
School of Correspondence Education

Faculty of Law

As a correspondence school of a university open to society, it is our mission to make higher education accessible to the wider public. Under this commitment, the Department of Law welcomes students with the following qualities.

  1. Persons equipped with the basic academic ability and motivation to learn suitable for admission to an undergraduate course
  2. Persons with sustained interest in various issues in Japan and abroad and the motivation to solve such issues
  3. Persons with a passion for learning, strong initiative, and outstanding creativity

Based on application documents (and interviews, if necessary), the basic academic ability, motivation to learn, interest in social issues and motivation to solve them, passion for learning, initiative, and creativity are assessed.

Faculty of Letters

In the curriculum of the Faculty of Letters, each Department defines its own admission policy informed by the ideals and objectives of the Faculty.

Department of Japanese

In order to achieve educational goals based on its objectives, the Department of Japanese welcomes students from various backgrounds who have interest in Japanese literature, language, and performing arts. For pursuing studies through the correspondence program, however, students must have sufficient knowledge and ability to conduct research on Japanese literature at home. To assess their qualities and capabilities, candidates are screened mainly on the basis of their application documents. In addition, recognizing that distance education plays an important role in lifelong learning in the information society of the 21st century, demonstration of the ability and intention to sustain independent study is an important criterion for selection.

Department of History

Based on its educational philosophy and objectives, the Department of History accepts students with diverse qualities and capabilities who have a willingness to learn ways of thinking from the standpoint of history. The Department also welcomes transfer students. This policy of accepting students from various backgrounds will continue to apply since it has helped to foster positive interactions among students.

Department of Geography

The Department of Geography accepts students who demonstrate through application documents that they have capabilities and motivations like the following.

  1. They understand the contents of subjects studied in high school, including Japanese language, foreign language, geography, history, civics, mathematics, and science, at a level required for graduation from high school.
  2. They have the basic knowledge and core academic skills deemed necessary for study and research after entering the University.
  3. They can think logically and clearly express their own thinking.
  4. They are deeply interested in the specialized fields of the Department of Geography, and are highly motivated to learn.

Faculty of Economics

Department of Economics

As a department of a university open to society, the Department of Economics is committed to providing the wider public with access to higher education and to creating a learning environment where motivated people of various ages can study whenever and wherever they want.

Recognizing its role as a higher education institution in a lifelong learning society, the Department accepts students who earnestly pursue learning and are motivated to use their acquired knowledge and skills to contribute to society.

The Department of Economics is looking for people with the following aptitudes.

  1. Knowledge, understanding, skills [AP I]
    (1) They have textbook-level knowledge of the main courses and subjects studied in high school.
    (2) They can express their own ideas in writing, in Japanese, that others can readily understand.
  2. Thinking ability, judgment, communication skills [AP II]
    (1) They are able to make multifaceted and comprehensive use of their knowledge and skills for problem-solving.
    (2) They can give a summary explanation of the thinking process involved.
  3. Interest, motivation, attitude [AP III]
    (1) They have an interest in thinking about the state of things from the standpoint of economics, and are able to translate that interest into learning and action.
    (2) Having intellectual curiosity, they have a desire to improve by further broadening and deepening the basic academic ability they have gained up to the time of entering university.
    (3) By acquiring core academic skills centering on economics but covering a wide range of fields such as policy, law, history, science, thought, literature, and language, they wish to tie these other areas to specialized knowledge in economics and expand their own world.
    (4) They wish to learn logical thinking.
    (5) They have the energy for designing their own learning by organically linking their field of study to sports, cultural activities, volunteer activities, acquisition of qualifications, and other actions, in and out of the university, in Japan and abroad.
    (6) They have a strong sense of ethics.
    (7) They are motivated for lifelong learning.

Based on application documents (and interviews, if necessary), prospective students are assessed comprehensively for each of the three aptitudes mentioned above.

Department of Commerce

As a correspondence school of a university open to society, it is our mission to make higher education accessible to the wider public and create a learning environment where motivated people of various ages can study whenever and wherever they want.

Recognizing its role as a higher education institution in a lifelong learning society, it is the basic policy of the Department of Commerce to accept students who earnestly pursue learning and are motivated to use their acquired knowledge and skills to contribute to society.