Major in Architecture

■Master's Program

  • General recommended candidate entrance exams
  • One-year optional course
  • Three-year career-focused course

■Doctoral Program

  • General recommended candidate entrance exams

Major in Civil and Environmental Engineering

■Master's Program

  • General recommended candidate entrance exams
  • Three-year career-focused course

■Doctoral Program

  • General recommended candidate entrance exams

Major in Engineering and Design

■Master's Program

  • Self-recommendation entrance exam

■Doctoral Program

  • Self-recommendation entrance exam

Graduate School of Science and Engineering

This Graduate School has six majors, in Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Applied Informatics, Systems Engineering, Applied Chemistry, and Frontier Bioscience. The purpose is to develop individuals equipped with a strong foundation of abilities as high-level specialized engineers and researchers, with the aim of contributing to the advancement of society through research work in various fields of science and engineering, by carrying out education and research in specialized fields from creative, interdisciplinary, global, and comprehensive viewpoints.

The individuals sought by the Graduate School have qualities like the following.

  1. Having strong desire and persistence, they are full of ambition to become high-level specialized engineers and researchers.
  2. Having the basic academic ability needed for science and engineering research, they are full of ambition to expand their practical, implementation, application, and creative skills needed for acquiring knowledge and technology in specialized fields.

For each major, multiple entrance exam types are provided aimed at developing engineers and researchers specializing in a wide range of fields, and applicants are accepted who are determined to have the basic academic ability for completing graduate school education. The five entrance exam types are (1) General entrance exams, (2) Recommended candidates entrance exams inside the University, (3) General recommended candidates entrance exams, (4) Special entrance exams for adult members of society, and (5) Special entrance exams for international students.

Graduate School of Sports and Health Studies

■ Master’s Program
Applicants are expected to have the following qualities and capabilities at the time of admission.

  1. They have education and knowledge that support humanity and social skills (Knowledge, understanding)
  2. They have basic knowledge and skills in sports and health (Knowledge, understanding)
  3. They are able to identify issues on their own initiatives (Thinking ability, judgement, expression)
  4. They are able to communicate plainly to others the issues that they have chosen to address (Thinking ability, judgement, expression)
  5. They are interested in and motivated to learn sports and health studies (Interest, motivation, attitude)
  6. They are able to design and draw up plans for educational activities and other projects related to health promotion (Skills)

■ Doctoral Program
Applicants are expected to have the following qualities and capabilities at the time of admission.

  1. They have extensive education and knowledge that support rich humanity and social skills (Knowledge, understanding)
  2. They understand sports, health, and their surrounding social environments such as globalization in a systematic manner (Knowledge, understanding)
  3. They are able to logically explain the issues that they have chosen to address, using appropriate research methods (Thinking ability, judgement, expression)
  4. They are able to look to and address diverse practical issues involving sports and health (Interest, motivation, attitude)
  5. They are motivated to contribute to society through the exploration of sports and heath studies (Interest, motivation, attitude)

Institute for Solidarity-based Society

The Institute welcomes adult members of society who are highly motivated to build a solidarity-based society, and who have broad interest in becoming active in NPOs, NGOs, social enterprises, cooperative associations, or labor unions.

To select applicants for admission, interview exams are given once each in autumn and spring. The interview exams confirm whether applicants have the basic knowledge needed for studying in each of the programs. In addition, a research plan submitted in advance is reviewed to determine the ability to organize thoughts in writing, and the planning skills and conceptual skills needed for conducting research.